The World Wide Web
by Tera Thomas |
When I went to Egypt in 1990, I was intrigued
by the temple dogs. In every temple there were skinny,
mangy looking strays that seemed to be the guardians of
ancient secrets that we humans were not ready or able to
access, perhaps carrying on the tradition of their
ancient ancestor, Anubis, a god with the head of a

The temple dogs were small, maybe 20 or 30 pounds,
their heads shaped like Anubis, their fur the gold of
the Egyptian sand. All were carbon copies, you could not
tell one from the other. They lay around in packs,
giving a wary eye to anyone who dared come near. They
were not friendly to humans, these dogs were wild, not
At the Temple of Luxor, I decided to override my
common sense and approached a mound where seven dogs
lay. When I crossed some invisible line the dogs
viciously vaulted toward me growling and bearing their
teeth. A temple guard ran over, yelling and shooting a
pistol in the air. He pushed me away, kicked at the
dogs, and shouted in a combination of English and Arabic
to stay away from them.
When I went back to Egypt a couple of years later
with a group of around 20 people, I thought of the
temple dogs and remembered how much food our tour group
wasted at each meal. I asked the waiters to put the
leftovers in plastic bags and toted them to the temple
the next day. I carefully approached a pack of temple
dogs, showing them that I had food. Their interest was
piqued but not enough to make them come to me. I emptied
the bag of food and backed away. They wolfed down the
food and turned to look at me, tails wagging.
The next day, when our tour bus arrived at a
different temple, there were dogs waiting. When I
stepped off the bus, the dogs came to me wagging their
tails, asking for food. I fed them all by hand and they
accompanied me through the temple like we were old
From that day on, the dogs were waiting at each
temple when our bus pulled in. They never approached my
traveling companions; they waited for me. How did these
dogs know that I was coming and that I would be bringing
them food? I realized that the dogs were simply
connected to each other and so were able to easily
broadcast information to each other.
Since that time I have communicated with hundreds of
dogs, cats, and other animals that tell me that they are
part of a network. It’s kind of like the Internet but
without computers. They have told me that they can
communicate with each other and work together through
this network. Sometimes they combine their energies to
assist in areas of the planet where there are disasters
and war. For instance, many animals told me they were
assisting through the network during the worst days of
the Bosnian War.
It seemed like such a miracle to me when the temple
dogs waited for me, and when I was told about the
animals in the network assisting others all over the
world. But now, having heard and seen story after story
about this network, I see it is simply life illuminating
the truth—we are all connected.
The Internet has electronically connected people all
over the world. When we look at this electronic web as a
physical representation of our energetic connection to
All That Is, we can see that the possibilities for
exchanging information and working in harmony are
limitless. We do not need computers to connect us to
others and to help and to heal all over the planet; we
are already connected. We need only open our hearts to
embrace all of the other species on this planet to
realize the depth of this connection.
Like the temple dogs are guardians of ancient wisdom,
we hold ancient wisdom within ourselves. We know
this deep in our souls. There is a place in us where
solutions to all the world’s problems are alive, where
we know how to create and live in a harmonious world.
Our feelings of being separate and insignificant are not
true. Every one of us is an important part of the web of
life--our actions matter.
Animals have never forgotten this powerful
connection. It is our challenge as humans to remember
it. There are days when I feel alone, separate, and
helpless. I look at what is going on in the world and I
feel impotent. Then I remember the animals and I remind
myself that I am an animal too. If I look into the eyes
of one of my animal friends, it comes back to me, this
mysterious connection to the web of life, to the ancient
wisdom within us. I ask for guidance and assistance to
bring it forth to show me the way.
© Copyright 2003 Tera Thomas.
All Rights Reserved.

Tera Thomas has felt a connection with animals
all of her life. She has been working professionally as
an Animal Communicator since 1996. She offers telephone
consultations for animals and their people and teaches
Beginning and Advanced Workshops to humans to open their
own lines of communication with animals and all of life.
Tera is a Reiki Master and
offers Reiki Attunements as well as hands-on and
long-distance healing for animals and people.
She is Founder and President of
Hummingbird Farm, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to
deepening the understanding, respect, communication, and
relationship between all living beings and the natural
world around us. She is author of Opening My Wings to
Fly: What Animals Have Taught Me, a book that
chronicles her journey of learning from animals how to
live and walk in balance with all of life.
Tera lives on a farm in North
Carolina with cats, llamas, fish, and a myriad of wild
animals including deer, squirrels, birds, raccoons,
possums, foxes, snakes, frogs, and more kinds of insects
than you can imagine.
You may contact Tera Thomas at
(919) 742-5929. Hummingbird Farm, P.O. Box 1603,
Pittsboro, NC 27312. www.hummingbirdfarm.org