Progressing with Passion
Sometimes moving forward feels draining and hard.
Resistance and anxiety surfaces and it seems that it’s
taking everything we’ve got to take a mere baby step.
Yet other times moving forward feels exciting and new,
as though we’re on some meaningful adventure. The
former experience occurs when we believe that we’re
alone, that there is no divine plan or power working for
our greater good. However, once you make-up your mind
and start something; really commit to it; say
"YES!", and never look back, the universe
summons legions of support and sends it your way. Others
who resonate to your same level of willingness with the
same degree of intention will be drawn to you.
Connections will be made. Circumstances will be crafted.
Energetic dots will be connected—all aspects of the
divine plan that have been created to assist you as you
Saying "Yes" to
opportunities is important, but saying "Yes!"
with passion demonstrates faith and willingness, two
qualities that are essential to our inner peace and
happiness. Recently, I offered three different people an
opportunity that would allow them to progress in their
spiritual and emotional development and utilize their
creative skills in ways they had declared they wanted to
for several months. Because of my own healing work, I
had opportunities available that would empower and
enable these people to manifest something their heart’s
desired. However, when I approached two of these
individuals, their immediate reaction was pleasant
surprise coupled with fear. They responded similarly,
"Laura, that sounds wonderful but (long pause) I
don't know if I can (or am ready) to do that quite
yet." However, the third person willingly seized
the opportunity presented. Since doing so, she has
created books and workshops and has inspired many along
the way.
Opportunities that empower us to move
forward are always being made available, but all too
often, we let fear get in the way. In the above example,
two people allowed their fear to sabotage their
happiness. The third person recognized her fear and
successfully moved beyond it. However, many of us are
not even conscious that we're blocking the flow and so
we remain puzzled as to why wonderful things aren't
happening. It's as if our left hand beckons the universe
with, "Yes, yes, yes…I'm ready" as our right
hand pushes away with, "No, no, no…not yet!"
Are you giving mixed hand signals to
the universe? When people are offering you something
(support, ideas, assistance), what is your initial
reaction? Do you say "Yes!" with passion or do
you find excuses not to act upon it?
Years ago in my own life, I made a
commitment to say "Yes!" to opportunities in
alignment with my highest life's purpose. Immediately
upon doing so, the number of opportunities increased
significantly. Today when opportunities seem to fade, I
know it’s only because I’m not clear on my
commitment (split energies) or I’m weak on willingness
(internal resistance). If fear arises I know it is a
hint that I am meant to embrace the offer. I've
discovered on the other side of my fear is often
something my soul desires for growth and awakening. As
long as I'm willing to progress and supply the quantity
of energy, my deepest Self will always supply the quality.
Saying "Yes!" to
opportunities is the same thing as saying
"Yes!" to life. The universe is always
knocking on your door with the hope that you will
participate. Your life's purpose will unfold in direct
proportion to the passionate progress you’re willing
to make. Keep in mind that fulfilling your dreams
Consistency is an integral component
for it demonstrates your intention and willingness to
the universe. Think about it, aren't the artists,
musicians, writers, etc., who have stood the test of
time individuals who have kept on going, one step
at a time? There is no step too small.
Every action you take, like every piece of a puzzle,
leads to a bigger picture of accomplishment.
Say "Yes!" to ideas and
then "Yes!" again as you move forward. Commit
to saying "Yes!" to all of the empowering
opportunities being offered to you then watch as your
highest vision turns into your greatest reality.
Affirmations for Progressing with
I invite and allow good to come into
my life.
In faith and trust I embrace life's opportunities.
I give myself permission to create my soul’s desire.
I willingly live from my heart and choose love over
© Copyright 2004
Laura Grace. All Rights Reserved.
Laura's Books:
Laura's Current "Gifts of the Soul" Column
Read Laura's Past Columns:
- "Deepening Your Spiritual Practice"
2004 - "Life's Crossroads: Love-vs-Fear"
January-February 2004 - "Faith the Foundation for Every
2003 Column - "Touching the Heart of Others"
2003 Column - "Knowing How to Care for Yourself"
2003 Column - "Dreaming a Happy Life"
2003 Column - "Living the Authentic Life"
2003 Column - "Rising Above the Battleground"
2003 Column - "Healing Through Your
2003 Column - "Are You Going with the Flow?"
2003 Column - "Living the Soulful Life"
2002 Column - "The Power to Change"
2002 Column - "Peace Begins at Home"
October 2002
Column - "Spiraling to Higher Ground"
September 2002 Column - "Cradled in Nature's
August 2002 Column - "Recovering
Your Soul"

Laura Grace is Co-founder of Infinite Wisdom, an organization dedicated to the highest human capacity, and a national author and speaker.
She is also host of the TV show "Relationship Wisdom." As a regular contributor for publications across the U.S. and Canada, Laura writes about human awareness and spiritual growth. Laura is the author of the widely acclaimed books The Intimate Soul and Gifts of the Soul, and the creator and teacher of various programs including the Self-Mastery Program, The Art of Compassionate Forgiveness, Wonderful Women: Reclaiming Our Power, Passion and Purpose, and Cultivating the Intimate Life. Please visit Laura's web site at:
As a spiritual counselor, Laura provides assistance in person and by phone. You may contact her for a free brochure at: