Mother Earth is an incredible living entity. She seems to have an infinite capacity to gently take my stress, pain, and anxiety, and I am amazed at how much emotional baggage I am able to release while in her presence. Just the other day, as I was hiking a nearby mountain, I began accessing some thoughts and feelings that unbeknownst to me, were creating a heaviness within my heart. Like old boxes tucked away in the depths of a closet, I had pushed these feelings away and blocked their presence.
I began my climb without any goal in mind and without any intention of how far or high I would ascend. My only desire was to feel the healing energies of Mother Earth. As I stepped onto the trail leading to the mountain's peak, I found myself in a valley surrounded by several bountiful foothills and felt cradled in the mountain's arms. Step by step, I ascended and with each footfall I remained focused on releasing the thoughts or feelings that were surfacing. As I stayed in the present and felt my feelings, I sensed myself shedding yet another layer of perception and emotion that had been covering my soul. In fact, at one point during my trek, I remember looking to my right and to a path splitting off from the mountain titled "Rattle Snake Trail." "How appropriate," I mused, for I very much felt like a snake exfoliating
its next layer of skin. Letting go of some feelings and shifting my perception was symbolic of peeling back another layer so the next level of my soul could shine forth.
While staying centered on my inner self, I was surprised at how much ground I covered. At one point, I stopped and looked around at the land cascading below me, and I found that I had already climbed 1,000 feet. Realizing I was more than half way to the top, I decided to continue. Letting go of my old baggage lightened my load, so to speak, and I felt a newfound perseverance and determination rising within me.
And, so, with the final ascent ahead of me, I set forth once more, at this time, however, with a lightness spreading through my body, mind and spirit. Before long, I discovered that this part of the mountain was by far the steepest. As I continued rising to higher ground, I found that I did best not when I looked toward the top, but rather, when I remained focused on the path directly in front of me. Finishing the journey was symbolic of my spiritual pilgrimage and upon reaching the peak, I was not only filled with awe from the beauty encircling me, but from the healing and self-love I had experienced each step of the way.
Climbing a mountain is a metaphor for our spiritual journey. The beginning of the mountain starts as soon as we set foot on its foothill, something we're often unconscious of. And so it is with us. Each of us is on a spiritual journey whether we're aware of it or not. We may be at different points along the mountain, but the fact is, we're on it, making choices, making mistakes, growing and learning along the way.
Further, we never climb straight to the top of a mountain. Rather, we spiral toward the peak. And so it is with us. While experiencing my own spiral toward the peak, I found myself returning to the same point of the mountain, again and again, but always at a higher level. With each spiral, I was able to see the land before me from a higher perspective and with more vision and appreciation. Through our relationship with our self and others we are given opportunities to grow and awaken. These opportunities allow us to heal old patterns that prevent us from living fully in the present and with an open heart. As we ask for guidance and choose differently, we become more conscious of past hurts and wounds we need to heal. And as the circle of life continues, we continue to be given opportunities to awaken through relationship. Yet, like my spiral up the mountain, as we continue uncovering and peeling back the layers, we are empowered to participate at a higher level of awareness and with a greater ability to give and receive love.
The final destiny of my journey was not what mattered; rather it was the metamorphosis that came from remaining fully in the present, aware of my thoughts and feelings, the splendor around me, the love in my heart and soul. And again, so it is with us. Your life, right now in this very moment is what matters. Only by being present can you become aware of your perception of yourself, able to feel your feelings, and genuinely connect with your soul. It is never the top of the mountain that matters, but each step you take long the way. Henry Ford once stated, "Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small steps" and that is especially true with the healing expedition your soul is on.
Today, give yourself permission to be fully present, to become aware of any heaviness weighing on your heart and mind by affirming: "I release emotional baggage and achieve my goals by knowing I can surmount any obstacles in my path, one step at a time." "I continue spiraling toward my highest ground and am supported by Spirit every step of the way." Spiritual practice enables you to call forth the combined and infinite powers of nature, the Divine Mother and Heavenly Father. And as you do so, you will continue to lighten your load, ascend, and return to the love within.
© Copyright 2002
Laura Grace. All Rights Reserved.

Laura Grace is Co-founder of Infinite Wisdom, an organization dedicated to the highest human capacity, and a national author and speaker. As a regular contributor for publications across the U.S. and Canada, Laura writes about human awareness and spiritual growth. Laura is the author of the widely acclaimed books The Intimate Soul and Gifts of the Soul, and the creator and teacher of various programs including the Self-Mastery Program, The Art of Compassionate Forgiveness, Wonderful Women: Reclaiming Our Power, Passion and Purpose, and Cultivating the Intimate Life. Please visit Laura's web site at:
As a spiritual counselor, Laura provides assistance in person and by phone. You may contact her for a free brochure at: