"Reinvent How You View A Room"
Ms. Wydra:
I am
emailing you a sketch of my house.
My main
door faces the south. And that my apartment is situated
at the upper right hand side corner of a big
"U" parking. I get at least 50 cars'
I will be
waiting for some kind of reply or instructions from you
how to go about correcting things at the apartment I
live without moving out.
Thank you
very much.
Your home is set up so
that literally wherever you enter a space you face a
dead end. (see floor plan at the end)
When walking up to
your front door you are facing the wall until the very
last second when you finally reach the door. Step inside
and again you are confronted with an angled wall rather
than the depth view of the gathering space. This remains
the case throughout the home. Walk into a room and you
face a blank wall. No wonder your life is going nowhere.
What we have to do is
reinvent the view when entering all rooms. Here's how to
do it.
1. Place a mandala
image or a circular piece with many details on the wall
facing your ascent into your home. Any artwork that
requires a meditative or intense viewing can make the
long climb a mental process preparing you to
symbolically enter a place where depth of meaning
2. The angled bathroom
wall seen from the entrance abuts into a protruding
closet wall giving you the feeling of entering a cave.
The outside of the closet facing the bedroom will
benefit from mirroring so that the angle is minimized
when we place artwork which suggests movement to the
living room. Place a picture that has a dominant
horizontal diagonal line with the highest point towards
the bedroom wing descending down towards the gathering
side. This arrow-like movement will subliminally direct
you to move to the right, which is the more comforting
human direction.
3. A small area rug as
shown placed in the gray area can further lead you to
the appropriate areas.
4. Adjacent to the
outside of pantry wall, place a plant with fairly full
leaves. It should stand about four feet high. The plant
will both shield the turn to the dining room and
encourage the turn to the gathering room.
5. Rearrange the sofas
as follows:
- Place the large sofa
on the altar wall
- Place the smaller one
where the larger one was originally or preferably where
the TV set is situated. If the TV cabinet is moved it
should be at placed at right angles facing the corner
between the two sofas.
- Place the water
fountain on its right side against the patio wall.
- The altar can be
placed on the TV side.
6. In your son's
bedroom place the long side of the bed against the wall
with the headboard facing the window. Loop a bell over
his door handle on the inside and place the computer
table perpendicular to the wall with his chair facing
the door. This will give him a feeling of belonging to
the family, yet provide him with a tucked-away sleeping
7. Obviously, in the
master bedroom there is no other wall to move the bed
to, but moving it down a foot or so towards the window
will give you the opportunity to create a niche that
when seen will foster a sense of empowerment of
relationships. If there is room, set up a small round
(ice-cream parlor-size) table and two chairs for morning
coffee. Hang above it a painting that communicates unity
between people. It can be a pair of people or a pair of
creatures or simply a scene of a mountain with a town
nestled at its base. If needed, move one dresser against
the window side. So long as the slider can be opened and
pass through, it is entirely feasible to place a dresser
right at the closet side of the room into the middle of
the window wall.

Click the
thumbnail to see the full-size image.
With these changes, I
think you will find life's opportunity expanding. And
yes, be sure to close the curtains in the room where the
50 or so headlights are bearing down on nighttime
Best future,
Nancilee Wydra
Nancilee Wydra is the
most published American author on feng shui. Her last
two books are "Feng Shui Goes to the Office"
March 2000 and "Feng Shui for Children's
Spaces," November 2000. She teaches nationwide
professional certification classes (www.windwater.com)
and has a free Website
with 100 answers to the most frequently asked feng shui
questions, (www.EfengshuiUSA.com).
She can be reached at 1-888-488-FSIA
Nancilee's Current "RX for Living" Column
Nancilee's Feature Articles at
How Can You Uncover Another's Authentic Self?
a Soulful Garden
When the World Wakes Up
is the Size of Your Soul?
Some of Nancilee's Book