Being Present Within Your Prosperous Life
The more I work with abundance and prosperity, the
simpler the concepts become. Being present is being
I, myself, have always been a lover of money and
financial things, yet when I went through a period of
not being present with my money - I began to feel as if
I did not have enough of it.
This feeling of not having enough actually created
that reality over time, and I had to find my way back to
something that I had never before been separated from - being
present with my financial world. I’d like to share
with you today exactly how I did that.
The simplest way to learn about abundance and
prosperity is to become very present with all that you
have in the world. So, if feeling abundant with your
financial affairs is what you desire, jump on board with
me and let’s take an abundance inventory.
What we are about to do is simple, but extensive. You
might want to set aside an evening to do it, a weekend,
or even a whole month. Once you begin the process,
though, complete it. Regardless of how long it takes.
There is no time limit on reviewing your abundant world.
Parts of this process will release inspiration
immediately, other aspects of it might reveal great
discomfort. But the releases and revealings are part of
the process of becoming present with your prosperous
life, so be patient and understanding with yourself as
you unfold your way to abundant thought.
So... here we go!
Find out and write down, exactly how much money you
have. Count the pennies in the penny jar, the value of
that old silver dollar your Grandad gave you, and the
twenty dollar bill you have stashed for emergencies.
Count your IRA or 401K, no matter how much money in it
you think you’ve lost, get your stock quotes as of
today, total your checking and savings accounts and all
the money that people owe you -including the two dollars
you lent to your co-worker last week. Don’t hide or
lie or fudge your way through this. Get the exact number
and write it down.
Find out, and write down, exactly how much money you
owe and put it into three categories. Make the first one
the amount you owe on your home, the second category
what you owe on your car, and the third category what
you owe on everything else. Include the two hundred
dollars you never paid back your parents when you were
sixteen, your credit card balances circulating now, any
overdue bills from the dentist, the doctor, or a
forgotten magazine subscription, even your outstanding
late charges from Blockbuster. Don’t miss a thing. The
higher the number the better. Think of this process like
magic and the more you can sweep up into the IOU
category, the more money you will magnetize to yourself
later. Don’t hold back. Don’t hide or fudge or
rationalize a penny. Include it all and write it down.
When reviewing this total later, focus only on the money
you owe which is not your house or car.
Go through your house and identify every possession
you have which you do not cherish, and account for it in
some way. Either write it down on a piece of paper, tag
it with a yellow sticky note, or gather it all up in one
section of your house. Somehow know and account for
everything in your house that you do not cherish, while
separately noting those things that you do. Go through
the garage, the closets, and that long-forgotten storage
unit. This means opening every box and touching every
item. Confront every possession that you now caretake
and honestly assess them in terms of their value to you.
By the end of this stage of the process you want to know
what you cherish, as much as what you do not. Notice if
the cherished items out number the uncherished ones, and
vice versa.
Making Room for Abundance to Bloom
Holding onto possessions and thought patterns, or
distancing ourselves from the realities of money, keep
us in lack and crowd the spaces in our lives where our
prosperity wants to locate itself. Distancing is
shutting down, and shutting down means closing off the
space. If we want that which we hope and pray for, we
are going to have to make room for it!
Find your favorite place to sit, and bring all the
information from Step One to that place with you. Be it
the dining room table, your queen size bed, or your
favorite park under a tree, put all the information
together and sit with it. Center yourself. Make sure you
are physically comfortable so that you can ease into a
state of deep relaxation. Close your eyes, take a few
deep breaths, and let go of all your ideas about what we
are about to do and what it will mean when it is over.
Once you are centered, open your eyes again and review
the information you have collected.
The money that you have sits before you with no lack,
no strings, and no judge. It is free and clear for you
to do with what you want. For most of us, the money that
we have is never really experienced or seen, let alone
felt with our being. It is merely in transit passing
through the never-enough door on its way to
I-just-need-more. Own the amount of money you have, and
be grateful for it. Don’t hide it because of old
family issues or fear it as a result of them. Decide
now, what money is going to mean for you, from now on.
Then commit to that being your future.
Realize that the debts you have are little lessons in
future savings. Having watched the credit card bills
mount, imagine them being pluses in your checking
account. Begin today putting money to your debts, so
that you can later see that money rise in savings. The
bottom line is that as long you identify with bills and
debts as a sinking hole, you will forever sink. Instead,
begin to see these debts as a way to model yourself into
financial prosperity.
In order to work through the possessions in our homes
that we do not cherish, we have to confront our internal
views. We have to admit that we fear emptiness so we can
create enough space within ourselves to allow the space
outside of us the room to create miracles. Realize how
much stuff you have that you don’t even want. And rid
yourself of everything that is not useful or cherished.
As you release this abundance of possessions back into
the universe, acknowledge how much you have created in
your past which now lies unconscious and choose now to
make new choices consciously.
Committing to Abundant Thought
For those of you who work well with affirmations, I
have included a few here that are designed to redirect
your thinking from a consciousness of lack, to a
realization of prosperity. In a consciously selected
journal or piece of paper, write out and complete the
When I am present and conscious with money, my hopes
and dreams are aligned with its dispensing. From this
day forward, all of my money earned or gifted to me will
become the focus of the following goals in my life
(insert your goals here!).
When I am present with my monies owed, I respect and
acknowledge the lessons they have taught me. For every
dollar that I repay to my past financial commitments, I
recommit my focus to my future goals.
When I am present with my possessions, I see the
riches they have bestowed upon me in my life. For every
possession I pass on to another, I make room for
abundance and prosperity to magnetize into my life.
Expanding All of Our World
The richness of the universe that is our abundant and
prosperous world does not begin and end with money. You
can do an abundance check with your time, your
relationships, and your dietary habits. See what you
have, what you owe back, and all that you have
accumulated. Then get present with what is your ‘today’
- making choices, and decisions that will allow you to
feel the wealth of energy, love, and health, so that you
can be present within your very prosperous life!
© Copyright KD Farris, Ph.D.. All Rights Reserved.

KD's Past Columns:
2002 - "HESHE and The Third Bird"
2001 - "Manifesting Your Perfect Partner with
Personal Truthz"
2001 - "Remembering What We Already Know"
2001 - "Be Led By What You Are Trying to
2001 - "Draw Your Way to Clarity, Health &
2001 - "Tending to the Negative Mind"
2001 - "Gentle Conscious Living"
2001 - "MISON and The Moment"
2001 - "The MESHE Concept - A Path to Soulful

KD Farris, Ph.D. is a successful counselor, healer, and bodyworker. For more than twenty years she has taught
extensive workshops based on MESHE, HESHE, MISON & ORBIT as well as many other self-discovery topics.
KD began developing her integrated bodywork and counseling techniques in 1983 under the tutelage of many prominent doctors and healers throughout the United States.
Her education into the spiritual and physical aspects of the human experience served as the foundation for her private practice and the development of a new philosophy. She combined her techniques into four guiding principles, which she shares in her book, MESHE, HESHE,
MISON & ORBIT: What My Grandmother Taught Me About the Universe. She teaches a companion workshop series, where she creates an interactive environment demonstrating the material from her book with tangible, life altering effects. In these workshops, individuals discover a
deepening of their relationship to self, others, and life itself.
Through individual counseling and group workshops, she has taught her results-oriented programs to many different types of people including those confined to mental institutions, substance and food abusers, and generally, people in life transitions, struggling with intimate
relationships, or who lack direction in their lives. Visit KD is currently touring a new body of work, Talking About People in Transition, Also Known As
Liminal Space. She will be writing about liminality and its relevance to day-to-day living in upcoming issues of Soulful Living. For more information on this new and exciting topic, or to learn about more her private practice, workshops and lectures, visit
Contact KD at: