Sisterhood Throughout the Ages

Sisterhood Throughout the Ages

20th Anniversary Issue   When I was invited to offer a post in celebration of Soulful Living’s twentieth anniversary, I reflected on my creative journey, twenty years ago, at the beginning of the new millennium. During that time I was in the process of writing my historical novel, Ink and Honey. The story takes place in medieval France where the Sisters of Belle Coeur, a spiritual community of women, band together to survive the challenges of their day. As an independent sisterhood of mystics, visionaries, herbalists and midwives they are women who live by their wits and their prayers. Following the release of my novel, I was inspired to write an accompanying spiritual guidebook, The Way of Belle Coeur: A Woman’s Vade Mecum and in 2013, in response to a desire from readers of Ink and Honey, I founded a contemplative spiritual community, Belle Coeur Sisterhood. We are a global circle of women connected through our prayers, sacred practices, and creative forms of expression. Additionally, Belle Coeur Spiritual Formation, an independent six-month study and mentored program, provides personal spiritual and creative enrichment for women. In preparation to offer my post for this special anniversary issue, I contemplated the changing times in my novel and the challenges facing women and men today. There are parallels between the Dark Age of long ago and the uncertainties of contemporary life. However, there are also threads that connect ancient wisdom to our present day, in uplifting and soulful ways. With this thought in mind and heart, my offering is my “Author’s Message” found at the conclusion of Ink and Honey. I pray you will...
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