Adrienne's work and teachings have been a great
inspiration to me! In August of 1998, about four months after my
father passed away, I read about one of Carol's
workshops in a Learning Annex catalog and
synchronistically found her book on a bookshelf at the
bookstore. The themes of her teachings were
familiar and comforting, as they confirmed the thoughts
and ideas my father had shared with me shortly before
his passing. Her books and workshops ignited my
spiritual curiosity, setting me on my soulful life path,
which led to the very creation of
SoulfulLiving.com! Carol's participation has been
an integral part of SoulfulLiving.com, at its soul
level! Thank you, Carol, with all my heart!
~Valerie, Founder and Soul, SoulfulLiving.com |
Understanding Synchronicities
People often ask, "How do I know what a synchronicity
means? Mysterious coincidences seem to be important, but we
don’t always have a clear sense of what they mean.
The spiritual point of view teaches that synchronicities
are universal forces at work on our behalf. Sometimes these
symbols or occurrences point us in a new direction. Sometimes
they present an unexpected opportunity, answer a question,
give us needed information or resolve a problem. Sometimes
they are a comforting confirmation that we are on the right
path. The unexpected, specific, and "perfect"
quality of a synchronicity is often so remarkable that we are
lifted out of our everyday perceptions and attitudes and
forced to acknowledge the miraculous network within which we
are supported and guided. This happened to me several times in
my recent visit to Japan.
A few months ago I was invited to give private
consultations and seminars in Tokyo. This trip came about very
synchronistically. Mr. Hisaaki Naruo, one of the Japanese
readers of my book, The Purpose of Your Life, emailed
me to say hello. Out of that seemingly casual conversation
came a whole new development for me—and for him. Mr. Naruo,
while working by day in the financial world, has started
following intuitive guidance and is developing his passion for
bringing spiritual information to people. He was instrumental
in paving the way for my trip. We met for the first time in
Tokyo, and among other possible projects, we will collaborate
on a Japanese version of this column each month.
Synchronicities are Personally Meaningful
While in Japan, I noticed several synchronicities which
seem to confirm that there is strong positive energy for me
there. For example, one day while my friend, Robert, and I
were negotiating our way through the excellent subway system,
we saw a large poster advertising a new hotel—The Celestine
Hotel, which opened July 7, 2002 (very auspicious numbers, by
the way). I insisted on visiting it just for the fun of seeing
it. No synchronicity happened at the site of the hotel itself;
however, the mere name resonated with me for obvious reasons.
On another day, I twice heard Pachabel’s Canon in two widely
separated subway stations (there isn’t a central music
system as far as I know). This music has personal
significance, and further reinforced that a good connection
was happening in Tokyo. I also began to see the number 22
repeatedly. Twenty-two is my favorite number and a sure sign
of significance for me. For example, the last four digits of
my phone number are 2226 and I saw this exact number two or
three times on different digital clocks or train numbers.
During a lunch break at my seminar, one participant pointed
out a license plate with 2222 on it, without knowing that I
have a "thing" about 22. Synchronicities help bring
your attention into the moment. So often we go unconscious
during the day!
Synchronicities Help Us Follow the Flow
In addition to Hisaaki Naruo, I met some of the other
Japanese people with whom I have been corresponding. Masako
Saito had emailed me several times with orders for my
numerology Life Chart for her friends. She translates them for
her friends into Japanese, and now has decided to offer this
service to non-English-speaking people in Japan. Following her
passion and intuition, Masako-san now has a new business!
I was also fortunate to meet Mr. And Mrs. Yamakawa, who are
very well-known in the Japanese spiritual community. They
translate metaphysical books such as The Celestine Prophecy
guidebooks and are currently working on the new God and the
Evolving Universe by Michael Murphy and James Redfield. Coincidentally,
this last week, the Yamakawas were here in California leading
a tour to Mt. Shasta in Northern California. Beside
translating books and publishing a daily newsletter, this very
amazing couple also facilitates seminars and tours. They are
colleagues of my good friend Penney Peirce, author of The
Intuitive Way, as she has been doing seminars and
clairvoyant readings in Japan for years.
For the second time in two weeks, I had dinner with the
Yamakawas; they brought along Misao Takahara, the woman who
organized the tour for them to Mt. Shasta. Like Hisaaki Naruo
and Masako Saito, Misao Takahara is following "the path
with the most energy," guided by her intuition. After
spending much time up in the Mt. Shasta area, she says, "
I received ‘a sign’ from St. Germain [see description
below] that I should do a tour to Mt. Shasta with Mr. and Mrs.
Yamakawa. This was on 2/22/2002."
Misao-san had written to me while I was in Japan to inquire
about the meaning of the number 22, but I did not receive the
note until I returned home. At that time I informed her that
22 indicates that one is working on a "mission" or
in the network of other committed people—some of whom may
even be helping from the spiritual realm. St Germain, whom
Misao-san mentions above, is the legendary Ascended Master
associated with Mt. Shasta. In 1930, Saint Germain appeared in
Panther Meadow to an engineer by the name of Guy W. Ballard
who was hiking on the side of the mountain. (I wrote about
this meadow in the September 2000 column.) His remarkable
experiences are recorded in the books, Unveiled Mysteries
and The Magic Presence, written under the pen name of
Godfre Ray, first published in 1934. It’s fascinating lore.
Misao-san continues in her email, "The license plates
on my brand-new car which I drove to Mt. Shasta include number
222. When I randomly opened a book given to me by Mrs.
Yamakawa, I read that St.Germain is Mr.Yamakwa's spiritual
guide. He said that St. Germain encouraged him to start a book
reading group for men and the day it began was 2/22. The
number of people who gathered for the meeting was 22.
Furthermore, I noticed that the time Mr. Yamakwa sent me an
email accepting my invitation to be the tour leader was
2:22:22. The number of participants in our tour turned out to
be 22. The birthday of the first person to register for the
tour is February, 22."
I have often heard other people talk about the number 22,
which leads me to believe that perhaps one of the spiritual
brotherhoods (discussed by such Theosophists as Alice Bailey
in the early 1900’s) resonates to the number 22—The Master
Builder. I encourage any readers who relate to this number to
let me know your experiences.
There Are No Accidents
Before writing this column on synchronicity, I emailed my
old friend Steve Cooper, the Chicago band leader who is an
unfailing sources of coincidental happenings—to see what he
had experienced lately. Steve just responded: "After I
got your email, I was going to tell you that I haven’t been
keeping track of synchronicities lately as they just kind of
come and go. Something told me to wait one day. Within 24
hours, I had a bunch of new ones!" Steve, as some of you
may remember from other columns, has had amazing
synchronicities, particularly around his life-long interest in
the music of the legendary band leader and television star
Lawrence Welk. Steve writes, "I attended a local Lawrence
Welk concert with some friends from out of town. I had bought
tickets for two friends and we sat together. I had three other
friends coming also. They ordered their tickets a month before
I ordered mine. The 1000-seat theater was almost filled. I
looked all over the lobby and the theater, and couldn't find
them. Five minutes before the concert, there were three empty
seats next to me. Then, here comes my friends! Their reserved
seats were right next to mine. Out of 1000 seats, I couldn't
believe it." There are no accidents, and it’s no
accident that you sit next to certain people, even at a big
anonymous gathering. Most of the time we don’t take the time
to chat with strangers sitting next to us at a meeting or
Synchronicities Answer Questions
Steve continues: "I had a job playing at a BIG high
society party -- one of those $500 a ticket parties to raise
money for charity. At the end of the night, they usually give
away gift bags to all the guests. This time, there were dozens
of bags left over at the end of the evening. They gave me one
(they usually never give one to the band). As I was driving
home, I realized the next day was Sweetest Day and I hadn't
even got a card for my wife. So, I stopped at an all night
drugstore and bought two cute cards. My wife was sleeping when
I got home, so I signed the cards and left them on the kitchen
counter so she'd see them when she made breakfast. I decided
to check out the items from the gift bag. In it was a small
bottle of perfume, a gift certificate for a free facial
massage and a jewelry gift certificate. I thought "Wow,
what perfect timing."
© Copyright 2002 Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D., is an internationally-known workshop
facilitator and author whose books have been translated into
over fifteen languages. Oprah hailed, The Purpose of Your
Life: Finding Your Place in the World Using Synchronicity,
Intuition, and Uncommon Sense a must-read. Her new book is
When Life Changes, or You Wish It Would: How to survive and
thrive in uncertain times. My website has a new domain
name: www.CarolAdrienne.com.
My email address has changed to carol22@sonic.net.
Author Carol Adrienne has
been an intuitive counselor since 1976. Visit her website at
or call (510) 527-2213 for:
- Information on private consultations and life coaching.
- Ordering your personal 28-page Numerology Life Chart—delivered
by email.
- A free thumbnail sketch of your Day of Birth
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