Abundance and Prosperity
“What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us.” –Julia Cameron The Tao of Abundance by Laurence G. Boldt Abundance has been defined in a variety of ways, by different people at different times and in different cultures. Today, we typically measure abundance in terms of the money and objects we possess. We think that those who possess the most are the most free and powerful individuals and that they therefore enjoy the most abundant lifestyle. Yet for Plato, Aristotle, and the Roman Stoic philosophers, the most free and powerful individuals were those who could be happy with the fewest things. While our culture values those who earn and hoard the most, among certain tribes in New Guinea, the most valued members of society were those who gave away the most. In the end, we could say that abundance is the feeling of enough and to spare. Well all right, but how much is enough? Does a man with a “net worth” in the millions, whose mood fluctuates with the stock market, and who feels himself to be lacking relative to his country club companions, experience abundance? What about a “primitive” in the rainforests of the Amazon who, with the simplest of technologies and a leaky temporary hut for a shelter, feels himself blessed by the bounty of the forest? Clearly, having no quantifiable frame of reference, abundance is a state of mind, or...
Getting Clear
“Out of Clutter, Find Simplicity. From Discord, Find Harmony. In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity.” –Albert Einstein Smudging by Jane Alexander Smudging is wonderful. Truly. Try it and you’ll become a convert, I’m almost willing to bet. I love it because it’s the simplest yet most incredibly effective form of space clearing available. It takes just five minutes to learn the basics and you’re off. Obviously the more you do it, the more sophisticated you become, but it really is entry-level metaphysics, esoteric practice condensed into a few fool-proof actions. Most importantly it really works. If you’re not familiar with it, smudging is the common name given to the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing, a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition. Smudging calls on the spirits of sacred plants to drive away negative energies and put you back into a state of balance. It is the psychic equivalent of washing your hands before eating – and used as an essential preliminary to almost all Native American ceremonies. Read More From Chaos to Comfort: Unclutter Your Home, Your Head and Your Heart by Harriet Schechter It wasn’t always clutter. Once upon a time (maybe just last year?) it seemed like good stuff. It may have been fun to dream about, shop for, or receive as a gift. It may have been delightful to use, lovely to look at, or both. But that was then. Now it’s all just…too…much. Clutter is like guests that become pests: overstaying their welcome, taking up room in your life while contributing nothing but complications and chaos. But the objects clogging your home aren’t...