“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

The Circle: How The Power Of A Single Wish Can Change Your Life
by Laura Day
I’d like to invite you to make one single wish, the one change you want more than anything else in the world. You can make others after this one comes true. Your wish can be anything, “realistic” or not, as long as it is the one thing that you hunger for when you wake up and go to sleep yearning. Perhaps that wish is for that thing that you envy in others. Make your wish and write it down before you read the rest of this article. Keep this wish in your heart as you read on. We will work more on it later. You are going to use your own inner resources in The Circle to grant yourself this wish.
How many times have you started diets over the holidays or greeted the first of the year with an overwhelming exercise program and a list of New Years resolutions. Huge, seismic, self imposed (mostly punishing) changes rarely work. They overwhelm too many different parts of us. These solutions deny the hunger and need, the insecurities and experiences that created the problem in the first place. Read More…
Making Your Dreams Come True
by Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.
Gregg Brown, a training consultant in Vancouver, British Columbia, is living in the dream condominium overlooking the Pacific Ocean that he once thought was out of his price range. More than a year ago, Gregg saw a listing for a beautiful condo on Beach Avenue. He cut out the ad and looked at it every day for a month, and eventually forgot about it. In July of this year, he bought a condo in this same building on Beach Ave. “As I was packing,” says, Gregg, “I found the condo listing that I’d been looking at a year before. Guess what? Without realizing it, I ended up buying the exact same apartment that I had visualized a year before! The owners had taken it off the market a year before, because it hadn’t sold. They reduced the price and had just put it back the market when we were apartment hunting. For a year, every time I’d walk along the beach, I’d look up at the building and say to myself, ‘I’m going to live there.’”
This is how life works when you do your inner work. What is inner work, you ask? It’s asking for what you want with a deep and true desire and staying open to seeing opportunities when they arise. Inner work is creating a space within for what you want to manifest. It’s choosing to feel good and choosing to look for good everywhere in your life. When you imagine good things coming to you, and you eliminate doubt and negativity in thoughts and conversation, you literally open the channel for your dreams to come true. Read More…
Go For Your Dreams
by Marcia Wieder
This year, why not go for your dreams? Do you dream of doing less and having more? Would you like to be more successful and less stressed out? How about being healthier or in better shape? Do you want more quality time with friends and family? A new job, more passion, more money, greater ease? How about more fun? These are all great dreams and probably have far more chance of happening than your resolutions.
Why don’t resolutions work or typically last very long? Consider this. Your dreams and desires have more power than your doubts and dislikes, so it’s easier to move towards what you want, then it is to get rid of or move away from what you don’t want. Getting a healthier more vibrant body will be easier than losing weight. Building a successful business is more exciting than getting rid of debt.
By reading this article and taking a little time to dream, you can reconnect to your passion and to what really matters to you. Read More…
Starting at the Source
by Jennifer Baltz
Two thousand years ago, a very wise man once said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven within, and all shall be given to you.” And another very wise human more recently pointed out that the operative word here is “first.”
We often tend to think that we are in this alone…that we must create our dreams on our own. And it’s easy to assume that we are creating with limited resources and support. We forget who we are, as part of a greater Whole.
When our dreams and goals don’t happen in the way we expect, we often think that either we are not worthy enough, or not capable enough…or that there is just not enough to go around.
But the truth is that none of these things are true. We get stuck in our creations because we don’t fully understand how the creative process works—it has nothing to do with not deserving or lack of resources. We’re just still learning.
What we create starts from within—it always will and always has. Read More…
Effortless Creating
by Jennifer Louden
For most of my life, I created what I wanted from an “I’ll show them” stance. At some point in my early life, I decided I wasn’t smart enough to accomplish what I wanted using talent and brains, so I would rely on my will instead. All I needed was one person to challenge me, to doubt me, and I was off. When I conceived of my first book, The Woman’s Comfort Book, and a friend said, “You’ll never get that published,” I had the fuel I needed to get published, albeit with teeth gritted, jaw clenched. When the same friend said, “Well, that’s nice but you’ll never sell more than 20,000 copies,” I sold hundreds of thousands. When a guy I went to high school with retorted, “You’re a writer? But you never could spell,” I became even more determined to be a successful writer (but not to learn to spell).
But as my spiritual journey deepened, and I reached middle age, my desire and ability to create on sheer will disappeared. When I no longer believed my master assessment, “I’m not smart enough,” the challenge to prove myself became meaningless. I was left feeling flat and lost, without another way to create my list of projects and desires. How would I move forward? Read More…
Making Our Dreams Come True Is Living A Truthful Life
by KD Farris, PhD
If the future is found in the present moment, it is in our hopes and dreams. It’s in the goals we set for ourselves, the things we desire to do and be, and the mysteries unraveling from our dream state, our meditations, and those intuitive feelings within that we sense should not be ignored.
With the new year here and an atmosphere of resolution in the air, I thought we could explore this rich aspect of ourselves that we call our future and get a clearer view of how where we want to go, and what we want to do and be, can shape the present moment of our lives.
Most of us are focused on getting ahead from a survivor’s viewpoint, rather than from wonder and vision. It is why so many of us are in a miserable state while trying to get ahead. Simple restructuring of thought and conception can account for huge differences in our day-to-day experience. Raising our awareness of our hopes, our dreams, and our goals, is all the daily work needed to align our reality with that which we envision. Read More…
Faith: The Foundation for Every Dream
by Laura V. Grace
In what do you place your faith? In your work? In another? In your own heart? A Course in Miracles teaches us that faith is an aspect of consciousness. Therefore, we either have faith in fear or in love. As I write this, four people come to mind who are presently following their hearts and taking leaps of faith as never before. These are people that I have come to know through my healing work, people who are placing their faith not in the shadowy illusion of fear, but in the unlimited power of Love. And most importantly, their faith is making their greatest dreams come true….
The first person, “Kristen,” is a woman who went through a painful divorce a few years ago. Willing to let go of an unhappy marriage, Kristen knew that she had to become financially independent and assume full responsibility for herself and her son. Doing so brought forth many questions: “Was she competent enough to manage the enormous responsibility of taking care of her son and her newly created business? Could she achieve balance in her life?” Being faced with many unknowns, Kristen felt compelled to move forward, taking one small step at a time. How? By keeping one eye focused on her dreams, and the other eye centered on the present moment. Read More…
Birds of Summer: Making a Wish Come True
by Sunny Schlenger
What does it take to move us in the direction of our daydreams and fantasies? Often, all we need is the realization that we can step out of our box. And it’s quite an eye-opening experience when it occurs: “You mean I could have been having all this fun starting years ago?”
So how do we begin box-hunting? How do we realize that we are capable of bringing more of the things we love into our lives? The first thing to do is to try to catch yourself when you hear words coming out of your mouth such as, “I wish”, or “Wouldn’t it be nice,” Ask yourself, “What steps do I need to take to make that happen?” And if you hear yourself giving reason why you “couldn’t” do that, make a list of your obstacles and tackle them one at a time. Read More…
Living Your Joy
by Suzanne Falter-Barns
How to Be Appropriately Pushy. One of the things that’s often hard to know is how and when to be pushy appropriately. In these hardscrabble times, perfectly polite people don’t stand much of a chance of getting what they want if they spend all their time worrying about other people’s feelings. However, not enough can be said for making yourself known out there in a decent and unobnoxious manner. The key is to use your intuition and your brain, both at the same time, and pray for a little luck.
When Lazaro Hernandez was a fashion student at Parson’s School of Design in New York, he had a chance encounter in an airport that for a fashion-guy-in-training was akin to seeing God. Lazaro spotted Anna Wintour, the redoubtable editor in chief of Vogue Magazine, getting on his airplane. “You should go talk to her,” his mother urged. “Maybe she can help you with your career.” Lazaro wasn’t so sure he had the nerve to approach, but one hour into the flight, he could stand it no longer.
Lazaro wrote a humble note on an airsick bag, which explained that he was a fashion student who would soon be looking for an internship. He noted that she probably got requests like this all the time, but wondered if perhaps someone had given her a chance at the beginning of her career. He also wrote that he knew she had the power to help him. Then, trembling, he approached. Read More…
Making Your Romantic Dreams Come True
by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway
Forget about searching for the one who might be The One. First, clean up stuff you no longer need, get your life in order, and simultaneously, get ready for love. Here are just a few of my pearls of wisdom on the topic, culled from more than 25 years of work on the front line of the Relationship Revolution and many more than that out and about on Love’s Battlefield.
Take responsibility and do your part. In soul mate relationships, people find an end to the sense of separation because it truly is like being reunited with self. Your soul mate will help heal you but can’t be responsible for fixing you. Even if he or she wants to, don’t let ‘em! Even soul mate couples with great relationships have issues to heal -– individually and with one another’s help — but it is so important that the process of releasing old beliefs, healing broken hearts and letting go of baggage from relationships past is well underway before we tango with new love. If healing has not begun and progressed — through therapy, grief work, spiritual practice and any other form of transformational work – we risk being needy and over anxious, and jumping into the wrong relationship. Read More…