Adrienne's work and teachings have been a great
inspiration to me! In August of 1998, about four months after my
father passed away, I read about one of Carol's
workshops in a Learning Annex catalog and
synchronistically found her book on a bookshelf at the
bookstore. The themes of her teachings were
familiar and comforting, as they confirmed the thoughts
and ideas my father had shared with me shortly before
his passing. Her books and workshops ignited my
spiritual curiosity, setting me on my soulful life path,
which led to the very creation of
SoulfulLiving.com! Carol's participation has been
an integral part of SoulfulLiving.com, at its soul
level! Thank you, Carol, with all my heart!
~Valerie, Founder and Soul, SoulfulLiving.com |
Synchronicities and Soul Groups
Do you believe in magic? Synchronistic messages or events
often feel magical. Sometimes the deep feelings of awe and
"meaningfulness" that synchronicities engender in us
makes me wonder if these events are a sign that we are in
contact with members of our soul group. Do you remember the
idea of soul groups discussed in The Celestine Prophecy
and The Tenth Insight: An Experiential Guide? These
groups--which were also referred to in early Theosophical
Society writings--are composed of souls with whom we have
shared many lifetimes and have strong connections (because we
have learned important lessons together). The anecdotes from
my friend Chicago bandleader, Steve Cooper, started me musing
in this direction recently.
I had already decided to write about this subject when I
received an intriguing email from Steve. Several years ago,
through an incredible journey of meaningful coincidences Steve
gained access to all the musical arrangements of his musical
idol and mentor—a well-known bandleader who was prominent in
the 1950’s and 60’s. Since then his connection to this man’s
work, his former band members, and their family has been
growing steadily and surprisingly. For example, through
various synchronistic events, Steve has been able to build a
remarkable collection of videos of the band’s old shows.
Steve wrote to say, "I started making copies and sending
them to the original musicians on the old shows, and now have
made friends with almost all of them. In fact, I got to meet
[several of the singers,] and they all hugged me and talked to
me for hours, even though I had never met them in person
before. One of them sang one of my favorite songs to me (she
didn't know I even liked the song). Everybody sends me letters
and holiday cards all the time. All the instrumentalists who
I've been watching since I was seven years old are now
friends. We talk on the phone regularly now. In fact, they
call me up when they want to verify dates of old shows
and songs they did. Some of them have sent me their music to
play with my band. A few of them have even been to my house!
"Last Saturday, I was watching a video of an old
Christmas show which included the families of each of the
musicians. One guy was a great clarinetist and arranger, who
has since died. I saw his kids on the show and wrote down
their names, thinking they might like to see the video since
it shows their father playing in 1959. I looked them up on the
Internet and called them the next day. It was effortless to
find them! They were absolutely thrilled to hear about my
videos, but even more thrilled to hear that I appreciate the
arranging talents of their father and that I play his music
all the time on my jobs. They didn’t think anyone cared
about that music anymore. Watching that video, I just had a very
strong feeling that the kids (especially the daughter)
would like to hear from me.
"When I talked to the daughter on the phone, she told
me that she had been twelve years old when that show aired in
1959. I told her I was also twelve at that time. I said I was
born in August and she said she was too. I told her my
birthday was August 1st and she went crazy. It turns out that
August 1st is also her birthday and that we were
both born about 1:30 a.m. So I guess we were both born at the
same moment."
Steve went on to clarify how synchronicity seems to work in
his life, "I get certain feelings which are really like a
‘knowing’--it kind of bypasses thought and it's like I
know something for sure. The night before I called [the
musician’s] daughter I was lying in bed thinking ‘In some
small way the world will change for her tomorrow.’ All of
this is funny because as I was growing up feelings weren't
expressed in my family and I wasn't sure if I had any. I used
to think the song "Feelings" was a dumb song (I
played it over 500 times in the 1970's) and now I know
feelings are not only important but probably the most
important thing. But I cannot turn [synchronicity] on or off.
It just happens, usually for about a week at a time."
I emailed Steve about the idea that maybe he and the
members of the band and their families have been
interconnected over many lifetimes. He wrote back, "You
mentioned about me connecting with a soul group. Here are some
of my license plate stories that recently happened, all
having to do with the band. For example, one day while
driving, I played a tape that I hadn't listened to in two
years. A trombone solo came on by Bob Havens (whom I also met
last year). I remembered he told me if I ever found a tape of
these old songs to send it to him. As I listened to it, I
thought ‘should I send this tape to Bob?’ Just then I saw
a license plate that said B HVNS. A week later, I was coming
out of a store thinking about Rocky Rockwell, who was with the
band and has since become a good friend of mine. I was
thinking that the one song we didn’t do on my concert
with him was "I Never Knew." Just then I saw a
license plate that said NVR KNW. I am NOT making this up! I
couldn't believe it. That night driving home from a band job,
I was thinking about seeing that plate with Rocky's song when
a car whizzed by with the plate ROCKIE. Hey, it's spelled
differently but it was close enough! Then.....exactly a
week later I was driving exactly the same route. I thought (as
a joke) what will I see tonight - another ROCKIE plate??? A
minute later a car went by with the plate NONI. Rocky's only
child is a daughter named Wynona, whom he always calls NONI.
And to top it off, she sent me an email out of the blue a few
weeks later. The license stuff ended until a few weeks later.
My wife and I were deciding whether to go to the driving range
or play 18 holes of miniature golf. Then I saw the plate PUTT
18 - you can guess where we went!!. Oh, and one more ‘almost
synchronicity,’" wrote Steve, "I've been trying to
find Cubby O'Brien (a former Mousekateer). I have a lot of
videotapes of him, and I know he'd like to see them. He was
only ten years old at the time and he had a drum feature every
week on the [band leader’s] show. Last year, I played a big
party where Bernadette Peters sang in concert. Our band set up
next to hers to play for dancing later that night. Her
orchestra is mostly from Chicago, but her conductor and
drummer were from out of town. I thought, ‘That drummer is
really good.’ I found out after they left that he was Cubby
(he looks a lot different now!). Well, the universe answered
my request, but I missed it. I'll try again!"
Alice Bailey the great Theosophist said that meeting
members of our soul group could happen anywhere—in cafes, at
social events, on the playing field, at work, on vacation—and
no matter what the circumstance, conversation would flow
easily. There would be a spark of recognition and a feeling
that both of you could discuss any topic easily. Perennial
wisdom teaches that we choose a specific purpose for our next
life before birth, and that we make contracts with members of
our soul groups to meet at certain times. We even agree
beforehand on subtle cues to help us make that fated
appointment. Could this be what we call synchronicity? Could
these message on license plates, inspirations, and insights be
part of a plan that we forgot when we were born? Are unseen
forces helping us to connect with the path that is ever
unfolding for our next stage of development?
I would very much appreciate hearing more synchronicities
from anyone who has a story to tell. Email me at cadrienne@spiralpath.com

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D., is an
internationally-known workshop facilitator and author whose
books have been translated into over fifteen languages. Her
books include The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place
in the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon
Sense; Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life, and The
Numerology Kit. She also co-authored with James Redfield, The
Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide and The Tenth
Insight: Holding the Vision--An Experiential Guide.
Author Carol Adrienne has
been an intuitive counselor since 1976. Visit her website at www.spiralpath.com
or call (510) 527-2213 for
- Personal consultations
- Coaching
- Numerology Life Charts describing your destiny
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