Affiliate Disclosure and Disclaimer

Affiliate Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement
This is’s Affiliate Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement and is intended to provide you with information about’s participation in various affiliate programs. uses affiliate programs to help support and monetize our website, which means that when you click on banners and links to various merchant sites that we feature on our pages and make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to our website. Some affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to,, ShareASale, LinkShare, SoundsTrue, MindValley, Conscious Dating Network, and more. assumes no liability for products purchased outside of
Third-Party and Sponsor Ads
Text ads that appear on some pages of are sponsor ads by Google AdSense. does not personally endorse the products and services advertised in these ads. Google generates these ads based on the topic of the page on which they are placed in order to provide you with information related to what you might be looking for. The companies that sponsor the ads are not affiliated with The only affiliation present is the one between and Google. In other words, commissions are generated from Google for displaying these ads. Banners on are a combination of sponsor and affiliate ads. does not endorse paid sponsor ads. If you have questions about any affiliations on, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to clarify or provide additional details if necessary. assumes no liability for the content of third-party websites or sponsor ads or for products purchased from third-party websites or sponsor ads. Please make sure you read the terms and conditions of any third-party websites or sponsor ads.

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