Adrienne's work and teachings have been a great
inspiration to me! In August of 1998, about four months after my
father passed away, I read about one of Carol's
workshops in a Learning Annex catalog and
synchronistically found her book on a bookshelf at the
bookstore. The themes of her teachings were
familiar and comforting, as they confirmed the thoughts
and ideas my father had shared with me shortly before
his passing. Her books and workshops ignited my
spiritual curiosity, setting me on my soulful life path,
which led to the very creation of
SoulfulLiving.com! Carol's participation has been
an integral part of SoulfulLiving.com, at its soul
level! Thank you, Carol, with all my heart!
~Valerie, Founder and Soul, SoulfulLiving.com |
Synchronicity in Action
Last month Steve Cooper, our band leader friend from
Chicago, related stories of how he picks up information from
license plates that seem to answer questions he is currently
holding in his mind. Just as I was preparing to write this
column, Steve emailed to report more "breaking"
synchronicities that show how our intention does produce
Setting an Intention
"James Redfield was recently appearing for a book
signing sponsored by Transitions Bookstore in Chicago. As I
walked to the Learning Center where the event was happening, I
made a mental note that I would like to meet James one-on-one
so I could share with him that my stories were on the Celestine
Journal website in February. As I was walking through the
shopping center, I had an overwhelming thought to go to the
mens room even though I really didn't need to use the
facilities. I turned away to walk toward the Learning Center,
but something pulled me back and I went to the bathroom in the
shopping center anyway. As I opened the door, who was on the
other side of the door but James Redfield! I got to tell him
about the website and ask him some questions.
"I then walked to the Learning Center. As I approached
the door, a shuttle car with James Redfield pulled up, and for
the second time in five minutes, I opened the door again for
him. I thought - what a coincidence.
The Person Sitting Next To You is There for a Reason
"After his lecture, James asked everybody to, ‘Talk
to the person next to you - maybe you'll notice a
synchronicity.’ I looked at the guy next to me and noticed
some music paper in his hand. I told him the song he was
holding was a wonderful jazz tune that most people would not
be familiar with. He said it was for his wife. It turns out
that his wife is the #1 jazz singer in Chicago, someone I have
great respect for and someone I always wanted to meet. He's
the head of her recording company. I had just made a new CD
with my band, and he was able to answer some technical and
legal questions for me.
I had also asked James a question about the Harmonic
Convergence in 1987 (when my life changed dramatically for the
better), and the gentleman sitting next to me had all the
answers I was looking for. We became good friends right away.
He asked me if I have ever heard of a certain author or
speaker. I turned white when he said that! I told him – ‘Not
only have I heard of him - I just happen to have a cassette
tape of him in my shirt pocket!’ I pulled it out and showed
him. I had taped an Art Bell [radio talk show host] show a
week before, and put it in my pocket to listen in my car! He
couldn't believe it. Then I told him about a book I was
writing (about music) and he knew a perfect publisher for me
and gave me the address. I guess James was right - the person
next to me had some synchronicities for me!
In the Flow We Give and Receive Information Effortlessly
"After the book signing, I walked back to the
bookstore. I thought I'd get a hot chocolate. I was walking to
the refreshment counter, and walked by a table with three
people engrossed in a conversation. I heard them mention the
‘guy at the lecture who asked about the Harmonic
Convergence.’ I went up to them and said – ‘Hey, that
was me,’ and they invited me to sit down. I did and found
them fascinating. We were all on the same wavelength. I was
able to answer their questions about various things they were
talking about (all related to topics on the new age and human
potential movement). then....someone mentioned the name
of another researcher and author and wanted to know about him.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out another
cassette tape I had brought along from a different Art Bell
show. I said ‘You won't believe this, but I have a 90-minute
tape of the very person you were asking about.’ The funny
thing is, neither of the two people I was able to surprise
with a tape ever listens to Art Bell! Then they started
talking about several different books. It turns out I had
recently read every book and was able to tell them a summary
of the books.
"I drove home and told my wife about all the
coincidences and synchronicities. We were talking a lot, and
then I told her I had one more thing to say to her - it was
about the article of me on the Celestine website. She said,
‘Wait, I want to tell you about a coincidence I had.’ I
cut her off and said ‘I just wanted to tell you I guess I
had my '15 Minutes Of Fame'. She gasped, and said ‘That's
what I wanted to tell you about.’ Her coincidence was that
there was a reference question at the library that day (she's
a reference librarian) about the ‘15 Minutes Of Fame’
quote, and then when she got home there was a trivia question
on the news about the ‘15 minutes.’ She thought that was
a great coincidence, but when I cut her off and said it first,
I guess it became a triple coincidence.
Stay Relaxed and Open
"There were lots of other small things that day, but I
didn't write them down. I did have a feeling of ‘lightness’
all evening. James said that happens when you're ‘in the
flow.’ I really was. I wish I knew how to turn it on and
off, but I'm glad it happens and that I have learned to notice
Another reader of this Journal site, Rachel, wrote
about similar feelings that came over her one time when she
was browsing the new age section of a Barnes & Noble
bookstore. She says, "I felt I was specifically looking
for something in particular but didn't know what. I just knew
that it would come to me when I found it. Sure enough my eye
landed on a bright blue book. It was the compilation of all
twelve of Alice Baileys’ books on discipleship in the new
age that she wrote under the guidance of the Adept, Djwhal
Khul. I read the book over and over, but couldn't find any
more like it. About a year and a half later I was on vacation
and at a bookstore. For some reason I just thought of the book
and looked for it, and the exact same feeling came over me. I
knew it was there, and it was almost as if my eye just caught
the binding. After months and months of crossed mail and
returns, I gave up hope on finding any more of the books until
I forgot about it and then one day I got a package from Lucis
Publishing in London. I never really thought about all of this
until I read The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth
Insight and saw your website. If you know of any links to
the books, my address is rzavarella@yahoo.com;
I'd really appreciate any additional information. As
fascinating as they are to read, it's difficult to take in the
information without having feedback from other people."
(Since many of our readers are very involved with metaphysical
studies, I thought I would include Rachel’s request for more
contact with Alice Bailey fans or her books.)
Clues to Our Life Purpose Appear Each Day
We follow our life purpose whenever we respond to
interesting information and take our curiosity one step
further. We don’t know where all this might lead us—and
the end result is no more important than the journey—but the
Universe is furnishing clues to lead us into fruitful new
areas. What have you been following lately?

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D., is an
internationally-known workshop facilitator and author whose
books have been translated into over fifteen languages. Her
books include The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place
in the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon
Sense; Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life, and The
Numerology Kit. She also co-authored with James Redfield, The
Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide and The Tenth
Insight: Holding the Vision--An Experiential Guide.
Author Carol Adrienne has
been an intuitive counselor since 1976. Visit her website at www.spiralpath.com
or call (510) 527-2213 for
- Personal consultations
- Coaching
- Numerology Life Charts describing your destiny
Here to Learn More About Carol Adrienne
Read Carol's Past Columns
August 2001
July 2001
June 2001
May 2001
April 2001
March 2001
February 2000
January 2000
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of Carol's Book Titles: