Adrienne's work and teachings have been a great
inspiration to me! In August of 1998, about four months after my
father passed away, I read about one of Carol's
workshops in a Learning Annex catalog and
synchronistically found her book on a bookshelf at the
bookstore. The themes of her teachings were
familiar and comforting, as they confirmed the thoughts
and ideas my father had shared with me shortly before
his passing. Her books and workshops ignited my
spiritual curiosity, setting me on my soulful life path,
which led to the very creation of
SoulfulLiving.com! Carol's participation has been
an integral part of SoulfulLiving.com, at its soul
level! Thank you, Carol, with all my heart!
~Valerie, Founder and Soul, SoulfulLiving.com |
Happy New Year! You have just lived through 365 days in
which you were asleep for roughly 2,920 hours. If you were
lucky enough to have a job, you probably worked another 2,250
hours (or more), which left 3,590 hours or about 149 days for
opening your mail, driving, maintaining your dwelling, car,
and possessions, for exercising or grooming yourself, for
cooking and eating, talking to the neighbors, playing with the
kids, having sex, reading, worrying about your finances,
vacationing, going to school, dating, going to the movies or
watching TV.
It’s human nature to wonder what the new year will bring—especially
with the advent of the new millennium. Looking at the big
picture, in the last thousand years, the world was dominated
by the qualities of the number 1-- from 1,000 to 1999. In
numerology 1 is considered to be a masculine force, active,
progressive, and competitive. This force created technology
and exploration, as well as conflict, territorialism, and
exploitation. The next thousand years will be emphasizing the
qualities of the number 2—which is considered to be feminine
in influence—cooperative, collaborative, and
community-minded. This is especially true in 2002, which is
obviously comprised of two two’s and two zeros. For all of
us, 2002 will emphasize the need for skills in listening,
negotiating, and building collaborative relationships. Women's
issues will continue to be highlighted. There may be more
marriages, and perhaps more female births.
Adding all the numbers together in 2002 gives the total of
4—which is the number of order and practicality. This year
it may indicate belt-tightening, less risk-taking, and many
opportunities for building or rebuilding. The influence of the
number 4 could mean to us as individuals that we are thinking
cautiously about the future, keeping expenses down, and having
more concern about the basics rather than being
over-optimistic or frivolous. In general, 2002 is a year for
patience, love, cooperation, and practical organization!
Symbolically, the emphasis is also on women’s issues,
partnership, love matches, cooperation, and patience.
What would you like to attract into your life this year?
Whatever you do with your 8,760 hours, you would be wise to
use patience and be thorough. You would do well to put quality
time into your relationships, create more true balance in your
life, and be grateful for what you already have.
Using the system of numerology, let’s see what lesson or
arena of accomplishment is specifically indicated for
you in 2002. To find your Personal Year, take your month and
day of birth and add it to 2002. For example, if your birthday
is November 14,
11 + 14 + 2002 = 11 which added together again equals a 2
Personal Year.
We live in nine-year cycles which follow the natural
principles of growth. For example, a 1 year is a time for
planting seeds. A 2 is a time of germination, 3 is a year of
expression and so forth, until you reach the end of the cycle
in a 9 Personal Year. After you have calculated your Personal
Year number, read the description of your year below:
Your Personal Year for 2002
1 = NEW DIRECTIONS IN PARTNERSHIPS. You have the feeling
that there is a whole new world to explore. It’s up to you
to overcome indecision and indifference and make a choice to
now to take steps to develop your talents and dreams.
CHALLENGE: A slow economy may seem to limit your chance
to make a change. Opportunities tend to come toward Fall. Work
on building a fit body and stimulating your mind. You are very
likely to meet important new people, move or change jobs.
2 = FIND DELIGHT IN SMALL THINGS. Learn to slow down. Enjoy
each day fully, and allow yourself more time to sleep, read,
chat with friends, listen to music, bake cookies, or organize
your closets. No need for haste, great ambitions, or strife.
CHALLENGE: Low energy means you need time to rest and take
care of yourself. Leave the big questions alone, and
concentrate on being fully present in the moment each day. Be
especially conscious of making your environment peaceful,
attractive, and a cozy place for gatherings. Cultivate
friendships and watch surprising results in other areas of
your life unfold effortlessly!
3 = JOIN THE CHOIR. Don’t overlook this year to develop
outside interests or that talent that you never took seriously
before. This might be a year of sporadic good luck. You have a
lot of ideas racing through your mind, so keep lists, and keep
getting things accomplished even though you feel like goofing
off. If you want to start a business this is a good time to
express enthusiasm, to network, attract clients, and receive
unexpected help from friends. CHALLENGE: You are likely to
forget good sense and run up that credit card, so leave it at
home most of the time. Channel your energy into healthy
self-expression, and give yourself permission to play and
experiment. Spend a lot of time imagining the perfect life or
taking dancing lessons.
4 = BUILD YOUR BASE. You are somehow always in sync with
the general tempo of the times. This year requires a good
strong sense of perseverance, practicality, and a commitment
to achieve at least one goal this year. Don’t worry. You
will have your necessities covered! CHALLENGE: You get cranky
and bored when things aren’t changing fast enough. Relax. Be
prudent with time and money. Review every aspect of your life
and take care of anything that is outstanding or requiring
your attention. Be rigorous, cautious, and a good manager.
5 = FIND NEW INTERESTS. At this point in the nine-year
cycle, you need to make some adjustments to your life. You
know where you are feeling the pinch. Need to take a trip to
develop new contacts or just see the world? Need a new resume?
Want to try consulting instead of the nine-to-five routine?
Branch out and experiment because you need to bring some new
elements into your life. CHALLENGE: You may start a lot of
things that don’t pan out. That’s okay, but don’t run
away from responsibility just because it’s the easy way out.
Physical temptations abound.
6 = COMMIT AND GIVE SERVICE. Other people are the focus all
year as you are in demand. You may want to marry or divorce.
Your children, friends, or parents may require extra patience.
Suddenly you realize that you really are a grown-up! You
should have a fairly secure financial year with lots of
opportunities for heart-felt interactions. CHALLENGE: you may
tend to overdo work or meetings. Feeling tired creates
resentment or a desire to blame somebody for circumstances.
Anxiety may plague your days even though nothing really bad
ever comes to pass. Do what is required with as much good
cheer as you can.
7 = TIME OUT! REST AND REFLECT. You’ve been working hard
for seven years now, and it’s time to review where you are
in life. If you have been busy helping others, you need some
time for solitude and refreshment. Take things at a slower
pace, find whatever it is that nourishes YOU, and get more of
that into your life. Simplifying will take care of a lot of
issues without your having to justify and defend. CHALLENGE:
If you have been focused on achievements and worldly issues,
you may suddenly feel lonely. If you feel bypassed by the
world of high-rollers, take heart. Next year is a time for
more worldly accomplishments. Spiritual interests increase.
8 = TAKE YOUR POWER BACK. Somewhere in life you have let
others run things for you or make decisions. Now it’s time
to quietly enter the world and let people know what you think.
You have great resources now to solve whatever problems come
up. You are no longer a beginner, so acknowledge your skills
and knowledge base. Ask for what you want. Be fair but don’t
take no for an answer. Review your finances and do whatever it
takes to pay off debt, save money, increase your investments,
and resolve power struggles. CHALLENGE: You can’t blame
anyone anymore.
9 = EXPAND, COMPLETE, AND INTEGRATE. Congratulations. You’ve
completed your assignment (whatever you think it was!). What
do you think you’ve learned in the past nine years? Are you
happy with how you do your work? How you handle your
relationships? What would you have done differently? What is
on the horizon for you now? What do you need to add to your
life for balance? CHALLENGE: You may have to let someone or
something go. Strong emotions or regrets may sweep through
this year, but the rule of the nine is that life always
replaces whatever you lose with something even better. Get
ready for your 1 Personal Year next year.
Happy New Year to all you 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s,
6’s, 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s. The great entertaining puzzle
of life would not be complete without you and your zany ways.
Notice to readers: I am looking for personal
anecdotes about:
- Health and Life Purpose
. Have you experienced improved
health related to aligning with your life purpose or spiritual
development? Please email me at cadrienne@spiralpath.com:
Subject: Health and Life Purpose.
- Finding A Good Man
: Are you a single woman between
forty and sixty-five looking for the right partner? I will
send you a questionnaire if you email me at cadrienne@spiralpath.com.
Subject: A Good Man.

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D., is an
internationally-known workshop facilitator and author whose
books have been translated into over fifteen languages. Her
books include The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place
in the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon
Sense; Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life, and The
Numerology Kit. She also co-authored with James Redfield, The
Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide and The Tenth
Insight: Holding the Vision--An Experiential Guide.
Author Carol Adrienne has
been an intuitive counselor since 1976. Visit her website at www.spiralpath.com
or call (510) 527-2213 for
- Personal consultations
- Coaching
- Numerology Life Charts describing your destiny
Here to Learn More About Carol Adrienne
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