An Unexpected Gift from the Sea
I was living a few blocks from the ocean last summer when I was gifted with an unexpected surprise from the sea – a starfish! It had apparently gotten swept up into my garden, during a severe wind and rain storm. (Or, so I thought at the time… I would later learn that a young girl had lovingly placed it there.)
When I found this precious creature, it was dried up and deceased, but nonetheless, a lovely gift for me.
Those who know me well know that I enjoy living life with a child’s wonder and find immense joy in discovering symbolism and deep meaning in everyday life. I seek out such symbolism. I believe deeply that we are all connected in our vast and miraculous Universe. I absolutely live for synchronicity and signs of the miraculousness of it all.
I researched the symbolism and significance of starfish and was delighted to discover that they represent spiritual truths, guidance, vigilance, inspiration, intuition, and brilliance. I couldn’t have received a more meaningful and treasured gift, if I’d wished upon a star!
I like to think of my website,, as my inspiration, my light, my unique brilliance. So, this gift was very special to me. I felt like I had received a “gold star” from the Universe.
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” –Martha Graham
We all have a “Unique Brilliance” — special gifts unique to us alone. Are you living yours? Are you shining your light? Offering your Unique Brilliance to the world? What can you begin today — to begin living and sharing your brilliance, your spiritual truths, your inspiration, your light, your unique gifts, and miraculous expression with the world? Whatever it is, begin it today!
© Copyright Valerie Rickel.