Time To Relax

Time To Relax

20th Anniversary Issue   This morning I overslept. I spent the weekend teaching a workshop on the east coast and then caught a flight home that landed at midnight. By the time I collected my luggage, got to my car and drove home it was two a.m. I didn’t mind. I still felt exhilarated from the workshop and the happy, joyful response, which emanated from the people who attended. Their love carried me home on such a vibrational high I didn’t feel tired at all. That is until the alarm clock went off at seven a.m. this morning and a wave of exhaustion swept over me as I reached over and pushed the snooze button. I immediately fell back into a deep sleep for another ten minutes when the alarm went off again. Struggling to wake up I forced myself to open my eyes, stood up, and found my way to the shower. The deep satisfaction I had felt the day before still lingered, but my body was having none of it. It was tired and not ready to dive into another day’s work quite yet. Ignoring my body’s needs, my mind pushed forward and thus began a head versus body struggle that lasted all day. I had made commitments that I wanted to keep and yet physically I was running on empty. I pushed through to four p.m. then found my way home where I could no longer put out any more effort, good intentions or not. I fell deeply asleep until now 9 p.m. I realized as I pulled out of the heavy fog of such deep...
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