Taking Care of Your
Higher Self
Karen Kingston |
I once read that Deepak Chopra goes off by himself to a
desert every year and spends a whole month meditating.
Wise man, I thought. It certainly explains how he
continues his phenomenal output year after year.
We all need time out for ourselves. Most people call
this ‘down time’. I suppose they are referring to
the feeling of laying down their responsibilities for a
while. I prefer to call it ‘up time,’ since for me
the real purpose of taking time out from the demands of
everyday life is to strengthen and develop the higher
connections that sustain me.

In our busy world it is all too easy to lose touch
with the important things in life. My father, a devout
workaholic, had a rhetorical question I heard him pose
many times as I grew up: "Do you live to work, or
work to live?" He strived for the latter but always
ended up back in the former.
Following in his footsteps, I, too, have a very busy
professional life, but my spiritual education has better
prepared me to deal with this common trap. I elude it by
having one golden rule: I always put me on my calendar
Born and raised in England, since 1990 I have lived
in Bali, Indonesia. I totally fell in love with the
place and the spiritual connections that are available
to me here. When planning my year ahead I first block
out which six months of the year I want to spend in
Bali, and then arrange my international teaching
schedule to fit in around that. I always put me first.
Or rather, I always put the spiritual me first.
In the early days, this seemed an impossible dream.
How could I live in Bali for six months of each year and
expect to find work in the west for the other six
months? But I did it and have never looked back. Not
only I have I realized my dream but now the highpoint of
my year is when people fly to Bali to take workshops
with me here. I don’t even have to leave home.
The important thing is to follow your spiritual
integrity. Let that be the guiding beacon in your life.
You can tune into it at any time and if you constantly
follow its direction, great spiritual forces can gather
to support you and assist you on your way. They are
already there, just waiting for you, but most people
never make the connections.
Do this right now. Sit up straight, close your eyes,
and place your attention above your head. There’s a
central channel of energy that extends infinitely
upwards from the center of the top of your head. If you
gently probe this, you will find there are several nodes
along this channel. As you click into each of them in
turn, feel how it feels. Each of them has a different flavor.
The one you are looking for is the one that connects to
the knowing of who you are and what you are here to do.
I recently discovered a wonderful book that describes
this whole magnificent process in great detail. It’s
an epic novel called ‘Atlantean Secrets’ by Samuel
Sagan (published by Clairvision). The author describes
this mechanism as ‘tuning in to the clear fountain’
and shows how the hero learns to rest on the clear
fountain and allow it to guide him on his path. It’s
become one of my favorite books of all time.
It’s this knowing that I tune into each year when
planning my year, and each day when decided what to do
or not do. It’s about living life from the top down
rather than from the bottom up, prioritizing according
to spiritual purpose rather than being buffeted on the
winds of time. Our earthly existence is but a passing
phase – a ‘rent-a-body’ situation for a few brief
years and then we return to spirit again. We must never
allow ourselves to lose sight of this.
In Bali, they know this very well. It’s their
constant awareness of the higher worlds that makes it
such an attractive place for me to live. A newborn baby,
as an example, is always addressed in the high language
usually reserved for Gods and priests because it’s
clearly still so close to Highness. We come from there,
we return to there, and we can stay connected there
while we are here. It’s all a matter of taking care of
your Higher Self.
Copyright ©
Karen Kingston, 2001. All rights reserved.

Karen Kingston is recognized as the world's leading authority on Space Clearing, the Feng Shui art of clearing
and consecrating energy in buildings.
Her two ground-breaking international best-sellers, Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui (published 1996) and Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui (published 1998) have both been translated into more than 10 different languages and have widespread appeal.
Born in England, Karen has made her home in Bali since 1990 and spends half of each year
traveling and teaching internationally. She met her Balinese husband, Rai, in 1993 and they were married in 1996.
Karen's teachings are based on over a quarter of a century of intensive personal exploration of the unseen worlds, which have become as tangible to her as the seen worlds. Her workshops are a unique blend of spiritual insights and practical information, delivered with her own lively brand of
humor. She teaches to packed audiences around the world, primarily in the UK, USA & Bali.