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Rob Ragozzine

What's Your Number?TM

by Rob Ragozzine
of SimplyNumbers.com

12s and the Mystery of Life

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe,' a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~Albert Einstein

As we approach the new year, there seems to be significant vitality and importance focused on 12/12/2012 and 12/21/2012. There is an excitement in the air. It's intriguing that the number “12” has worked its way into our lives in so many different ways and is featured so prominently.

  • We have 12 months.
  • The twelve signs, or constellations, of the zodiac.
  • The twelve animals of the Chinese horoscope: the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Cat, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Cock, the Dog and the Pig.
  • The number 12 is used 189 times in the Bible
  • The number 12 is used 7 times in the Koran.
  • In the Islamic religion, there are the twelve imams.
  • In the Japanese cosmology, the Creator is sat on twelve sacred cushions.

Seeing the ways in which the number 12 is so deeply embedded into our daily lives, there definitely seems to be something special marked by these two coming dates. However, I feel the potential of these dates expands well past just these two days. Indeed. I feel part of their call involves coming to an understanding of what 2012 has been asking us to do. The Universal Numerological theme for 2012 is related to connecting with the mystery, magic and mystical in your life. This involves allowing life to take on deeper meaning and making space for connecting with your own inner mystery on a regular basis. Not just for a day, but to allow spirit and mystery to unfold all throughout your life.

You might allow your own life to take on deeper meaning by developing compassion for yourself and others, or by becoming a bigger part of your community, volunteering, meditating, and by paying attention to your dreams and the wisdom they bring. Since the 12 has a special pull, you might want to study and learn more about it. 

There are many more instances of the 12 hidden within our stories, myths, cultures, religions and traditions than I've mentioned here. Explore and see what resonates for you.

Another way to connect more deeply with what the 12 represents for us as individuals is by looking to a divination tool, such as the Tarot Cards.  The 12th card, which is the “Hanged Man,” represents the themes of patience, planning and yielding.  Often, a big lesson of the Hanged Man is that we often benefit by allowing ourselves to open to life and let go, rather than hold on too tightly.

Of course, this card has many nuances, and it's best to explore its meaning for yourself. However, to discover more about what this card might mean for you, personally, here are some questions you might ask yourself:

  • What am I willing to let go of, so that I can move beyond where I am now?
  • What wisdom do I need to acknowledge?
  • How might I offer support to someone who seems to be struggling?
  • What am I misplacing value on?

The figure in the Hanged man has made an important personal sacrifice. However, he is not a martyr, and he may even have grown from his experience. When this card shows up in a reading, it reminds you that the best solution is not necessarily forceful, direct or obvious.

Of course, you may know the solution to a problem is not always the most straight forward one. But, the Hanged man nudges you to be patient and it also reminds you to stop fighting yourself and look inside. Perhaps, by first tending to your inner needs, you might not have to “do anything” to solve a problem.

As we're approaching 2013, I feel that it might also be beneficial to consider how you might use the above ideas and questions to reflect on your family and significant relationships. How can you improve these relationships? You might begin to improve them, by beginning to improve your relationship with yourself.

As 2013 is Numerologically related to relationships and connections, connection will be an important issue in 2013. However, you'll need to be able to make yourself fully available, rather than just connecting on a superficial level.  Some of your changes or healing work may involve recognizing when you let yourself hide from being truly present.

Going deeper, you might look to your dreams to see how they might be helping you to answer these questions. Your dreams can reflect the true changes that your life needs for vitality, shifting or growth. This is especially true if you're being nudged to make changes, either inwardly by dreams or outwardly by others. Making a connection to your dreams can be important and rewarding. It's about recognizing the separation is thin between what we think of as dream world and waking reality. And, that's what I believe Albert Einstein was talking about. Everything is connected.

Early in 2012 I had a simple, yet powerful healing dream, which I'm still learning from. In the dream I saw a smoky and charred frozen food box in the oven. The oven was on, but there was no fire. That was it. I'd already been making many new food choices, but I was relying on too many frozen and quick cook options. I've since started cooking more of my own food. I recognized the dream as a real opportunity to make a “healthy choice” in my eating habits. And, I know I have more work to do, too.

I'm focusing on healing and physical needs because 2013 brings with it opportunities for clearing, connecting and healing on a deeply personal level. And, 2012 has been allowing us to look at changes within our lives, and how we actually have a greater influence on the world around us, than we know. 2013 will allow us to reconnect and make space for comfort, life, relationships, love and family. This, in itself, can be very rejuvenating.

Personal satisfaction with life is often fostered by reconnecting with the activities and people that bring happiness and joy. So, being involved in community, especially where it's connected to the heart, can help you to step more deeply into life.

What's exciting is that people like Professor Nicholas Christakis, Harvard researcher, have done studies showing that each additional happy person in your social circle makes you happier! In other words, happiness is contagious! Energetically, you'll feel pulled to spend more time with those who are close to you.

The challenge for many may be to make space for social time. That may involve slowing down, finding ways to believe in yourself, or healing family issues. Whatever your challenge is, remember that healing and opening can take compassion, patience and time.

As we're approaching 2013 you may want to focus on the following questions:

  • How am I spending my free time?
  • What is my impact on my world?
  • What activities or events help me to truly feel alive?
  • What daily practice do I have to connect with the mystery of my own life?
  • How can I help to heal my family and community?

These questions may help you to reflect and solve personal issues. However, not all issues will have a simple fix, as the first steps may require that you want to bring healing to your situation. This may involve some personal sacrifice, but it can ultimately help you to expand your life and strengthen your relationships.

Healing requires compassion, especially for ourselves. You have to believe you're worth it! But, as you grow, shift, heal and share yourself, you can bring about changes in the outer world you never expected.

Copyright © 2012 Rob Ragozzine. All Rights Reserved. 


Rob Ragozzine is an Intuitive Numerologist.  He enjoys helping readers how to rediscover their inner magic through Numerology, dreams, story, tarot, psychology and other healing tools.

To learn more about Numerology, you can join Rob on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/NumbersByRob or Facebook: www.facebook.com/NumbersByRob

Listen to his radio show, “Your Unfolding Senses,” every Thursday at 8 PM Eastern on www.awakenedradio.net, where Rob talks about opening intuition and working with tools like Numerology.

He also has a kindle book available for purchase. The book focuses on the use of Numerology, and other tools and techniques, as well, to help the reader reflect on life, find deeper meaning, overcome obstacles, express purpose and passion, and just have fun.



For more Numerology, Visit Rob at:

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