from the Inside Out
by Suzanne Zoglio, Ph.D. |
Have you ever noticed how some people seem so
passionate about life…whether they are talking about
their jobs, hobbies, families, or favorite causes. It's
almost as though they know the secret to a fulfilling
life. And perhaps they do. But observe them closely and
you’ll discover their secret. People with an uncommon
zest for life have mastered the art of living from the
inside out. Instead of setting their goals and judging
their success by what others think, they live according
to their own values, their own passions, and their own
inner voice. In other words, they live an authentic

Following The Herd Is A Habit
Knowing, respecting, and expressing your true self is
probably the single most important factor in attaining
satisfaction with life. In today’s fast-paced society,
it is so easy to get trapped in the busyness habit of
doing what others expect instead of taking charge and
doing what’s meaningful. Day after day millions of us
get up, head out, and just keep running until we drop…often
without any sense of satisfaction. Why? Because we don’t
know what we want or we don’t make the choices that
will move us forward. Instead, we follow a path out of
habit. Stuck in a rut of passive responding, we often
feel exhausted, frustrated, or even empty. We sense that
there’s more to life than gathering nuts, but we just
keep storing up for the future… and missing the
precious present.
Step 1: Find Your Focus
So, how do you take back your life when it seems to
be careening out of control? The first step is to take
time to reflect on what’s best for you next. I
believe that we all have a purpose or destiny—something
that is uniquely suited to the talent we have been
given. If you love what you do and are making a
difference with your unique gifts, you probably already
are serving your purpose. If you just don't feel right
about what you do…you are probably not living
authentically…or as fully as you can. Purpose and
passion go hand in hand. Here are a few examples of
getting one’s inner and outer worlds in sync.
A whiz kid in the defense industry decided to listen
to his inner voice. As a pacifist, he had never felt
comfortable in the "business of war." Although
his job was secure and he was greatly respected by his
peers, he had these nagging notions that he was on the
wrong path. He’d go to work each day, speak positively
about the company, and then go home each night feeling a
bit like a fake. Finally, in his mid-forties - the kids
grown - he left the industry …and relieved the inner
turmoil of living a life that doesn’t feel right.
A former nun turned CEO resigns her position as bank
president to return to a life of service…this time as
head of a nonprofit agency. She earns a fraction of her
corporate salary but adds immensely to her sense of
inner peace.
A small business owner heals a painful separation
with his son by giving the young man what he really
wants from his father (respect and mentoring), instead
of what the exec is in the habit of giving (money and
advice). He has sensed the truth for some time, but kept
following "common sense."
To increase your awareness of your inner wisdom,
regularly reflect in silence. Communing with nature
often helps, as does breathing deeply to quiet your
distracted mind. If it’s your calling that you are
exploring, try reflecting on these three questions:
- Do you love what you’re doing so much that time
flies and you feel alive?
- Are you expressing what you intuitively know are
your positive personal traits?
- Are you serving a human need…somehow making the
world a better place?
Or consider a written exercise. Down the left side of
a sheet of paper, list your unique positive traits…what
special talents you possess. For instance, you might be
particularly insightful, imaginative, logical, artistic,
engaging, or good with your hands. If you are not sure
of your traits, ask several people who know you what
they see as your dominant positive traits.
Now, pick the two or three traits that most clearly
represent you and consider how you would enjoy using
those traits. How could you contribute by applying what
you’re good at? For instance, if your traits are
"witty" and "observant" and you
enjoy expressing those traits by telling stories about
life's little dramas, you could inspire people to live
more harmoniously through your work as a novelist,
playwright, or even stand-up comedian. If you are
"witty" and "observant" but enjoy
expressing those traits through drawing, you might add
humor to the world by developing cartoons, funny
greeting cards, or humorous ad campaigns.
Another method you might try is "asking the
question." Sitting quietly, relax with a few deep
breaths and when you are still and focused—all
channels open, so to speak—simply pose this question:
"What is your will for me?" You can direct
your question to God, your higher self, the universe, or
to whatever you recognize as the source of love and
wisdom. If you don't immediately "hear" the
direction of your purpose, develop a habit of sitting in
silence every day for 15 to 30 minutes. Do nothing…just
pose your question and listen.
A different way to clarify your direction is to write
a letter to a dear friend. Pretend it is one year from
now, and you are writing, describing your new soul-tickling
life. What does it look like? You might begin by
explaining how you are doing what you love to do and
making a difference by doing so. Then add any life
details that come to mind (i.e., where you are living,
whose love you share, what you have learned, and how you
enjoy life each day). Describe the life you want as if
you were already living it. A dream life is founded on
purpose, structured on core preferences, and embellished
with personal desires.
Step 2: Stop Blocking Your Own Success
In my personal growth workshops, I often open with a
poll of the participants by asking three questions to
relax and focus the group. First, I ask: "How many
of you talk to yourself?" This usually prompts
laughter and a sea of nodding heads. Then I ask,
"What is it that you most often say?" This
question generates painful grimaces of recognition.
Finally I ask, "Would you talk that way to a good
friend?" Expressions of insight light up the room.
Unless asked to focus on our mind conversations, we
typically play the same mental "tapes" day in
and day out, without considering either the quality of
the messages or the impact they have on our attitudes.
You can use several simple techniques to maintain a
positive mindset and thereby stop blocking your own
potential. Affirmations, reframing, and solution
sleuthing are three of the most powerful. See if any
of them appeal to you as tools you might use to tap your
reservoir of positive energy
Practice the Art of Affirmations
Although we all experience ongoing "mind
chatter" (at about 200 words per minute), you can
consciously choose the kind of chatter that
occupies your mind. One way to do this is to develop and
use a list of personal affirmations. An affirmation is
positive self-talk. You might think of an affirmation as
a wish that you state as if it had already come true.
For instance, if you wish you were a better
father, a more thoughtful lover, and a successful
investor, an appropriate affirmation could be "I am
a terrific father, a sensitive lover, and a wise
investor." To be effective, affirmations should be
phrased in the present tense ("I am," not
"I will be") and in the positive ("I am
calm" vs. "I’m not nervous").
Consider posting your affirmations on your mirror, in
your daily planner, on a telephone or computer screen,
or anywhere else you will see them several times a day.
Some people tell me they recite their daily affirmations
as often as 20 to 30 times in a day. Some write the
affirmations on a small card to carry in their wallet.
Use whatever method will remind you several times each
day of the kind of person you are becoming and the kind
of life you are in the process of creating. Let these
affirmations keep your mental focus forward on your
progress and potential. To see it, repeat it…in your
thoughts, images, words, and daily deeds. Think great,
do great, and remind yourself regularly that you are
Old habits die hard, so if a disabling message shows
up, get in the habit of booting it out. That's right. As
soon as you hear a negative thought, hit the pause
button, and say out loud, "Evict that thought. That
was before. This is my belief now: I am
_______." Erase the thought from your mind's
computer and replace it with an empowering thought. Make
a commitment to evict any "rowdy regulars" the
next time they show up.
Learn to Reframe Situations
The difference between optimism and pessimism is
often described as seeing the glass half-full or seeing
the glass half-empty. Reframing is a technique that
enables you to see the glass "half-full" more
often. Whenever you are faced with a setback or
disappointment, look beyond the obvious negative to see
if there is any positive consequence, no matter how
small. For instance, if you get stuck in traffic—clearly
an annoyance to most of us—consider if any good could
come of that. You might find that it is the only time
all day that you will have to reflect in silence, or you
might find that you hear a radio interview that you
would not have heard otherwise. Perhaps the 20 minutes
is exactly what you need to mentally prepare for the
meeting that you are racing to. Instead of framing the
traffic jam in cheap red plastic, "reframe" it
in rich mahogany with a gold leaf trim. Deliberately
choose to see whatever good is woven into life's large
and small frustrations. Pay attention to the surprise
blessings that appear in your life sometimes disguised
as mistakes, disappointments, and irritations and
sometimes accompanying them.
Become a Solution Sleuth
To follow your dreams and create a satisfying life,
you must become a master sleuth, someone who can track
down creative solutions to almost any dilemma. When you
develop a pattern of successfully resolving problems,
you trust yourself to handle any new issues that come
your way. Such success breeds the self-confidence it
takes to make a break from the pack and lead a
meaningful life. To every problem there are many
possible and often equally appropriate solutions.
Unfortunately, when we are presented with life's
problems, we often become fearful that we will fail or
get hurt somehow, so we contract, rather than broaden
our thinking. We mentally circle the wagons when we are
afraid, instead of scouting out a new trail.
Solution sleuthing is a technique to free up your
imaginative responses. Instead of stating a problem as a
complaint (I just don't have any time for myself), turn
your next problem into a question (How can I find one
hour each week just for myself?). To consider the
different impact that a complaint or a question has on
your creativity, try imagining your initial response to
each. If you were presented with the complaint above (I
just don't have any time for myself) what would be your
reaction? Probably, your response would be something
like, "I know; life's a rat race. Nobody has any
personal time." Likely, you would commiserate with
the misery.
Now consider your response to the problem if it were
stated as a question (How can I find one hour each week
just for myself?). Would you feel rather stimulated…as
if you were presented with a riddle to solve? Probably,
your response would be something like this: "Hmmm.
You could try…." It is likely that you would
intuitively start scanning your mind for possible
When you turn complaints into questions, you
stimulate your imagination to search for solutions and
energize yourself to prepare for action, change, and
improvement. Your outlook is on your intent to move to a
better place, not on pitying yourself for being stuck in
your present murky spot. Complaints demoralize;
questions energize.
Step 3: Surround Yourself with Inspiration
We sometimes berate ourselves for not accomplishing
what we set out to accomplish or for not becoming the
kind of person we had hoped to become. When we do so, it
is typically because we are viewing our lives from a
very narrow perspective. At that moment we are focusing
only on what we have not accomplished.
To improve your perspective, climb—in your mind’s
eye—to a balcony that overlooks a greater span of your
life. From that vantage point, you can get a much
clearer view. Notice along the trail that brought you to
your present space the many markers of success,
integrity, and kindness. Observe every fork in the road
where you chose the right path: giving, rather than
withholding; loving, instead of judging; learning,
instead of stagnating. Within this broadened landscape,
you will notice your wise choices as well as your
mistakes. Contemplate how every step, on and off the
right path, falls into place. What was the purpose of
each in your progress journey?
While you are way up in the balcony, you might take
the opportunity to toss a few regrets to the wind.
Instead of beating yourself up about what you should have
accomplished in the past, simply move any important
unattained goals into your field of potential straight
ahead. Whenever you find yourself feeling impatient at
what you haven't done, try bringing yourself back to
center by repeating this mental phrase: "No
regrets, just firm intentions."
You might also try keeping a "Success
Journal." In a small notebook or steno pad, date
and list achievements that make you proud of yourself.
Your list might include accomplishments as large as
completing a college degree program, closing a deal at
work, or losing ten pounds. It might include
interpersonal successes such as not yelling at your
teenager, remembering to write a thank-you note, or
negotiating a win/win solution with a coworker. Add
congratulatory notes from friends and kudos from your
boss. Note any goals set and accomplished on time. Read
through it at least once a week, and more often when you
seem to be in a slump. It will help you to remember your
Walt Disney, arguably one of the most creative minds
of our time, believed that self-esteem was the most
important factor in realizing dreams. He wrote,
"When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the
way, implicitly and unquestionably." It takes
regular doses of fertilizer to grow a garden of sturdy
positive thoughts. Have you ever noticed how you can be
"up" one week and so down on yourself the
next? Here are a few ideas to keep you "up"
more steadily.
- Write down four to five of your most outstanding
personal strengths and post the list where you can be
reminded (every time you pass by) of the special gifts
that you have been given.
- Try keeping an S.T.A. R. (simple thanks and
recognition) folder with notes and reminders of where
you have excelled and where you have made a difference.
- On the last day of every month (yes, twelve times a
year!) list all of your accomplishments. They can be as
small as "Ate bran muffins every week" and
"Cleaned my closet" or as large as
"Closed the deal in Australia" and
"Tobacco-free for thirty days."
- Reflect in silence every day through prayer,
meditation, or communing with nature. Close your door
and sit comfortably for five minutes, particularly
halfway through your day. Open a window if you can, or
take a five-minute walk outside; breathe in the fresh
air. Sit by running water, listen to the rain, or just
concentrate on the beating of your heart. Move your
chair to a window and bask for a moment or two in the
warmth of the sun. Take a five-minute respite in the
middle of your day to reflect, pose a question, recite a
prayer, or just sit and find some inner peace.
Doing Different Is A Choice
What we get out of life is usually in direct
proportion to the choices we make and the actions we
take. We have to assume responsibility for knowing who
we are, imagining a path that feels right, and then
making the choices that move us toward it.
People with passion have developed self-mastery; they
do not blame others for their decisions or their
problems. Mastery is about taking charge of your own
emotions and controlling knee-jerk reactions that you
might later regret. It is about taking responsibility
for all of your actions and deliberately deciding to
behave as the kind of person you aspire to be.
So, if you want more zest for life, pursue success from the inside out. Find a clear focus by tuning in to what’s best for you next,
stop blocking your own success with negative thinking and limited solutions, and surround yourself with the inspiration to do
different. A great life is born in the soul, grown in the mind, and lived from the heart.
Reprinted with permission of
Suzanne Zoglio, Ph.D., author of Create A Life That
Tickles Your Soul (Named "Outstanding Book of
the Year" and "Most Life-Changing" in the
Independent Publisher Book Awards 2000). For a free
motivational newsletter , visit the author’s website: www.tickleyoursoul.com.
For interviews, contact Laura Clark at The Ford Group
Tel. 858-454-3314 or email LauraC1880@aol.com.
Suzanne Zoglio, Ph.D.,
is an executive coach and motivational speaker who has helped thousands to release their potential. Through her writing, coaching, and seminars, she helps individuals and work teams reinvent themselves. With a personal mission to nurture growth…in individuals, groups, and society…she supports practices that lead to enhanced peace, passion, and purpose.
Suzanne has worked in the field of human development all of her adult life…as a teacher, counselor, corporate trainer, team consultant, and self-development writer. She hold a master's degree in counseling and a doctorate in organizational psychology. Helping people manage change for over 20 years, she's coached executives, facilitated work team development, and presented motivational seminars to hundreds of groups across the USA and Europe
Suzanne's third book, Create A Life That Tickles Your Soul (Tower Hill Press, 1999) is now available in paperback as well as hardcover. Two earlier books are also available online from Amazon.com: Teams At Work: 7 Keys To Success (Tower Hill Press, 1997) and The Participative Leader. (Irwin Professional Publishing, 1994).
