– Personal and Spiritual Growth, Self-Help and Inspiration

Soulful Living - Celebrating 25 Years of Spiritual Growth, Self-Help, and Self Improvement

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New Year Intention Setting—An Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions
New Year Intention Setting—An Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions New Year Intention Setting—An Alternative to...
Mantras: How to Use this Ancient Tool to Attract Positive Energy into Your Life Mantras: How to Use this Ancient...
Which Style of Yoga is Right for Me? Which Style of Yoga is Right...
From Panic to Postures: Why Yoga is the Perfect Antidote to Stress From Panic to Postures: Why Yoga...
Viewing Life through the Lens of Waking Dreaming Viewing Life through the Lens of...


Live a fuller life, joyfully, with love.

Valerie RickelWelcome to Soulful Living!

I’m so pleased that your soulful journey has brought you here! My name is Valerie Rickel, and I’m the founder, creator and soul of, an inspirational website devoted to personal growth, spiritual development, self help, and self improvement.

In September 1999, I was grieving the loss of my father and had been searching the internet for comfort and healing, but there were very few resources available online at the time. I felt a deep knowing in my heart that I was being “called” to create a website that would offer healing and inspiration to people around the globe.

So, I set about pouring my love and grief into this purposeful life project, and at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2000, I launched in memory of my father and in honor of our new millennium. Creating is my soulful life purpose, and it has been one of the most meaningful, joyous, and wondrous experiences of my lifetime. I know, without a doubt, that sharing my passion and love for living a soulful life is why I was put here on this earth.

I hope you’ll make yourself at home while you explore our website’s many pages and resources. Sit back, pour a cup of tea, and be inspired… There’s so much to see and experience! You’ll find a collection of thousands of archived articles from our best-selling authors and experts who have contributed their wisdom to over the past 25 years.

25th Anniversary

In 2025, we celebrate our 25-Year Anniversary online and will gather together our alumni authors from over the past twenty five years for an exciting reunion to commemorate the momentous occasion with an extra special 25th Anniversary Issue of Soulful Living – Coming this spring!

I’m so happy you’re here. Enjoy!

With love and gratitude.



Valerie Rickel
Founder and Soul

Meet Valerie here and be sure to say hello!

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Dream It Begin It - Soulful Business Startup Coaching Program

Dream It. Begin It.

Join Valerie Rickel, the founder and soul of, for her Soulful Coaching Program, “Dream It. Begin It.” The program offers the unique opportunity to work one-on-one with Valerie, for a deep-dive into your heart and soul and put passion, purpose, and action together to manifest your soulful purpose into the world!

Articles to inspire the Soul

Creating Life Change

Creating Life Changes by Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. Despite the fact that we cannot help but change, we seem to have a constant yearning for things to be different in our life. My guess is that this focus on changing something in our life is a corollary of other ideas invisibly current in Western culture. For […]

Living Your Dreams

The Circle: How The Power Of A Single Wish Can Change Your Life by Laura Day I’d like to invite you to make one single wish, the one change you want more than anything else in the world. You can make others after this one comes true. Your wish can be anything, “realistic” or not, […]


You Are Not Your Mind by Eckhart Tolle The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some super-human accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being. It is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, […]

Letting Go

Let Go or Get Dragged by Lama Surya Das A friend of mine named Eva, who manages a Buddhist retreat center in the mountains of Switzerland, has a yellow sticky hanging above her mouse pad as a reminder. It says: “Let go or get dragged.” That about sums it up for me. I have been […]

Your Authentic Self

Authenticity by Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. As children we have no trouble being authentic. Remember when you woke up in the summer happy with anticipation for the day? Remember the joy you took in having your friends sleep over? Remember your parents’ mixed reaction when you blurted out some delightful, albeit disconcerting, blunt truth? Growing up, […]

Moving Forward

Moving On…To What You Want by Suzanne Zoglio, Ph.D. Whether life hands you a bucket of stuff that you’re anxious to get rid of, or you find yourself sitting on life’s sidelines but longing for something more, the dilemma is the same. How do we get the push we need to move on? It’s that […]


Losing Yourself in the Divine: Creativity as a Spiritual Practice by Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D., A.T.R. When you create you lose yourself in your creation. Time seems to stand still and all else is forgotten. You participate in the divine play that is creativity. These moments offer a glimpse of who you really are: a being […]

Abundance and Prosperity

The Tao of Abundance by Laurence G. Boldt Abundance has been defined in a variety of ways, by different people at different times and in different cultures. Today, we typically measure abundance in terms of the money and objects we possess. We think that those who possess the most are the most free and powerful […]

Getting Clear

Smudging by Jane Alexander Smudging is wonderful. Truly. Try it and you’ll become a convert, I’m almost willing to bet. I love it because it’s the simplest yet most incredibly effective form of space clearing available. It takes just five minutes to learn the basics and you’re off. Obviously the more you do it, the […]

Soul Retreat Gift Pack

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See What Our Soulful Living Community Is Saying. . .

“Dear Valerie, Thank you so very much for the newsletters that I receive daily.  Some of the emails have healed me in so many ways. Many of them I have forwarded to family and friends and know they enjoy reading them. Thank you, Valerie. It takes one person to make a difference, and everyone should try – and you have!” Sue E.

“Just a quick note to say I enjoy your site and thanks for the special gifts.” Tracy

“I start every day with SoulfulLiving!.. The gifts….and the awesome articles… Peace and Love to You.” Brenda S.

“I am so excited for what may come each day in Soulful Living. I love it and read everyday. Thank you for the wonderful gifts that are like a little tool box for those of us that are seekers. Blessings for your work. You are loved and appreciated.” Lufa

“Valerie, thank you so much for these beautiful gifts. I am hoping that these will help me rediscover my joy for life. You really gave me a perfect gift today. Have a blessed, beautiful day.” Traci

“I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your website. There are so many email subscriptions I’ve signed up for that I never open but I love opening yours and they’re always a gift to me. Thank you! Thank you!” Sue S.

More Soulful Things to Explore

Soulful Singles at

Soulful Match Singles has joined up with the Conscious Dating Network, the world’s largest online dating service exclusively for spiritually conscious singles, with thousands of members from all over the world who value a healthy, conscious, and holistic lifestyle.  Join free today and find that special someone with similar passions and values!



Inspirational Poster Gallery

Inspiration Gallery

Be inspired by the soulful quotations and beautiful imagery of the memes in our Inspiration Gallery. Let our inspirational images soothe and comfort your heart and soul! We’ve made it easy for you to spread the love and share with your friends, too! Enjoy!
Dream It. Begin It. Soulful Business Startup Coaching Program

Dream It. Begin It.

Join Valerie Rickel, the founder and soul of, for her Soulful Business Startup Mentoring Program, “Dream It. Begin It.” This program offers a unique opportunity to work with Valerie, one-on-one, for a deep-dive into your heart and soul and put passion, purpose, and action together to manifest your soulful purpose into the world! Learn more! in the Press... in the Press

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Soulful Living - Celebrating 25 Years of Spiritual Growth, Self-Help, and Self Improvement
Letting Go
New Year Intention Setting—An Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions
Mantras: How to Use this Ancient Tool to Attract Positive Energy into Your Life
Which Style of Yoga is Right for Me?
From Panic to Postures: Why Yoga is the Perfect Antidote to Stress
Viewing Life through the Lens of Waking Dreaming
The Illuminating Realm of Spiritual Dreams
Seven Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga Today
The Mouse in the Church
Dreaming of Eros: God of PASSION
Seven Steps to Total Dream Recall
7 Ways to Embrace Self Esteem
Liberating Your Ultimate Potential
Opening to Love Every Day
Ten Traits of an Empath
Divine Discontent and The Dark Night of The Soul
Living Soulfully with Three Chakra Goddesses
Snake Awakening
Five Tips to Get You Unstuck…
The Secure Attachment We Always Needed
New Year for Soulful Living
The Essence of Meditation
Time To Relax
The Hand of God Within
Musings on 24 Years of a Not So Big Life Year End Review
Extraordinary Times
The Start of Something New
Containing Everything Necessary
Spiritual Clutter Clearing
Earth: Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power
Is Your Relationship Healthy?
Beauty and Style in the Home
New Year/New Decade: Rituals to Get You On Track
The Four Healing Habits
One World, One Religion
12 Steps: The Musical!
What is Space Clearing?
When the Past is Over And the Future Hasn’t Shown Up Yet
Love, Loss and Hope
The Importance of Ancestors…
Sisterhood Throughout the Ages
Everything is Aw-ful
How to Take a Day Off So It Really Counts
Nighttime Dreams and Soul-Centered Living
Be the Present
Living in the White Space
The Courage to Change
Your Unique Brilliance
Living Your Truth
Easter Basket
Be Cheery
More Articles Coming Soon!
Living Your Dreams
Your Authentic Self
Abundance and Prosperity
Creating Life Change
Getting Clear
Moving Forward
Letting Go
New Year Intention Setting—An Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions
Creating Life Change
Getting Clear
Moving Forward
Letting Go
New Year Intention Setting—An Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions
Mantras: How to Use this Ancient Tool to Attract Positive Energy into Your Life
Which Style of Yoga is Right for Me?
From Panic to Postures: Why Yoga is the Perfect Antidote to Stress
Viewing Life through the Lens of Waking Dreaming
The Illuminating Realm of Spiritual Dreams
Seven Reasons to Start Practicing Yoga Today
The Mouse in the Church
Dreaming of Eros: God of PASSION
Seven Steps to Total Dream Recall
7 Ways to Embrace Self Esteem
Liberating Your Ultimate Potential
Opening to Love Every Day
Ten Traits of an Empath
Divine Discontent and The Dark Night of The Soul
Living Soulfully with Three Chakra Goddesses
Snake Awakening
Five Tips to Get You Unstuck…
The Secure Attachment We Always Needed
New Year for Soulful Living
The Essence of Meditation
Time To Relax
The Hand of God Within
Musings on 24 Years of a Not So Big Life Year End Review
Extraordinary Times
The Start of Something New
Containing Everything Necessary
Spiritual Clutter Clearing
Earth: Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power
Is Your Relationship Healthy?
Beauty and Style in the Home
New Year/New Decade: Rituals to Get You On Track
The Four Healing Habits
One World, One Religion
12 Steps: The Musical!
What is Space Clearing?
When the Past is Over And the Future Hasn’t Shown Up Yet
Love, Loss and Hope
The Importance of Ancestors…
Sisterhood Throughout the Ages
Everything is Aw-ful
How to Take a Day Off So It Really Counts
Nighttime Dreams and Soul-Centered Living
Be the Present
Living in the White Space
The Courage to Change
Your Unique Brilliance
Living Your Truth
Easter Basket
Be Cheery
More Articles Coming Soon!
Living Your Dreams
Your Authentic Self
Abundance and Prosperity
Creating Life Change
Getting Clear
Moving Forward
Letting Go
New Year Intention Setting—An Alternative to New Year’s Resolutions
Mantras: How to Use this Ancient Tool to Attract Positive Energy into Your Life
Which Style of Yoga is Right for Me?
From Panic to Postures: Why Yoga is the Perfect Antidote to Stress
Viewing Life through the Lens of Waking Dreaming
Valerie Rickel
25th Anniversary
Dream It Begin It - Soulful Business Startup Coaching Program
Creating Life Change
Living Your Dreams
Letting Go
Your Authentic Self
Moving Forward
Abundance and Prosperity
Getting Clear
Join Thousands of Inspired Subscribers!
Soulful Singles at
Inspirational Poster Gallery
Dream It. Begin It. Soulful Business Startup Coaching Program in the Press
Meet Your Spiritually Conscious, Mindful, Yoga, Soulful Partner Here