Musings on 24 Years of a Not So Big Life Year End Review

Musings on 24 Years of a Not So Big Life Year End Review

20th Anniversary Issue   When you make the time and the space for what you long to do, the world around you will shift in all sorts of apparently miraculous ways to support the realization of those longings. — Sarah Susanka, The Not So Big Life Almost twenty years ago, I wrote an article for about the creation of sacred space and the feeling of home. Ever since that time, I have shared that article on my website to help explain the origins and impetus for writing the nine books in the Not So Big series. At root is the understanding that home is not only a building we live in but also our way of living. Until we begin to look at the content of our lives as a sort of spiritual food, we cannot truly grow beyond the patterns of behavior that keep us stuck and frustrated. (You’ll find a link to a TEDx talk called Life’s Invisible Feast in my bio, which explains what I mean, for those who are interested.)  It’s this process of looking at all of life with the eyes of a student that provides the impetus for this post, and for a process that I call “The Year End Review.” If you have read The Not So Big Life, you’ll know the influence that Normandi Ellis, author of Awakening Osiris and Dreams of Isis, has had upon my life. Twenty-four years ago, Normandi introduced me to the Year End Review process. I wrote about the transformative nature of first meeting her, and then the exercise, in Chapter 11 of The Not So Big Life....
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