I’ve always had a great passion for flow and synchronicity. Those who know me well know that I find immense joy in discovering symbolism and deep meaning in everyday life. I seek out such symbolism. I deeply believe that we are all connected in our vast and miraculous Universe. There’s nothing that brings a larger smile to my face than discovering a sign or message from the Universe meant just for me!
I believe that there are always messages and gifts waiting to be discovered — “everyday miracles,” if you will, if we just keep our eyes open for them. I’ve always lived my life this way, allowing myself to be guided by the greater flow of the Universe.
I’ve been blessed to be the recipient of quite a number of meaningful gifts of synchronicity during my lifetime, and the majority of these gifts have circled around friends, license plates, nature, and numbers, leading to some extraordinary coincidences that couldn’t possibly be explained in any other manner than to attribute them to the miraculousness of it All! I’m a strong believer that the Universe is always communicating with us, if we just have the eyes to see…
Here’s a story of “license plate synchronicity” from quite a number of years ago when I was living in Los Angeles. It was Thanksgiving time, and I was feeling quite sorrowful. I had lost both of my parents in recent years. And, on that particular Thanksgiving, while I was very grateful to be invited to spend the day at my brother-in-law’s family gathering, it was becoming more and more clear to me that my Thanksgivings, and all holidays, would never again be the same as they had once been when my parents were alive.
I was visiting a local shopping center the night before Thanksgiving to purchase a special box of chocolates for the hostess of the holiday gathering, and, as I walked from the shopping mall, through the parking lot to my car, I phoned one of my very best friends, Cheryl. I told her I was feeling down and needed some cheering up. Cheryl has always had a way of making me laugh. There have been times when we have laughed so hard together that we haven’t been able to stop…despite the pain!! (Near pee-in-your-pants laughter!) Good times! Cheryl is a very upbeat, easygoing, happy person and I knew she was exactly the person I needed to talk with that evening.
So, as we were speaking, and she was doing her best to cheer me up, I spotted a license plate off in the distance of the parking lot, close to where my car was parked, that I was certain had her name, “CHERYL,” on it. I exclaimed to Cheryl, “I’m walking up to a car with your name on the license plate!” We were both very excited, and as I continued on, getting closer to the car, I could see the letters of her name slowly revealed more and more, until, on my final approach, I discovered that the license plate did not say, “CHERYL,” it said, “BCHERY” (BE CHEERY)!!
Elated and in awe, I followed its advice — I smiled with joy, and Cheryl and I laughed and laughed, and I gave thanks to both her and the Universe that Thanksgiving for the wonderful gift that arrived at exactly the moment I needed it most. ♥
Do you have a story of “license plate synchronicity” to share? If so, I’d love to hear about it!
© Copyright Valerie Rickel.