Adrienne's work and teachings have been a great
inspiration to me! In August of 1998, about four months after my
father passed away, I read about one of Carol's
workshops in a Learning Annex catalog and
synchronistically found her book on a bookshelf at the
bookstore. The themes of her teachings were
familiar and comforting, as they confirmed the thoughts
and ideas my father had shared with me shortly before
his passing. Her books and workshops ignited my
spiritual curiosity, setting me on my soulful life path,
which led to the very creation of
SoulfulLiving.com! Carol's participation has been
an integral part of SoulfulLiving.com, at its soul
level! Thank you, Carol, with all my heart!
~Valerie, Founder and Soul, SoulfulLiving.com |
Good News
I love the Internet. And I know why. It’s
fast and efficient, free, global, informative and interesting
24/7. It helps me do my work, and connects me to wonderful
people all over the world. It opens doors. It creates change
and possibilities.
I have two Internet-related stories to share
with you. As February is the month of love, I hope you will
love these ideas as much as I do. To me, they show that there
is good news, and that our combined purposes, carried out with
love, commitment, and perseverance are bringing about peaceful
resolutions and needed changes.
- Intuition and Social Action.
The first is how one of the recent Internet anti-war signature
documents contains some reports that sound remarkably like the
new interpersonal ethic envisioned by James Redfield in The
Celestine Prophecy.
- Positive Focus
The second is a website that focuses only on reporting good
1. Intuition and Social Action
Think back to when you first read The
Celestine Prophecy.
Remember how the nine Insights energized
you as you read the story? The Insights unfolded before
your eyes, and you began to imagine seeing energy. You became
more aware of people’s struggle to control that energy.
You started to examine your previous
conditioning, and saw that part of your purpose is to carry
forward your parents’ unfinished dreams as you create your
own path.
You learned that it’s possible to raise
your vibratory level, which attracts a synchronistic flow of
purposeful events.
You learned that you will be called
upon to contribute your talents and strengths when the time is
right, and you will know exactly what to do. In Chapter Nine,
the priest, Father Sanchez says,
"This way of consciously relating, in
which everyone attempts to bring out the best in others rather
than to have power over them, is a posture the entire human
race will eventually adopt. Think of how everyone’s energy
level and pace of evolution will increase at that point."
The New Inter-Personal Ethic In Action
I know that many of you received the email
in late January from MoveOn.org who circulated the results of
their Internet peace petition, in addition to putting out an
anti-war television ad, "Let the Inspections Work."
Also part of their initiative was scheduling twelve local
press conferences and various meetings in Congressional
offices around the country attended by volunteers.
People Showed Up
MoveOn.org gave credit to all of those
participating for the success of the movement. In their email
of Jan 22, 2003, they said, "We didn’t expect, frankly,
to have 100,000 new members join our organization this week.
We didn’t expect to be able to deliver a petition with over
310,000 American signers…Senator Dianne Feinstein was amazed
at the segment she received that was over 8,000 pages
long." George Stephanopoulos showed the TV ad to
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and discussed the dangers
of war. The news program reached Australia, Pakistan, Russia,
and Japan, and was a front-page story in the Washington
Post. Nine thousand people signed up to participate in
meetings in Congressional districts across the country.
One participant said, "It was
fantastic! Probably the best meeting I’ve ever been at—ever.
Eighteen regular people who came together as strangers,
were in agreement with one another, speaking eloquently,
passionately, respectfully and from the heart."(Italics
are mine).
In the Prophecy, Father Sanchez
describes the new interpersonal ethic that arises as the human
race evolves:
"Guided by their intuitions, everyone
will know precisely what to do and when to do it, and this
will fit harmoniously with the actions of others…our sense
of purpose will be satisfied by the thrill of our own
evolution—by the elation of receiving intuitions and then
watching closely as our destinies unfold."
A MoveOn.org spokesperson said, "…
over thirty members of Congress signed onto a Dear Colleague
letter to the President, asking him to let the inspectors do
their jobs and abide by the UN process…In one of our most
exciting moments, a pro-war-resolution Representative took a
look at the letter, listened to our members, and then signed
on the spot. Now that’s democracy in action!"
Martha Warner who attended a meeting with
Arizona Congressman Kolbe reported, "The voices of
several veterans…a VA doctor, a pediatrician, other doctors,
nurses, retirees, teachers, grandparents, a law student, one
after another, built a strong case (for encouraging weapons
inspectors)…It was a bit uncanny. Not practiced, nor
planned, but one by one, each person integrated his/her
contributions into what had been said before. This was a very
intelligent, well-informed, professional-diverse group of
people, speaking in one voice for winning the peace, without
war." (Italics mine)
In the last Chapter of The Celestine
Prophecy, the character Julia says,
"Don’t forget the Third Insight. The
universe is energy, energy that responds to our expectations.
People are part of that energy universe too, so when we have a
question, the people show up who have the answer." As
our democratic system unfolds to another level, with the help
of the democratizing influence of the Internet, higher level
solutions begin to show up.
Carol Grant who attended the meeting with
Colorado Congressman Tancredo said, "I was so proud to be
associated with the group that showed up to Congressman
Tancredo’s office! They were an eclectic group of housewives
with children, high-powered businessmen, grandmas, artists,
executive, Ph.D.’s and each spoke with such grace and
eloquence. It was just amazing." (Italics mine)
In the Eighth Insight of The Celestine
Prophecy, the character Julia is speaking with the priest
and the never-named-character of the book and she says,
"We are having a conscious
conversation. Each person speaks when the energy moves to
Sanchez further clarifies the process by
"As the members of a group talk, only
one will have the most powerful idea at any one point in time.
If they are alert, the others in the group can feel who is
about to speak, and then they can consciously focus their
energy on this person, helping to bring out his idea with the
greatest clarity."
You Are Making a Difference
I don’t know what you think, but I was
quite struck by the resonance between
these recent events and the Insights. I have
a hunch that the emerging socially conscious group of
Americans called The Cultural Creatives by Paul H. Ray, Ph.D.
and Sherry Ruth Anderson, Ph.D. (in their book of the same
name) is probably larger than the 44 million they quoted in
2000. I think we are seeing exciting indications that each of
us is being called to our destiny and being called to stand up
when needed. More and more of us are choosing to participate
in creating the future, rather than allowing ourselves to fall
victim to unsustainable agendas.
As ongoing events are being organized in
communities across the country; you might check http://www.unitedforpeace.org.
if you feel moved to get involved.
2. Good News and Good Energy
I also wanted to call your attention this
month to: www.goodnewsbroadcast.org
for life-affirming, thought-provoking, educational and
entertaining non-violent positive good news; and to www.goodnewsplanet
for good news in foreign language/culture. Good News
Corporation is a 501 C 3 Not-For-Profit.
I interviewed founder Paul Sladkus for my
book, The Purpose of Your Life, as I was impressed how
he pursued his calling to provide an alternative to
conventional media. GoodNewsBroadcast.com has dozens of
articles and radio interviews (using RealPlayer) on a world of
subjects from current events, how to manage time, children and
parents, relationships, financial tips--you name it, it’s
there. They are hosting an event called Pause The
World 2003: PauseTheWorld.org
bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy
driving cabs and cutting hair" -- George Burns
(clicking on this quote takes you there)
Sladkus writes, "Good News Corporation
is pleased to announce that our Pause The World event is being
organized. Due to the success of last year’s event, we still
believe that together we can get the Whole World to CALM DOWN,
environment was our focus last year, with the Earth Summit
occurring in South Africa and this year our focus is to
celebrate the Year of Water, as declared by the United
Nations. We also will promote Peace Day, which has also been
declared by The United Nations on September 21st. Our proposed
Worldwide 10 hour TV and Internet LIVE Concert to be held in
New York and other cities in the world. The Concert is
scheduled for Labor Day, September 1, 2002 or what we have
termed Pause the World Day."
Paul has invited me to do a radio interview
on February 6, 2003, so I’m looking forward to that.
© Copyright 2003 Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.,
is an internationally-known workshop facilitator and author
whose books have been translated into over fifteen languages.
. Her latest book is When Life Changes, or You Wish It
Would: How to survive and thrive in uncertain times. Oprah
hailed, The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place in the
World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon Sense a
must-read. She is also the author of The Numerology Kit. An
on-line copy of Your Child’s Destiny will be
available in December.
Carol is available to for
keynotes, workshops, and seminars and can be reached at Carol22@sonic.net
or (510) 528-2226 weekdays 10 am to 6 pm PST.
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