Solar Eclipse and You: Embracing the Cosmic Dance of Transformation

Solar Eclipse and You: Embracing the Cosmic Dance of Transformation

As the April 8th solar eclipse approaches, we are called to witness a profound cosmic dance – a spectacle of light and shadow that urges us to confront the depths within ourselves. This eclipse is not merely a celestial event; it is a catalyst for personal metamorphosis, beckoning us to embrace change and ascend to higher realms of consciousness. Imagine yourself as an artist standing before a blank canvas. The universe presents us with this momentous opportunity to shed the layers of old ideas, projects, and relationships that no longer serve our highest good. It is a time of renewal, a chance to paint our lives anew amidst the vibrant energy of spring. Yet, amidst this transformative dance, it is natural for our inner children to feel apprehensive. Change can be unsettling, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions. Therefore, it is paramount to tend to our well-being with heightened mindfulness. Our thoughts, words, and actions hold immense power, rippling out to affect the interconnected web of existence. Let us tread gently, for our conscious awareness can shape the very fabric of the universe. •  The Dance of Relationships: Now is the moment for profound introspection, a time to unravel the stories and patterns that entangle our relationships in drama and conflict. Take solace in quiet reflection, and consider seeking guidance from therapists, spiritual mentors, or experts. Together, let us embrace new ways of relating and showing up for one another, weaving a tapestry of connection and understanding. • The Gift of Perspective: As the eclipse bestows upon us a wider perspective and newfound awareness, let us embrace the opportunity...
New Year/New Decade: Rituals to Get You On Track

New Year/New Decade: Rituals to Get You On Track

20th Anniversary Issue   2020 holds the possibility of creating a new way of being. It is time to make clear choices that bring stability and peace. 2020 is not a time to patch the boat, it is the time to become the architect of your life. In order to do this, you must have: Connection – finding your tribe is crucial at this time. You become who you hang out with, so pick your friends and community wisely. Research shows that people with friends are happier, live longer and are more creative and effective. Reach out and know that the days of dysfunctional independence are over. Reflection – going in. Nothing new can emerge while you are frantically running around. You need silence and solitude to hear your inner guidance. I often think of it as pushing a talk button to communicate with God, our higher self and the world.  We are constantly asking for information and feedback. Yet, without pushing the listen button, we miss the answers. Taking responsibility for our actions. Almost everything in our lives is a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.  Yes, there are exceptions: you cannot always control what happens to you, however you can learn to react in a positive (or at least neutral way). Life doesn’t always give us challenges that are easy, however, we can use them to develop strong spiritual muscles. While in a wheelchair, my mother was asked how she could stand to be so dependent when for most of her life she was a real athlete and independent woman. Smiling, she said, “You make your...
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