Gift of Love
by Robert Sidell, Rev., J.D. |

What is the soul of love? In this world that we live
we each search for love in a different way. One searches
for it in a romantic relationship, another in
friendship, another with family, and another in
religion. But is there a kind of love that is available
to all people, all the time? A love that can suffuse all
of our relationships, and every part of our life?

The true love of this life is the love that is
eternal, that is boundless, that pervades the very
creation of life itself. Only when we find this love are
we really free. Only when we have tasted that supreme
joy, that unlimited possibility do we really find
As we begin to make this shift we find that we place
less demands on the people that are around us. We begin
to find joy in the simple pleasures of life: a sip of
water, the reflection of the sun off of a puddle in the
street, a flock of birds swirling into the sky.
The question then, is how can we bring this joy of
life itself into a marriage or any other relationship in
our lives?
1. Give Up Judgments. We must be willing to
release judgment on ourselves and the world. This world
has extraordinary beauty. But if we constantly judge it,
constantly judge ourselves, then we really find
ourselves cut off from that beauty.
Sometimes we may be surrounded by diamonds in the
rough. We may find that the people around us don’t see
life like we do. Yet within them is great beauty, and
the potential for great love.
I remember once floating on the "lazy
river" in Wet and Wild, a Water Park. I was
surrounded by every kind of person, from every walk of
life. Suddenly, I was filled with a great love, a sense
of oneness with all that were around me. It gave me a
great sense of happiness, of well-being. Where once I
might have felt cut off, instead I found love. Suddenly
all of the differences in people melted away into a
great bliss, the joy of life itself.
Truly, is this not the key to the future of the human
race? Must we not learn to find this love within our
2. Look Beyond Appearances. Just as we
must learn to release our judgments on the world that
surrounds us, so to we must learn to look beyond the
appearance of things. Sometimes we may appear to be in a
difficult situation, where no answer presents itself.
The difficulty of the problem seems to cut us of from
love, from peace of mind. Yet, if we can step back, take
a deep breath, then suddenly we find the peaces of the
puzzle coming together. A great flood of peace and love
comes into our heart. But this can only happen if we can
quit focusing on appearances as they seem.
We must cultivate a deep inner love, a deep inner
peace, that allows us to see beyond the appearances of
the moment. Then as we learn to do this we become more
available to the experience of love, of joy, of
happiness. We become open to the creative power of life
to heal, to uplift, to steer us correctly. The burdens
of our soul are lifted from us, and in their place
arises the great love, the soul of love, the freedom
that we have always sought.
3. Practice Selfless Loyalty.
What is love without loyalty? What is love without
dedication that goes beyond our own self-interest? My
wife has taught me so much about love during the course
of our marriage. Sometimes, even when I have been self
centered and inconsiderate (yes, unfortunately that has
happened), her love, and dedication has been steadfast.
She has reminded me that much of what love is
requires us to move beyond our own position, our own
attitudes to truly love and embrace another human being.
When we can grant that person unconditional love, and
steadfast support, regardless of differences of
personality, temperament or style, then we really begin
to discover the soul of love.
For truly, if love cannot bridge the differences to
the people that are the closest to us, then how are we
every going to build a world that works for everyone? Is
not love the great opportunity of this life? Do we not
learn the most about love from the people that are the
closest to us?
Whoever you are, wherever you are right now, I
suggest that you see if there is some way to lovingly
support your husband, wife, or other people that are
close to you. Find out how you can be more loyal, more
steadfast, in a selfless fashion. As you do this, you
will find happiness, joy and love arising in your heart.
4. Learn to Shower Love On Those in Your World.
After all is said and done, what is the simplest,
must powerful key to finding love in your life? It is
simply to learn to give as much love as you possibly can
to everyone in the world that surrounds you. Do not
spend your life seeking love. Rather spend your life
giving love!
We become what we give to life. As we grow
spiritually we become less self centered, and spend more
of our precious life energy giving love. But the great
miracle of love is this: as we share more love, we
receive more love. For we draw love from an
inexhaustible resource. That love is really who we are,
and what we are made of.
Only as we learn to reach within our own soul, and
bring out love ever more deeply for the people in our
world will we ever be free. Then as we do this we truly
reveal God’s plan for the world. We become the
incarnation of grace, the gift of eternal joy to the
world. We find not only love, but peace abiding in our
© 2001 Robert Sidell.
Robert Sidell, Rev., J.D., is an
internationally published author, motivational speaker,
attorney and minister. He is the author of A Rare
Opportunity, Your Key to a Miraculous Life. Shortly
after becoming a lawyer, Robert had a spiritual
awakening that caused him to see the world through new
eyes. He realized at that time that this world has
unlimited potential and dedicated the rest of his life
to sharing the truths that are contained in his book.
His book may
be obtained at Amazon.com
and bookstores nationwide (ask for it if not on the
shelf). You may contact Robert Sidell by email at rbsidell@aol.com.