by Barbara
Biziou |
"Nature is a temple
where, from living pillars,
Confused words are sometimes allowed to escape;
Here man passes, through forests of symbols,
Which watch him with looks of recognition"
--Charles Baudelaire
Symbols are the symbolic language of the soul. Carl
Jung theorized that we are able to go beyond the
artificial barriers imposed by language to speak directly
to our unconscious. These symbols and images allow us to
become time travelers as we connect to our past as well
as connect to other nations and religions.
Jung recognized that the universal symbols common to
many world religions are archetypal products of
humankind’s natural religious function. Two of the
most important universal symbolic images that he studied
were the circle, or mandala--a symbol of unity and
eternity--and the cosmic tree, which can be regarded
both as a symbol of the self, or as a cosmic axis
linking the underworld, earth and heavens.
Some other cosmic symbols are:
Seed: potential of life
Dot: Supreme Being
Sun: male principal
Moon: female principal
Square: earth
Spiral: cosmic force
Wheel: solar power
Square: manifestation, foundation
Rainbow: a bridge between earth and spirit, the
celestial serpent, the highest state of spiritual
attainment before enlightenment.
Cross: cosmic axis, union of Earth and spirit,
union of Opposites, spiritual union, sacrifice
Star of David: the downward –pointed
triangle-the solar masculine principle-life. The upward
pointing triangle-the lunar, feminine principle.
The Interlocking Triangles: as above, so below.
Egg: source of life
Water: unconscious, the feminine, the Great
Mother, birth, purification
Fire: transmutation, purification, power,
passion, illumination, and inspiration
Air: breath, thought, communication, and
Earth: The Great Mother, fertility, nourishment,
physical body, foundation, solidity
Cosmic Mountain: creation of the world
Ying/Yang Circle: represents opposition and
synergy to the Taoists
AUM: the Hindu sacred syllable, the essence of
all sounds
The Ankh: the ancient Egyptian sign of life,
which seems to prefigure the Christian cross |
Sacred symbols contain cosmic beliefs and therefore
can be used as powerful tools in our own spirit journey.
By honoring them we gain access to enormous resources
which we then can use in our personal and collective
rituals and spiritual practices.
As Clare Gibson in Sacred Symbols (Saraband
Inc.) so elegantly writes, "Because sacred thought
involves the intangible and supernatural, it cannot help
but be expressed symbolically. The primary function of a
symbol is to express a concept by employing a means of
visual shorthand A symbol has many advantages over the
written or spoken word: it transcends the barriers of
language; its message can be instantly registered and
absorbed; and most importantly in terms of the sacred,
it encourages a mystical or metaphysical reaction in
achieving a closer communion with the sacred. Symbols
are powerful and complex forms of communication despite
their graphic simplicity."
"In any kind of inner work, whether it be in
dreams, meditation, contemplation, guided imagery, or
creative visualizations, symbols appear to us as
signposts or keys and they function as containers,
revealers, or concealers of meaning to enable us to
penetrate deeper into the mystery of life." --Angeles
Arien, The Tarot Handbook (Arcus Publishing Co).
Symbolism in the Tarot
According to Angeles Arien "the tarot is a symbolic map
of consciousness.
Here are some of her interpretations of the Major
Arcana or the twenty-two universal principles or laws:
The Fool: one who walks without
The Magician: the communicator
The High Priestess: the independent self-knower
The Empress: the nurturer, comforter, beautifier
The Emperor: the pioneer, builder, doer,
The Hierophant: The teacher, counselor, and
The Lovers: synthesizer of dualities, polarities
and oppositions
The Chariot: the generator, motivator, and
The Adjustment/Justice: the mediator, adjuster,
and arbitrator
The Hermit: the mediator, philosopher, sage, wise
The Wheel of Fortune: abundance prosperity,
Strength: passion, awareness, and aliveness
The Hanged Man: the transformer
Death/Rebirth: releaser, eliminator, and expander
Art/Temperance: the creator, the alchemist
The Devil: the joker, worker, and stabilizer
The Tower: restoer, healer, and renovator
The Star: self-confident,self-esteem
The Moon: the chooser, the romantic
The Sun: the originator,co-creator
Judgment: the analyst, evaluator, and seer
The Universe: the completion, the initiator |
Animal Symbolism
Many cultures have traditionally used animals as
symbolism. Native people often view animals as teachers,
as each represents a beneficial quality that can help
strengthen and educate a person. Once we understand each
animal’s essence--the specific gifts and strengths the
creature represents--we can then incorporate a
particular animal into a ritual and ask its guidance.
For further information see Animal Medicine Cards
(Jamie Sams and David Carsson, Bear and Company).
Bear: introspection, incubating
ideas and bring them to fruition, cultivating power and
Beaver: architecture and building, teaches
structure, problem solving, and the ability to work with
Butterfly: transformation, moving forward,
trusting life to support you
Cat: independence, playfulness, caution, and
Crow: intuition, justice
Deer: gentleness, peace
Dog: loyalty, guardian, and protector
Dolphin: power of play, unconditional love, the
ability to release stored emotions through breath
Dove: peace, calm, and simplicity
Eagle: ability to see above the mundane, clarity,
vision, and connection to the divine
Fox: confidence, cunning, and independence
Frog: connection to water rituals, a cleansing of
spirit, body and mind, easing change
Horse: power, dependability
Hummingbird: joy, celebration life, and the
ability to feel emotionally "lighter"
Lion: leadership, action, assists one in moving
through fear
Owl: wisdom, clairvoyance, and clarity of thought
Peacock: wholeness, authority of self, and the
expression of one’s own beauty
Rabbit: creativity helps one face fear
Raccoon: unmasking the truth helps one accept
hidden aspects of the self, the ability to play many
roles in life
Snake: sexuality, psychic energy, death and
rebirth, immortality
Spider: integration, inner connection, and
Swan: ability to see one’s own beauty and
Tiger: confidence, spontaneity, and strength
Turtle: connection with earth grounding helps one
slow down and focus on the present
Wolf: teaching, the ability to establish healthy
boundaries, encourages friendship and sense of community |
Our ancestors express themselves to us in the sacred
symbols of our cultures and religions. For example, my
grandfather, being Cherokee, comes to me when I light a
cigar and call his name. He appears in the clothes and
age when I most needed him in my childhood. I know he
is near me when I smell cigar smoke for no obvious
Coyote: people mistakenly dismiss coyote as a
trickster, but he is much more than a trickster. Through
humor, coyote brings together opposing cultures
worldviews and people who think that they are enemies.
By making them laugh at themselves and each other, they
can see how silly their differences appear to the
spirits and animals. Coyote embodies the fool. --Lewis
Mehl Madrona, Coyote Medicine (Fireside).
(Barbara Biziou and Lewis Mehl Madrona will be
facilitating a weekend retreat in August on "The
Wisdom of the Ancestors.")
Crystals as Symbols:
A crystal is an earth element--a mineral or
gemstone. Both ancient cultures and modern science have
utilized the mysterious qualities of crystals, which
have the ability to receive and transmit energy.
Amber: balance
Amethyst: spiritual awareness, transmutation,
Aquamarine: purification, healing, calming
Bloodstone: courage, physical energy
Calcite: balance, peaceful meditation
Carnelian: sex, self-esteem, creativity
Copper: purification, inspiring love, making
Fluorite: healing, releasing unwanted energies
Gold: courage, self-awareness, self-confidence,
wealth, and virtue
Hematite: encouraging willpowr, concentration
Herkimer Diamond: dream recall
Jade: fertility, wisdom, and tranquility
Lapis Lazuli: communication, healing
Malachite: protection, money
Moonstone: love, psychic awareness, feminine
Nickel: youth, beauty, growth, and adaptation
Obsidian: inner growth, psychic development
Opal: passion, love, and emotional expression
Pearl: purity, integrity, focus, wisdom
Quartz: change, focus
Red Jasper: compassion
Rhodolite: love
Rose Quartz: love, compassion
Silver: fertility, nourishment, and growth
Tiger’s Eye: empowerment, willpower, courage,
and clarity
Tin; flexibility
Topaz: new beginnings
Tourmaline: healing, balance
Turquoise: balance, friendship, positive thinking |
For further information see Love is
in the Earth by A. Melody (Earth Love Publishing House).
Symbolic images can communicate an essence of their
meaning even to people from different cultures and
religious faiths. For example,
walking the labyrinth has become a popular event
although few realize that they are re-enacting a
symbolic Christian pilgrimage or the route that Theseus
took to kill the minotaur, half-bull, half-human beast,
that King Minos is supposed to have kept at the heart of
a labyrinth in ancient Crete. One can appreciate the
beauty of the gardens of the Taj Mahal without being of
the Islamic tradition which views these gardens as
images of paradise containing cypress trees, symbolizing
death, and fruit trees, symbolizing life.
In Japanese Zen Buddhism, gardens are made to
symbolize the whole of creation, while many use this
symbolism in rituals to celebrate Mother Earth.
Sacred Herbs and Flowers:
For thousands of year, we have used flowers and herbs
to symbolize the power of earth. Here are a few:
Basil: clarity, prosperity
Bay Leaf: protection
Bamboo: good fortune
Daffodil: new beginnings
Iris: love
Lotus: rebirth
Parsley: protection
Rose: love
Tobacco: fertility
Sage: purification
Rosemary: loyalty, friendship
Thyme: courage, health
Ylang-Ylang: sexual energy |
Food and Drink
Food, itself, can be used symbolically. Many cultures
offer food on altars, believing that it will give
sustenance to the deities as well as to their ancestors.
Hindus and Buddhists share this belief, and Hindus often
use fruit as an offering. On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish
New Year, an apple, symbolizing nature, is dipped in
honey to bring sweetness into the coming year. Native
Americans use corn or cornmeal to signify the abundance
of a harvest. And when a family moves into a new home,
friends often bring bread, sugar, and salt, signifying
nourishment, sweetness and purification.
We can use food to represent where we live, where we
came from, and its meaning to our loved ones and us. In
America, everyone expects cake on his or her birthday,
while children associate chocolate bunnies with Easter,
turkey with Thanksgiving, candy canes with Christmas.
Bread: earth, harvest, and
Cake: celebration, sweetness
Citrus Fruits: joy, vitality
Corn: earth, harvest, and abundance
Grains: earth, harvest, and abundance
Hot spices: sexuality, creativity
Mangoes: sensuality
Pomegranate: rebirth, abundance
Salt: purification
Seeds and sprouts: new potential
Wine: celebration, bounty, creation of new life
(red wine: feminine power-white wine-masculine power) |
Feel free to use any symbols that have meaning to you
and your family.
© Copyright
Barbara Biziou. All Rights Reserved.

Barbara Biziou, America's foremost ritual expert, teaches us how to restore
ritual to its rightful place as food for the soul. Through practical, easy to
use ritual recipes that are powerful and inspiring, Barbara teaches people
how to effect remarkable changes in their lives. Since 1981 she has traveled
the globe, showing individuals and companies how to incorporate spirituality
into their hectic lifestyles. Whether you're releasing fear, creating a new
career, bringing deeper meaning to a family or community gathering, or
celebrating life's passages, her books, The Joys of Everyday Ritual and The
Joy of Family Rituals, are like wise best friends that can reconnect you to
your heart and soul.