Adrienne's work and teachings have been a great
inspiration to me! In August of 1998, about four months after my
father passed away, I read about one of Carol's
workshops in a Learning Annex catalog and
synchronistically found her book on a bookshelf at the
bookstore. The themes of her teachings were
familiar and comforting, as they confirmed the thoughts
and ideas my father had shared with me shortly before
his passing. Her books and workshops ignited my
spiritual curiosity, setting me on my soulful life path,
which led to the very creation of
SoulfulLiving.com! Carol's participation has been
an integral part of SoulfulLiving.com, at its soul
level! Thank you, Carol, with all my heart!
~Valerie, Founder and Soul, SoulfulLiving.com |
Law of Attraction
It was only
The thin thread of a cloud,
Almost transparent,
Leading me along the way
Like an ancient sacred song.
Yosano Akiko*
No matter what your day is like today, be alert for
information in your emails or in your conversations that excites
you—even minutely. This excitement is your intuition
alerting you to something that might be to your advantage.
Pay Attention to What Intrigues You
A couple of months ago, I received an email from Lisa Love.
She announced that she would be hosting teleclasses and that
if people wanted to lead classes, she suggested they get
training from TeleClass International. I immediately liked the
idea of conducting a class on the telephone for a group (and
will be offering a free one soon) because it means I’ll have
the ability to work with people I might not be able to reach
by physical travel. For instance, some of you have asked me
when I was coming to do a seminar in your area in such places
as Colorado, Michigan, New England, Rome, Germany, and
Finland. Meeting on the telephone helps all of us—less
expensive for participants and less physically taxing for me.
Follow Up
Following up my interest in Lisa’s email led me to meet
Michael Losier, co-founder of TeleClass International. I took
his tele leader training and absolutely loved it. I learned
exactly what I need to know to make telephone classes
interactive, fun and content-rich. (By the way, the
synchronicity between us—besides good timing—is that we
also share the same birthday—January 22!)
After the tele leader training, I decided to take another
tele class with Michael called Law of Attraction. Michael is a
personal and business coach who teaches people—in his own
words—"How to attract what they want and stop
attracting what they don’t want." Many of you by now
are familiar with Law of Attraction—the idea that like
attracts like. Michael has developed some unique and very
powerful techniques that, if you understand and use them, will
increase your ability to attract what you want, and stop
attracting what you don’t want. I’m assuming you would
like to have perhaps a great love relationship in your life, a
wonderful career in line with your purpose, more money, more
clients, better health, a stable financial flow, and
opportunities to make a difference in the world.
Curiosity Draws You Forward
I asked Michael how he got started in his career. He says,
"In mid-1999 I was conducting tele classes on how to be a
successful trade show exhibitor. I noticed that out of about
one hundred tele leaders, all of whom were from the States, I
was the only Canadian. I was curious about who else in Canada
was doing tele classes, so one day I did a search on the
Internet. Rebecca Hanson’s email came up. She was teaching
tele classes on web design. I contacted her and our first
conversation lasted two hours. She is a web designer and I am
a seminar leader, and we just felt we were an ideal business
match. We knew right away that we wanted to work together. I
had been consulting for years in trade show exhibition and
marketing, and people had already been hiring me to teach them
how to be a tele leader, so we knew there was a growing need
in this area. Within two weeks we came up with a business
concept and a logo and formed TeleClass International. As soon
as we got clear about each step we needed to do, everything
started falling into place."
Desire and Excitement Create the Flow
I asked Michael how he and Rebecca handled the finances
involved in starting a new business, because so many people
feel they have to have a lot of money to start up a new
venture. He responds, "The funny thing is, we didn’t
need any investment money because we were working with Law of
Attraction—a philosophy which I had been practicing for
years. As soon as I met Rebecca, I shared the concepts with
her. Almost immediately, both of us could feel and see how
things were flowing in based on our enthusiasm and love of
what we were creating together.
Anything You Focus on Expands
Michael notes, "I was introduced to Law of Attraction
in 1996, and I formed a little group to study it. At that
time, none of us thought about applying it to the business
world. Simply put, Law of Attraction (LOA) states that
whatever you give your energy to, by the law of attraction
(like attracts like), you will receive more of it, whether
wanted or unwanted. For example, when Rebecca and I worried
about class registrations being low, then few people enrolled.
When we worried about not having enough income, our income was
low. When we complained about not having enough clients—guess
what—we got that, too.
"In the early part of my career," continues
Michael, "I was trained as a business coach. I taught
people how to build their business through traditional
methods, such as marketing, sending out flyers, buying
advertising, having compelling signage and so forth—all the
usual strategies which do work to a greater or lesser
degree but also inevitably take lots of time, effort, and
money. However, as I started getting results from my
understanding and use of LOA, I naturally wanted to share that
with my business clients."
In 2000 Michael stopped traditional business coaching
completely. Since then his coaching is exclusively on LOA—although
it seems he can’t help sharing practical tips and strategies
about trade show marketing, or writing good titles for
classes, or what needs to go on business cards—all free
resources for students of Tele Class International. He says,
"For years I felt I had to work covertly with Law of
Attraction because I wasn’t sure people would accept it.
Ironically, this week, I was hired to be a keynote speaker at
a Canadian government conference and they purchased 100 of my
Law of Attraction books! Imagine, the Canadian government and
Vibrations are Feelings
"Recently," Michael says, "I was a presenter
at a professional men’s drug and alcohol program. At first
the men were stuck on what I meant by feelings, but by the end
of the class they had completely gotten the message. The fact
that these men—who are normally so in their heads—really
got in touch with their feelings really excites me. In order
to understand LOA, you have to understand that your
feelings are vibrations that radiate out from you whether or
not you know it. Some people—often men—say, "I
don’t get feelings. I think about things. I don’t know
what you mean by feelings." So I asked the group, ‘When
you heard I was coming to talk about this subject today what
kind of mood did that put you in?’ A couple of people said,
‘Oh, we were excited about it. We were looking forward to
it.’ I told them, ‘Excitement is a feeling. Looking
forward to something is a positive feeling.’"
Results Match Your Mental/Emotional State of Being
Michael makes an important point. While your thoughts and
feelings are both creative forces in your life, feelings
affect your energy field to an even greater degree than what
you are thinking. On the one hand, what you think and
believe is a measure of your self-esteem, past experience,
and what you are choosing to give attention to. On the other
hand, feelings set the tone for what you receive from
the universal energy field. When you feel insufficient—i.e.,
not smart enough or physically attractive—it limits your
results accordingly. Likewise, if you don’t think something
is possible, you are not going to recognize an opportunity
when it comes.
Law of Attraction is universal and non-judgmental. A
newspaper article caught my eye the other day. An
eighty-three-year-old man was found beaten to death in a poor
area of San Francisco. The article said relatives remembered
that everyday the old man prayed to be kept safe from
wicked people (italics mine). I wondered how often and
with what intensity he prayed, and if he specifically always
included "wicked people" in his prayer. According to
Law of Attraction, we want to limit attention to what we don’t
want and ask for what we do want—such as a peaceful and
enjoyable day. This is not to say that everything in our life
is there because of a conscious motivation, or that
people create cancer because they are not positive enough. We
can’t always know the deeper spiritual lessons at work in
our life, but as we grow in spiritual understanding, we
understand that there are no accidents and something is always
being worked out for a reason.
Michael reflects, "Wayne Dyer [Manifest Your
Destiny] says that you can get what you want by thinking
positively and affirming what you want. But I challenge that.
I think we don’t always get what we want, but we do always
get what we vibrate. Results are always a perfect match for
you. The first thing to learn about how to stop getting what
we don’t want, is to focus only very briefly
on what we don’t like." Contrary to our ego’s
tendency for blame, self-criticism, and belittling others—or
"working hard" to solve problems—dwelling on
problems and blocks is completely counter-productive.
"When you work with Law of Attraction consciously,
your life is going to change in surprisingly wonderful
ways," Michael says. "I’ve noticed that when I
work on an issue with a client, I’ll get results in my own
life. For example, one time I was working with a client who’s
a coach, and he wanted to attract more clients. We spent a
half hour using LOA verbal and written techniques. When I got
off the phone with him, I had two messages waiting for me from
people who had called to hire me. The lesson here is that LOA
didn’t know I was working to help someone else
attract more clients. It just responded to the vibration of
attracting clients. That’s why things show up in your life
that your buddy just told you he was looking for."
How to Stop Creating Problems: Eliminate the Words Don’t,
Not and No
As a first step in changing your attraction frequency,
Michael suggests the following practice: Eliminate the
words don’t, not, and no from your vocabulary for three
days. "Language is powerful. Listen to yourself in
conversations. To what are you giving attention? When we use
the words don’t (‘I don’t like my job.’), not
(‘I’m not happy.’), no (‘I’m afraid no one
will show up for my presentation.’) we are actually giving
attention to what we don’t want. When you say, ‘I don’t
like negative people,’ you just gave attention to people
being negative to you. LOA is obedient. It will give you more
of what you dwell on. When you eliminate these words for three
days, you’ll find that it immediately makes you more
present. It forces you to think of what you do want. You begin
to feel and sound more decisive. Some of you may notice, for
example, that when you decrease your judgments about people,
negative colleagues don’t come by your desk as often. Maybe
your friends or family are unexpectedly easier to get along
with—so much so that you notice it."
What Do You Want?
So what do you do when you catch yourself in conversation
saying don’t, not, or no? "Simply ask yourself, ‘So
what do I want?’" says Michael. "At first
you’ll need to remember to do this, but eventually it will
become a new habit. It’s a great way to stop the cycle of
complaining from negative friends or family. Bring to mind
somebody in your life who tends to dump all their problems on
you. Next time you hear them go on and on about their
problems, simply ask them ‘So what do you want?’ As they
start to describe what they want, their words will change and
so will their vibration. You won’t feel their negativity
anymore. It’s a fact that you can’t hold two vibrations at
the same time."
Reframe Your Reality so You Can Pave the Way for a New
Michael says, "I have a friend who didn’t like
referring to himself as being unemployed. We reframed it so he
could say: ‘I’m employable.’ The words changed and so
did his vibration. He was thrilled and excited about the
possibility of being employed.
"Change doesn’t take twenty-one days. Change takes a
minute. We can take a minute to change vibrationally, and
change will take place. If you’re curious about what you are
vibrating in any area of your life, just take a look in that
area and see what you’re getting. It’s a perfect
You Make a Difference
If you want to do something to benefit the planet, begin
today to put these spiritual ideas into practice. Millions of
people have been expressing a collective desire for peace. You
can help manifest that desire by remembering to focus your
language on peace (not anti-war). How about shifting prayers
and bumper stickers to: Promote Peaceful Solutions or Increase
Peace rather than being Against The War in Iraq. Talking about
The War in Iraq is counterproductive since, at this moment of
writing, war in Iraq does not exist. Why give it a shape?
Have fun playing with these ideas. I highly recommend
Michael’s new book, Law of Attraction. This how-to
manual emphasizes all the points you need to know in order to
understand and use LOA immediately. I am including some of his
techniques in my coaching and Life Plan consultations.
Happy March, Carol Adrienne
MICHAEL LOSIER is a coach and trainer
teaching people Law of Attraction techniques for deliberately
attracting more of what they want and less of what they don’t
want in their personal and business lives. He lives in
Victoria, BC and is co-founder of TeleClass International--a
distance education company (www.TeleClassInternational.com)
His newest book, Law of Attraction, can be ordered online at www.lawofattractionbook.com,
or through your local bookstore (ISBN 0-9732240-0-2). Saturday
April 5, 2003 from 10-5 pm Michael Losier is offering a
one-day seminar called Attract Anyone and Anything You
Want; San Francisco Learning Annex (www.learningannex.com).
© Copyright 2003 Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.
(*Poem at the top quoted from River of
Stars: Selected Poems of Yosano Akiko, Translated from
the Japanese by Sam Hamill and Keiko Matsui Gibson, Shambhala,
Boston 1996, p. 51)

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.,
is an internationally-known workshop facilitator and
author whose books have been translated into over fifteen
languages. . Her latest book is When Life Changes, or You
Wish It Would. Oprah hailed, The Purpose of Your Life:
Finding Your Place in the World Using Synchronicity,
Intuition, and Uncommon Sense a must-read. She is also the
author of The Numerology Kit. An electronic copy of Your
Child’s Destiny—a numerological guide for parents is
now available at www.CarolAdrienne.comm.
Carol is available to for keynotes, workshops, and seminars
and can be reached at Carol22@sonic.net
or (510) 528-2226 weekdays 10 am to 6 pm PST.
WOMEN IN RELATIONSHIP: I am still researching the subject
of helping older single women find Mr. Right. If you are a
heterosexual woman between ages 40-70 and happily married or
dating, I would love to hear how you got that way! I have a
survey on my website at www.CarolAdrienne.com
This is only for women in a relationship which began
after age 40. I want to know your experience. How you
found him, how it’s working out, etc.! You can help other
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