20th Anniversary Issue of Soulful Living
Featuring the Wisdom of Our Alumni Authors
Launched on January 1, 2000, SoulfulLiving.com has been spreading love, healing and personal transformation around the globe for over twenty years!
Please enjoy our extra special 20th Anniversary Issue of our online magazine, which featured an assortment of articles from our alumni authors who have been writing for us over the past two decades and who gathered together to help us commemorate this momentous occasion and share their newest work and wisdom with you! Please also visit our “We Remember” page, which honors our beloved authors who we have lost over the years.
We want to thank all of our authors and thank all of YOU, our readers, for giving us the joy of creating SoulfulLiving.com for over twenty years! We are deeply grateful. Enjoy!

The Four Healing Habits
My grandmother could transform a garment with her needle and thread. “It’s my mending day,” she’d say. I found the process intriguing and her talent singular. My mother couldn’t do it, and my only contribution to the process was threading the needle, because I had “good young eyes.” This association is probably why I […]
New Year for Soulful Living
There’s a hush, a stillness that falls in the deep midwinter. It’s the time of year when many creatures hibernate, hiding themselves away to slumber through the lean times. So don’t beat yourself up if you’re not feeling the urge to be wildly sociable; if the idea of New Year parties makes you wince. […]
Ten Traits of an Empath
I am a psychiatrist and an empath. I combine my traditional scientific background with intuition, spirituality and my empath-skills in my private practice seeing patients and in my workshops on empaths. Many conventional physicians adhere to a basically linear perspective on healing, but I passionately believe that optimal healing blends mind, body and soul. […]
The Essence of Meditation
The Art & Practice of Presencing When feeling overwhelmed or simply need a break, Take a breath, take a breather. Just for a moment, take a deep breath or three And step off the treadmill of conditioning. Stop running, striving, hurrying and scurrying around,, Bent under the weight of habit and conditioning And […]
Time To Relax
This morning I overslept. I spent the weekend teaching a workshop on the east coast and then caught a flight home that landed at midnight. By the time I collected my luggage, got to my car and drove home it was two a.m. I didn’t mind. I still felt exhilarated from the workshop and […]
Sisterhood Throughout the Ages
When I was invited to offer a post in celebration of Soulful Living’s twentieth anniversary, I reflected on my creative journey, twenty years ago, at the beginning of the new millennium. During that time I was in the process of writing my historical novel, Ink and Honey. The story takes place in medieval France where […]
How to Take a Day Off So It Really Counts
Recently, a friend complained to me. “I was going to play hooky yesterday and instead, I just wasted the day doing nothing. It wasn’t very satisfying.” My friend, who is self-employed, did indeed stay home and rest. In my mind, at least, he appeared to have taken the day off. So what was I […]
The Secure Attachment We Always Needed
Secure attachment happens when we receive consistent fulfillment of what I call the five As, our earliest needs: attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, allowing. We can look at how they were or were not fulfilled in our childhood. We respond in detail, with at least one example, to each of the following elements of the […]
When the Past is Over And the Future Hasn’t Shown Up Yet
The Waiting Space – When the Past is Over And the Future Hasn’t Shown Up Yet The waiting space. That space between an end and a beginning. That space and time when we are no longer where we were, yet we are not yet in a new place. When the past is over and […]
Musings on 24 Years of a Not So Big Life Year End Review
When you make the time and the space for what you long to do, the world around you will shift in all sorts of apparently miraculous ways to support the realization of those longings. — Sarah Susanka, The Not So Big Life Almost twenty years ago, I wrote an article for Soulfulliving.com about the […]
Nighttime Dreams and Soul-Centered Living
The overall subject of our dreams is, ultimately, the inner process of individuation. Most dreams, in one way or another, are portrayals of our individual journeys toward wholeness. They show us the stages along the way—the adventures, obstacles, conflicts, and reconciliations that lead finally to a sense of the self. –Robert Johnson Imagine walking […]
Spiritual Clutter Clearing
The real problem with clutter is not just that it stagnates the energy in your home and makes you feel stuck in corresponding aspects of your life. Or that it can make you feel ashamed, makes you more likely to put on weight, more prone to procrastination, and can be a major cause of […]
Containing Everything Necessary
So you may not know me well, but I can tell for sure that I am nothing if not resilient. In spite of having lost my mother in 2017, along with four other notable family members that year alone, and within another year, was thrust into a new mode of being the patient! Yes, […]
Extraordinary Times
Happy New Year all! It is hard to believe it is 2020. As I started re-writing and creating my online writing courses, archetypes burst back into my consciousness. Years ago, I studied Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell’s work in depth. So when I created a publishing company over twenty years ago I called it […]
Love, Loss and Hope
The period between Thanksgiving, 1997, and the first two weeks of January 1998, carries bittersweet memories for me. It was during that time that my former partner, Judi, transitioned from this life. Ours was a special story. It was a story of synchronicity, of a life changing and affirming relationship, of learning, healing, personal […]
The Hand of God Within
At age 35, I came down with a mysterious and debilitating illness and was bed-ridden for many weeks. Doctor’s had been unable to correctly diagnosis or cure my condition. In fact the antibiotics that had been prescribed were making matters worse. I kept getting side effects and sent to specialists for treatment of other […]
Snake Awakening
It’s early evening, already well past dark in Alaska, only a few nights before the winter solstice. I huddle beneath the down comforter on my bed. Although the bedroom door is closed, a thin beam of golden light slips inward from the hallway. I hear my husband and daughter laugh as they arrange holiday […]
Divine Discontent and The Dark Night of The Soul
As I reflect on the past 20 years, I’m humbled and honored to be part of this Anniversary Edition of Soulful Living. I went back to read my first article published in 2000, and everything in that article still stands today and even more so! You can read the article here. We’ve all heard […]
Earth: Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power
“We are spinning, spinning Out of control The rain dances cease and the drought comes The devas of storm Bring flood And we curse. Cut off from Divine Mother We are spinning, spinning Out of control.” – Native American Guide There is an awakening now taking place on Planet Earth. An evolutionary current sweeping […]
Living Soulfully with Three Chakra Goddesses
Visitors to this website know that our physical body is not all we are. Around us is the invisible body that is our connection to the cosmos. It’s our higher life force. This invisible body is sometimes called the Light Body or the Subtle Body and is powered by seven energy centers that we […]
One World, One Religion
What is the difference between Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and New Age philosophy? Many regular readers of Soulfulliving.com are likely to be well versed in New Age thoughts and techniques, yet may have at least a cultural background in one of the main religious traditions. Some might say that it is a bit […]
The Start of Something New
Happy 2oth Anniversary, Soulful Living community! What an honor it is to be back online and writing for you. In the years of my absence from writing for this website, my life and learning have continued to grow and expand. I completed my Ph.D. in Depth Psychology, moved to a new town, and returned […]
Be the Present
There is a beautiful scene in the movie, “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” that comes to mind this Holiday season with its deeply meaningful message. The scene is a profound reminder that in order to truly experience the beauty and richness of the moments of our life, we need to be fully present in […]
Beauty and Style in the Home
Everyone lives somewhere, and within the span of an incarnation may have any number of different living spaces, owned or not. The following excerpt, from my new book “Beauty Wanted,” offers a comprehensive take on this topic through the lens of personal experience. That said, the overall theme of this book is the special […]
The Importance of Ancestors…
The Importance of Ancestors in Our Lives Today I am delighted to share an excerpt from my latest book, High Beings of Hawaii: Encounters with Mystical Ancestors, published in 2019. When most of us think of ancestors, we think of blood ancestors who have lived in the past and from whom we have received […]
Is Your Relationship Healthy?
Years ago, the definition of a healthy relationship was that the couple got along, didn’t fight too much, and spent a lot of time with each other. Whether or not they had an emotional connection and intimacy, or a fulfilling sex life wasn’t part of the definition. I often ask my clients how their […]
New Year/New Decade: Rituals to Get You On Track
2020 holds the possibility of creating a new way of being. It is time to make clear choices that bring stability and peace. 2020 is not a time to patch the boat, it is the time to become the architect of your life. In order to do this, you must have: Connection – finding […]
Everything is Aw-ful
It is delightful to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Soulfulliving.com. I was thrilled when Valerie asked me to be part of it. It is good to see anything thrive beyond five years. The dedication, the hard work, the time, the heartache, the jubilation, the satisfaction of making something is a thing to applaud. Producing […]
12 Steps: The Musical!
Twenty years ago when I was still a year away from publishing my first book, Spiritual Housecleaning: Healing the Space Within by Beautifying the Space Around You (New Harbinger Publications, 2001), which I wrote about here at SoulfulLiving.com, I was also imagining a musical that showed the compassionate tension, transformational pathos, and gallows hilarity […]
Opening to Love Every Day
Ask yourself…did you ever receive any meaningful training or preparation for enjoyable, effective dating or for what it takes to create a healthy, truly loving and vital marriage? The fact is, most people have to say a big “No”! So what happens? Dating feels like a phony trial by fire. And marriage…well… take a […]
Liberating Your Ultimate Potential
What’s your potential? Before we get to that, here’s what it’s not. Potential is not your purpose. Purpose is simply something you like to do. A lot. If you do it a lot, you’ll limit a lot of other really wonderful things you could be doing. If anything, choosing a single purpose and confining […]
Five Tips to Get You Unstuck…
Five Tips to Get You Unstuck, Unblocked, Newly Focused, and Taking Positive Risks in Order to Create Your Soulful Life You are a creative person. After all, you run a business, or work a career, and have one precious life. You have the ability to make positive changes in order to re-create your life […]
7 Ways to Embrace Self Esteem
“We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.” —Roderick Thorp It has been said that if you treat yourself well, the world will treat you even better. Here are some ways to embrace self-esteem and self-love. 1. […]