Letting Go
"All endings are inexorably tied
to new beginnings. That's the
nature of the journey. It continues to unfold. It builds
itself. It can't help itself from doing that. Cherish
the moments,
all of them. You have seen and felt much in life so far.
But still,
the best is yet to come."
--Melody Beattie
Letting go is perhaps one of the most difficult
challenges we face. Our egos easily and all too eagerly
attach to things, people, and outcome. Letting go of
these attachments can be painful, particularly when we
can’t see what’s ahead. Throughout the years, many
clients have shared how they have a “back-up person”
waiting in the wings just in case their current
relationship ends. The fear of the unknown (and being
alone), for some, creates feelings that are intolerable.
Having “plan B” in place may mitigate some of the
fear, but it doesn’t address the real fear: letting
I have always found the metaphor of a closed fist and
open hand helpful; a closed fist represents our
resistance to letting go, while an open hand symbolizes
our willingness to embrace the present and future.
Moving from a closed fist to an open hand is a process.
It requires patience and the willingness to release what
no longer serves us. The choice to let go allows us to
follow the pathway to our soul.
Life is a series of things to let go of-our friends
and loved ones, our
children as they grow, our youth, our perceptions of
ourselves. In my own life, I have found myself having to
let go more these past few years than ever before. In
the last two years, I have been faced with letting go of
my daughter, twice. First, when she graduated from high
school and moved in with her best friend, and second,
when I moved from Michigan to California (she still
resides in the Midwest). Moving away also meant letting
go of friends, clients, and my home base where I was
born and raised. Less than a year after moving, my
father passed away and I was confronted with letting go
on an even deeper level. Was any of this easy? No-in
fact I’m still working my way through some of it. But,
I’m discovering that as long as I keep an open hand
(and heart), my experience of letting go is much less
stressful. In fact, I remain inspired to let go, knowing
that I’m clearing the pathway for my soul to continue
its journey and fulfill its destiny.
What do you need to let go of? Perhaps there is a
self-limiting or destructive pattern that needs to be
released, or maybe you feel compelled to pursue a dream
that requires letting go of the work you’re currently
performing. The important thing to remember is that no
matter how daunting it may feel, you possess an inner
strength and courage that is greater than any situation.
Courage is about letting go and moving forward, not in
the absence of
fear, but in the presence of it. When you realize the
inner power you possess, you can let go of your
attachments. This doesn’t mean that you don’t work
your hardest for the highest outcome, but rather, that
you do your best and leave the rest to Spirit.
What is it time to release? You have two choices; you
can either try to hold onto the past with a closed fist,
or you can choose to embrace today with an open hand. As
you already know, the former will cause you (and others)
unnecessary pain and suffering, while the latter might
trigger some fear of the unknown, yet provide rich, new
experiences for your heart and soul. Which will you
Affirmations for Letting Go
The past is over; I plan for tomorrow
and live for today.
All my experiences are allowing me to
become a stronger and wiser person.
As I let go of attachments, I create
room for fulfilling and soulful experiences.
I let go easily for I trust that new
and exciting opportunities are on their way.
© Copyright 2004
Laura Grace. All Rights Reserved.
Laura's Books:
Read Laura's Past Columns:
- "Progressing with Passion"
- "Deepening Your Spiritual Practice"
2004 - "Life's Crossroads: Love-vs-Fear"
January-February 2004 - "Faith the Foundation for Every
2003 Column - "Touching the Heart of Others"
2003 Column - "Knowing How to Care for Yourself"
2003 Column - "Dreaming a Happy Life"
2003 Column - "Living the Authentic Life"
2003 Column - "Rising Above the Battleground"
2003 Column - "Healing Through Your
2003 Column - "Are You Going with the Flow?"
2003 Column - "Living the Soulful Life"
2002 Column - "The Power to Change"
2002 Column - "Peace Begins at Home"
October 2002
Column - "Spiraling to Higher Ground"
September 2002 Column - "Cradled in Nature's
August 2002 Column - "Recovering
Your Soul"

Laura Grace is Co-founder of Infinite Wisdom, an organization dedicated to the highest human capacity, and a national author and speaker.
She is also host of the TV show "Relationship Wisdom." As a regular contributor for publications across the U.S. and Canada, Laura writes about human awareness and spiritual growth. Laura is the author of the widely acclaimed books The Intimate Soul and Gifts of the Soul, and the creator and teacher of various programs including the Self-Mastery Program, The Art of Compassionate Forgiveness, Wonderful Women: Reclaiming Our Power, Passion and Purpose, and Cultivating the Intimate Life. Please visit Laura's web site at:
As a spiritual counselor, Laura provides assistance in person and by phone. You may contact her for a free brochure at: