The Illuminating Realm of Spiritual Dreams

The Illuminating Realm of Spiritual Dreams

Spiritual dreams create the greatest transformative impact out of all the dreams you will ever have. They stand out and are rarely forgotten. Imbued with distinct characteristics, they leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul.

Viewing Life through the Lens of Waking Dreaming

Viewing Life through the Lens of Waking Dreaming

What if you viewed your current waking life through the lens of a “waking dream?” Your nighttime dreams and daytime experiences are completely interconnected. They appear to exist at opposite ends of the continuum which is why we tend to discount or ignore them. H.F. Hedge once wrote, “Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power, which if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare.” However, your waking life also holds infinite opportunity for seeing beyond what cannot be seen.

Dreaming of Eros: God of PASSION

Dreaming of Eros: God of PASSION

When Eros appears all our senses are aroused. We are filled with the same aliveness that we feel in the beginning of an intimate relationship; colors appear brighter, aromas smell intoxicating, and every-day oozes with the nectar of life. In dreamtime, Eros gives us vital life force energy. In our relationships, Eros provides the embers which feed our connection. Without it, we feel barren, disconnected, and wondering, Where did the passion go? I’ve counseled numerous couples who still love one another but are deeply missing the beginning arc of passion that brought them together. Sometimes this leads to projecting our inner Eros onto a human being which leads to problems. “If we mistake a human lover for our Inner Lover,” writes Stephen Aizenstat, “we can experience even…

Seven Steps to Total Dream Recall

Seven Steps to Total Dream Recall

Hello Dreamers! I am honored to support you on your path of evolving consciousness and invite you to use your dreams as a significant tool for awakening. You may be thinking, “I’d love to understand my dreams but have a hard time recalling them.” If this is true, then please read the article I have penned for most people who follow my seven steps to total recall have great success. Even remembering a tiny “snippet” is a great beginning and your recall will only expand from there.  Dreams come to us and we remember them when we are ready to get it…the fact they’re coming to us means we’re ready. Robert Johnson Are you able to remember your dreams? If so, how many dreams do you recall? Many factors affect dream recall including medication, stress, alcohol, food, illness, how many hours you sleep, how deeply you sleep and, of course, fear of recall. You might wonder: Why on earth would I be afraid to remember my dreams? There are many reasons including feeling uncomfortable or afraid about things we don’t understand or wish to face within ourselves. Also, we tend to invalidate the unknown. I have witnessed this many times while being interviewed about dreams on radio or TV. Inevitably, one person will challenge: “What research shows that dreams mean anything at all!?” Responding to such a question is impossible; it’s akin to the old saying: “The atheist can’t find God for the same reason that a thief can’t find a policeman.” Dreams are meant to help you, not harm you, and that includes the disturbing poisonous diamondback rattlesnake trying to bite...
Nighttime Dreams and Soul-Centered Living

Nighttime Dreams and Soul-Centered Living

20th Anniversary Issue   The overall subject of our dreams is, ultimately, the inner process of individuation. Most dreams, in one way or another, are portrayals of our individual journeys toward wholeness. They show us the stages along the way—the adventures, obstacles, conflicts, and reconciliations that lead finally to a sense of the self.  –Robert Johnson Imagine walking into a dark theater. Hundreds of empty seats await an audience to sit in before a shadowy stage. The director shouts, “Lights, cameras, action!” and you are mesmerized as the actors take their places and the storyline begins to unfold. As you watch, you feel yourself both watching the movie and being in the movie. The plot twists and turns as you connect with the actors and every dream character is playing a unique role. Feelings of excitement, judgment, bias, disdain, fear, hatred, empathy, love and compassion arise. The film captivates your every sense and the images feel alive in your body. As the movie ends and the credits roll you realize that this wasn’t just any movie, it is a story about your life. And, so it is. The writings I will share with you are based on the power of your nighttime dreams and how they can support soul-centered living in the 21st Century. You are the screen writer, director, producer, casting agent, choreographer, landscape artist and every character starring in your nightly dreams. You are also the observer who witnesses a comedy, tragedy, romance, horror film called “This Is My Life.” All of these creative gestures and more emerge from your unconscious an average of four to five...
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