“I cannot do without something which is greater than I, which is my life–the power to create.” –Vincent Van Gogh

Losing Yourself in the Divine: Creativity as a Spiritual Practice
by Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D., A.T.R.
When you create you lose yourself in your creation. Time seems to stand still and all else is forgotten. You participate in the divine play that is creativity. These moments offer a glimpse of who you really are: a being fashioned in the image and likeness of God. Like the source of all creation, you are a creator, too. It is your divine birthright. The person who says “I’m not creative” is uttering blasphemy. The truth is that you are the Creative Self expressing through the human vessel of your body, emotions, mind, and soul. Creativity flows through you as a universal life force, called by many names throughout the ages: chi, prana, shakti, the Holy Spirit. It is this energy of love flowing through you that also gives life to your creations. Read More…

Accessing Inner Wisdom through Creative Expression
by Aviva Gold, MFA., CSW, ATR-BC, REAT
Visual prayers are born from holy intention and devotional awareness in varied forms of expression as imaginative and diverse as the situations that call them forth. The remarkable women who find themselves compelled to consciously create altars, spirit dolls, collages, hand- made books and journals, quilts, and wearable art, do not refer to themselves as artists. Most of them have always felt intimidated by the idea of making art. However, women who are moving into the later years of life often are infused with newfound courage. The old internal voices that have been negating desires to be daring and spontaneous are suddenly growing faint. A strong clear voice emerges to encourage and guide with assurance. This is the voice of the creative spirit. Read More…
Connecting with your Creative Soul
by Ami McKay
Many of us have lives filled with deadlines and daily routines. Tapping into our creative energies is often the last thing on our minds. Perhaps you think that you don’t have a creative side, perhaps your wild sense of imagination left with your childhood, perhaps you don’t even realize what’s truly within you just waiting to be set free.
Why choose a creative path? Fostering your sense of creativity can give you feelings of freedom, delight and passion. It can help you see your life in a new light and help you to tackle situations that you thought were hopeless. When you express yourself through creative action you find gifts such as: happiness, self worth, healing, and inner joy. Read More…

Visual Prayers
by Dana Reynolds
Visual prayers are born from holy intention and devotional awareness in varied forms of expression as imaginative and diverse as the situations that call them forth. The remarkable women who find themselves compelled to consciously create altars, spirit dolls, collages, hand- made books and journals, quilts, and wearable art, do not refer to themselves as artists. Most of them have always felt intimidated by the idea of making art. However, women who are moving into the later years of life often are infused with newfound courage. The old internal voices that have been negating desires to be daring and spontaneous are suddenly growing faint. A strong clear voice emerges to encourage and guide with assurance. This is the voice of the creative spirit. Read More…
Letting Go
by LuAnn Pierce, MSW, LMSW
Let’s take a journey today, to the center of your soul. We will be visiting your physical, emotional and intellectual natures, as well. On the journey, you will need an openness and willingness to explore your inner being, and to suspend judgment of your work and journey. You will need to bring music: a new piece or one that you seldom hear. The other items you will need for the journey are your choice of art supplies, either paints, pastels, pens, pencils or brushes, and paper or canvas. When you are packed, join us for departure.
Let’s begin by getting still and being present…in the moment. Sit quietly as you become aware of your breathing and the sound of your heartbeat. Breathe deeply from your belly. Read More…