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Reverend Laurie Sue Brockway, The Romance Reverend

Soulful Love
December 2002

A Goddess is a Girl's Best Friend by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway
Rev. Laurie Sue's Newest Book:
"A Goddess is a Girl's Best Friend"

by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Our Soulful Love Columnist Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway shares insights from her new book, A GODDESS IS A GIRL’S BEST FRIEND, and coach’s readers on How To Be A Modern Goddess!

Who is the Goddess?

The Goddess Rocks!

Who knew there was a Goddess? Most women were not exactly raised to believe that within us is a divine power. Most of us were taught that divinity is found in men, in churches, and through clergy people. When we were growing up, we were more likely playing with Barbie Dolls than chatting about drawing inspiration from Divine Female role models who looked like us. When upset about something, broken hearted or confused, it is unlikely anyone around your house suggested that you connect with the "Goddess within."

Many of us have come to know "Goddess" as the title bestowed on 1950’s Divas of the screen or as women who embody an astounding physical beauty that most of us could never hope to emulate. Yet some of us recall our earliest experience with Goddesses in high school social studies, where we studied mythology. Even though some of the classical Greek and Roman mythology painted divine women as conniving -- and even a bit masculine -- in their approach, the tales of titan beings with super powers gave us our first glimpse of divine feminine power: The independent Artemis … The brilliant war strategist Athena … the harbinger of victory Nike … the seductive and alluring Venus. Without us even giving it much thought, they have all been integrated into our culture, and accepted as symbols of female prowess – cool women who make up their own rules!

Many modern women want to learn how to make up their own rules and confidently follow the call of their hearts. Many dream of creating lives of their own making and living them joyously, without apology. We all need role models to pave the way. And there are many awesome archetypes and mythic women that can be meaningful role models because they look like us and have traits we want to emulate – and stories that we, as women, can relate to.

There are thousands of Goddesses, from so many of the world’s cultures, known by different names and images, which represented feminine aspects of divinity and also aspects of our humanity. They’re wild and mild, powerful and soft, compassionate and passionate; they’re virgins and queens, mothers and daughters, rulers of the universe who can transform the planet, nurse a baby and love their consorts simultaneously. Their images, energy and just the mere concept of female divinity can heal us, empower us, instruct us and help us find our way on life’s rocky path. They give us permission to be all we can be.

That’s why the Female Divine is a fabulous role model for women today. She’s got powers in the world, and she is connected to all that is. She’s got attitude, she’s got sass, and she’s got presence. The Goddess rocks. She does things her way. She is source of her own power. In conjunction with the creative force in the universe that makes things happen, we are too!

Without even realizing it, many of us stumble onto our own inner Goddess during a time of crisis, great need or pain, or during moments of extraordinary passion, and full out participation in life. We find her when we call upon the great reserve of power that lies within us to get through a tough experience. We discover her when we find love and feel love, and walk around open hearted and happy. We come across her in the course of trying to make ourselves stronger, fitter, happier, and more successful in life.

We see her emerge in our dreams, in our passionate desire to make dreams real and then in the moments of perseverance and victory when we truly go for it in life!

It makes practical sense to identify our own Goddess nature and consciously strengthen it. Women who make their mark in this world share an important trait – they have learned how to access their own true power. While some women have gone about it the way men tackle the world, there are other’s who have mastered the art of tapping into the Goddess within. How do they do it? They take on challenges with a certain grit and determination … they strive toward a higher state of high self-esteem … and they consciously evolve their lives with a sense of divine entitlement, a "Goddess Consciousness" that empowers them to feel worthy, entitled and destined for success… and hence, they create magnificent lives! Halle Berry … Jennifer Lopez … Julia Roberts … Venus and Serena Williams … Oprah Winfrey … all in their own unique way, Goddesses -- all Modern Day Goddesses who each embody a different aspect of the feminine divine.

A Goddess In Human Form embodies, and consciously pursues, some of the following traits: She:

  • Is focused, dedicated, passionate and not afraid to pursue her dreams.
  • Even when she is afraid, she does it anyway and calls upon a deeper reserve of inner power to move forward with goals and dreams.
  • Knows that accomplishment without spirit is not as rewarding as a life that is successful and soulful.
  • Seeks a balance between material and spiritual accomplishments.
  • Is of service to others and understands that giving in many ways is the same as receiving, and that when we help others we are empowered and made stronger.
  • Has come to learn that power is not external, or something you seize from the outside world. It starts within.
  • Honors the men in her life, and the gifts that they bring, and desires partnership based on soulful and sacred loving.
  • Fiercely adores and protects her children, the ones she loves and the things she believes in.
  • Champions other women and honors female friendship.
  • Celebrates women’s real power, and recognizes a connection to the divine, or the creative power of our universe, even if she does not call it Goddess.
  • Is honest with herself, and those around her.
  • Most importantly, she is true to her own heart and follows the call of her soul.

We all begin our lives as divine beings, our souls brought onto this earth from no less a place than the heavens. Thus, we are divine in nature … its just that we sometimes forget. Now is time to remember. None of us can expect to connect to the true source of our power until we understand that we are truly made in the image of the divine, created in the image of a Creator who must look like us, if we look like Her! At the very least, let us entertain the idea that just as we come into this world in the image of and with the characteristics of our human parents, we are also blessed with the same from our Divine Parents.

Men have always been raised with images and pictures of divinity that have instilled confidence in them and made them feel connected to God; and have made them feel and act like Gods. And women just have not had that advantage. We have to create it, now.

Connecting to the Goddess is a direct route to the Goddess within. When we find her, we find our truest power. Women need a Goddess mirror we can hold up and look into, an image that confirms our own divinity and empowers us to be all that.

Who Is The Goddess?
By Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Many people are surprised to learn that Goddess History dates back to the earliest civilizations. It’s well documented that ancient societies worshiped feminine forms of God -- typically as mother, earth, nature, and the Holy Spirit, or as deities who personified feminine attributes.

Our ancestors saw the Divine Feminine as the source of all that is and they depended on her to sustain their very lives. Her power was expressed in the image and stories of literally thousands of Goddesses from cultures around the world. For example, just a bit more than 2000 years ago, Cleopatra actively worshipped the Goddess Isis in Egypt, and Julius Caesar erected temples to the Goddess Venus in Rome -- less than 40 years before Jesus Christ was born!

Ancient Goddesses were treated with the reverence modern religious culture now offers to Jesus, God, The Father, Allah, Krishna, and Buddha. And they were called upon for everything from ensuring fertile crops and easy childbirth to attaining wealth, health or, even, a peaceful death.

Many of the world’s cultures continue to worship, honor and pray to female deities. The Hindu, Buddhist, Tibetan, Native American, South American and African cultures are among those that always have, and continue to, commune with the Divine Feminine.

Like the Hindu Goddess of Fortune, Lakshmi, or the Chinese Goddess of Compassion, Kuan Yin, many of these Divine Females represent specific abilities and powers. Today, they are still lending a hand – or four! Clearly, contemporary women need support in modern ways: Getting that job … finding that fabulous boyfriend… Nabbing that great apartment… Tapping into their own abilities and powers … discovering the true Goddess spirit within!

The Goddess -- and Her many forms, and faces -- is accessible to modern women for divine inspiration and guidance, yet she can also be appreciated for Her archetypical meaning and the metaphor of female prowess she represents. On a global level, we desperately need the Feminine Divine to balance our world. On a very practical level, it’s time for women of today to develop "Goddess Consciousness" that will help elevate self-esteem and empower personal and professional growth.

A Goddess Is A Girl’s Best Friend: A Divine Guide To Finding Love, Success and Happiness (Perigee Books, December 2002), introduces readers to 31 awesome archetypes who can help tackle some of life’s trickier moment, challenges and dilemmas, as well as inspire women to pursue their passions and goals, and bring their dreams to life. The book shares the history, mythology and meaning of these Goddesses, and offers prayers, rituals, exercises and inspiration for inviting them into every day life. The book includes Goddesses of Self, Strength, Love and Romance, Friendship and Family Life, Work and Finance, and Play and Lightheartedness.

Meet The Goddesses featured in A Goddess Is A Girl’s Best Friend


Eve – Considered the mother of us all, she is our first link to the Divine Feminine in human form. Reclaiming Eve is the first step toward getting to know the Goddess within.


Hathor, Egyptian goddess of love, beauty and pleasure, helps you to your inner light and shows you how truly beautiful you are.

Lilith, Hebrew Goddess, said to be Adam’s first wife, was demonized in the Bible but is an empowered woman in Kabbalah and Feminine spiritually. She helps you discover your dark and wild side with.

Oya, Yoruban goddess of wind, hurricane and wild weather, helps you welcome the winds of change.

Nike, Greek goddess of Victory and herald of success, helps you claim your victories in life.


Mary, mother of Jesus, is not considered a goddess in the Catholic Faith yet has all the powers of a divine female and is the primary representation of the feminine divine for 2000 years, making her the Spiritual Mother for us all. She helps you connect to your healing power.

Sophia, goddess of wisdom in Gnostic Christianity, is also referred to in Hebrew texts and the books of Solomon. She helps you tap into, and trust, your own intuition.

Kuan Yin, Chinese goddess of healing and compassion, helps you find compassion for yourself, and others.

Green Tara, Tibetan Buddhist goddess of protection, helps you feel safe and shows you how to stay calm and centered in a crisis.

White Buffalo Calf Woman, Native American Spirit Woman, is the mystical feminine force who taught great sacraments to her people. She helps you connect with the true nature of the soul and create a more peaceful life … and world.


Venus, quintessential Roman goddess of love and beauty, shows you that self-love and appreciation is the first step to embracing your own divinity and empowering your sense of self-worth.

Oshun, Macumban Goddess of sensuality, beauty and womanhood. Helps you tap into your more sensual side and express your sensual self.

Freya, Norse goddess of sexual prowess and war, guides you on how to be a man magnate and enjoy every minute of sizzling sexual energy in your life.

Persephone, Greek goddess of springtime who was abducted by the god of the underworld, shows you how to liberate yourself from bad relationships and set forth a new path in your love life.

Gauri, Hindu goddess of love and marriage shows you how to get yourself ready for a serious relationship, and how to gently encourage your true love toward the altar.

Isis, famous Egyptian mother goddess is hailed for her healing, magic and resurrection powers. She helps you rescue troubled relationships and get them back on track.


The Great Goddess is the divine female energy of all there is. She represents life its self, death and regeneration and can help transform your relationship with your own mom by connecting with the power of your female ancestry.

Pele, the Hawaiian fire goddess who dwells in the volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii, shows you how to channel and express anger and heal hostility in a healthy way.

St. Lucy/Lucina, the cherished Catholic saint who originated as the Roman Goddess of a newborn's first light, Lucina, can help you open your spiritual eyes, see family in a new light and bring light to the shadow side of family life.

The Muses, the nine Greek deities who joyfully presided over the arts, are among the most familiar mythical woman and Goddesses. They help you Celebrate creativity and connections with sisters, and friends.

Mary Magdalene, the spiritual heroine who is closely linked as soul companion to Jesus, helps you survive the loss of a loved one.

Vesta, the Roman Goddess of the Hearth, assists you in creating a true home.


Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt, helps you pursue your career goals with passion and focus.

Brigid, Celtic Irish goddess of inspiration, poetry, birth and blacksmithing, helps you find your inspiration and creative flow.

Lakshmi, Hindu goddess of fortune, gives you a hand, or four, increasing your income, your financial potential and your ability to plan for your future.

Nemesis, Greek goddess of retribution, helps you handle office politics and troublemakers while helping you see ways you sabotage yourself.

Durga, Hindu Mother goddess of protection and war, helps you drawn your boundaries and protect yourself from negative energies.

St. Térèse, beloved Catholic Saint known as The Little Flower is a spiritual heroine for women of all faiths. She helps you get even the most menial jobs done by showing you the relevance, power and sacredness in life’s little chores.


Bast, Egyptian goddess of play, felines and females, shows you how to be playful as a pussycat.

Iris, Roman goddess of the rainbow helps you add color and zest to your life.

Butterfly Maiden, Native American spirit woman, takes you from cocoon to butterfly and helps you transform your life.

© Copyright 2002 Reverend Laurie Sue Brockway  All Rights Reserved. 


Do You See Yourself as a Goddess? Why or Why not?


Read Reverend Laurie Sue's Past Columns:

October 2002 - "How to Clear Your Love Clutter"

August 2002 - "How to Mourn a Broken Heart and Lost Love"

July 2002 - "Relationships That Nurture and Inspire Growth of the Soul

June 2002 - "Finding Peace in a Turbulent World"

May 2002 - "Sacred Sexuality For Modern Men and Women"

April 2002 - "When Someone You Love Pushes Your Buttons"

March 2002 - "When Life Has You Down, Remember You Are Loved"

February 2002 - "Plan a Valentine's Day Team Date"

January 2002 - "Do I Hear Him Knocking … From the Other Side?"

December 2001 - "How Do We Make Our Love Dreams Come True?"

November 2001 - "What is the Future of Love?"

October 2001 - "Getting to Know 'Lakshmi' the Goddess of Good Fortune"

September 2001 - "Can't Hurry Love... It Will Happen in Its Right Moment"

August 2001 - "Family Rituals Help Us Grow Into Loving Beings"

July 2001 - "Dreams Warn It’s Time To Own Your Power"

June 2001 - "A Fun Visual of Your Favorite Romance"

May 2001 - "Someday Your Mystical Soul Mate Will Come"

April 2001 - "Enjoy the Merriment and Fun of An Ancient Love Holiday"

March 2001 - "Nourish Yourself On a Date for One"

February 2001 - "Get Ready for Soulful Love"

Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway is an interfaith minister who is often called upon to teach, speak and write about women’s spirituality and The Feminine Faces of God. She is author of, A GODDESS IS A GIRL’S BEST FRIEND: A DIVINE GUIDE TO FINDING LOVE, SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS, from Perigee Books, December 2002.

For more information:
Website: www.GoddessFriends.com or to join "The Goddess List" for inspirational and informational electronic message, Email: GoddessLaxmi@aol.com


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