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Soulful Features
June 2002

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Spiritual Growth Articles

 Self-Improvement II.

We've devoted our May and June Issues of SoulfulLiving.com to the exploration of "Self-Improvement: Caring for the Mind, Body and Spirit." While our May Issue focused solely on the Body, our June Issue is focusing on the Mind and Spirit.

This month's collection of articles provides a wonderful overview of spiritual growth and personal transformation, as each of our contributing authors shares his/her own unique methods, experience and techniques for honoring, developing, and caring for our Highest Self.

May peace and joy be yours, as you honor your sacred mind and spirit!

Read Our Feature Articles on Self-Improvement and the Body.

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Spiritual Growth Articles


"Get the Monkeys Off Your Back!"
by Robin L. Silverman, the author of "The Ten Gifts: Find the Personal Peace You've Always Wanted from the Ten Gifts You've Always Had," a program for personal peace, and also the forthcoming book, "Something Wonderful is About to Happen." She is a professional public speaker and corporate trainer. Her website is www.robinsilverman.com

"The Journey Inward"
by Laura Grace, co-founder of Infinite Wisdom, author, and national speaker. As a regular contributor for publications across the US and Canada, she writes about human awareness and spiritual growth. Laura is the author of the widely acclaimed book, "Gifts of the Soul" and is the creator and teacher of various personal growth programs. (www.laurahyde.com)

"Workout for the Soul"
Watch for Chrissie's New Monthly Column to Debut Here Next Month!
by Chrissie Blaze, teacher, author, astrologer, media personality and senior minister of The Aetherius Churches. She has written books including "Workout for the Soul: Eight Steps to Inner Fitness" and "Mercury Retrograde: Your Survival Guide to Astrology’s Most Precarious Time of Year!" Her website is www.chrissieblaze.com.

"Pain Can Be a Good Thing"
by Lorane Gordon, author, lecturer, teacher and seeker. Since the age of thirteen, she has traveled the world studying and meditating with enlightened masters. She made the transition from "seeker" to "finder" when she realized that all spiritual paths lead to the present moment: NOW. She is the creator of the "A Journey Into NOW" seminars, classes & workshops. (www.ajourneyintonow.com)

"Enlightenment Ala Carte: The Aha! Moment"
Rev. Vic Fuhrman, MSC, RM, a gifted healer, spiritual counselor, Reiki Master and interfaith minister, who heals through words, touch and teaching. He is regularly called to perform marriages, memorials and blessings of all kinds, and also offers his healing hands to those suffering from serious illness. His website is www.enervision.org

"Creative Visualization"
by Shakti Gawain, bestselling author and pioneer in the field of personal growth and consciousness. Her many books, which include "Creative Visualization," "Creating True Prosperity," "Developing Intuition," and "Living in the Light," have sold more than six million copies in thirty languages worldwide. (www.shaktigawain.com)

"Are You Living Your Purpose?"
by Bruce D Schneider, Ph. D., MCC, a Master Certified Coach, licensed psychotherapist, Reiki Master, and author of "Relax You're Already Perfect: 10 Spiritual Lessons... to Remember." He is also founder and director of the Institute for Professional Empowerment Coaching (www.IPECcoaching.com).

"Living and Working in the Zone"
by Jim Dreaver, author of "The Way of Harmony: Walking the Inner Path to Balance, Happiness and Success," "The Ultimate Cure," and "Somatic Technique." Jim Dreaver lives in Northern California and coaches professionals and others in how to live and work in the Zone. His website is www.jimdreaver.com.

Spiritual Growth Articles


Moving Forward

Spiritual Practice

Life's Crossroads

Living Your Dreams

Graceful Living

Midlife Wisdom


The Best of Soulful Living

Your Authentic Self

Peace Begins with You

Animals and Spirituality

Rituals for Romance

Living Soulfully

The Feminine Spirit

The Soulful Home

Decluttering Life

Stress Relief

Loss and Grief

Shadow Work

Self-Improvement I

Signs, Symbols and Meaning

Abundance and Prosperity

Love and Relationships

Mindfulness & Being Present

Prayer and Manifestation

Family and Community

Female Wisdom & Spirituality

Flow & Synchronicity

Personal Rituals

Understanding Dreams

Affirmations and Visualization

Conscious Living

Soul Nourishment II

Soul Nourishment I

The Soul of Love

Finding Life Purpose

Inner Peace

Gratitude & Giving



Art & Creativity

Finding Joy

The Soul and Intuition

The Soul at Work

Writing for Reflection & Intention

The Soul and The Environment

Creating a Soulful Home II

Creating a Soulful Home I

Spiritual Growth Articles


Soulful Thoughts
Monthly Inspiration for Your Soul
featuring columns by:
Carol Adrienne - "Your Unfolding Path"
Kathleen Adams - "Scribing the Soul"
Dana Reynolds - "Sacred Imagination"
Nancilee Wydra - "Feng Shui RX for Living"
Reverend Laurie Sue Brockway - "Soulful Love"
KD Farris, Ph.D. - "Being Present"


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