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Books for Nourishing the Self and
20-Minute Retreats: Revive
Your Spirit in Just Minutes a Day With Simple Self-Led Practices
by Rachel Harris
In this simple and inspirational book you'll discover how twenty
minutes of daily guided solitude will enable you to integrate the spiritual
benefits of retreat into the overly consuming demands of everyday life. The more
than 190 retreats in the book are based on twelve universal themes that each of
us journey through at some point in our lives.
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The Comfort Queen's Guide to Life:
Create All
That You Need With Just What You've Got
by Jennifer Louden, Cleo Papanikolas (Illustrator)
This deeply engaging book will help you discover the unique shape of your life by asking yourself questions. Then, with the help of the Comfort Queen, you will discover how to reorient your life around your own desires and needs rather than around time-management tricks. A Comfort Queen rules her own life. She treats herself with the same kindness and respect as she does the people she loves.
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The Woman's Retreat Book:
A Guide to Restoring, Rediscovering, and Reawakening Your True Self...
Jennifer Louden
A women's retreat springs from and is guided by a woman's inner knowing. A woman's retreat is about stepping out of your ordinary existence to listen to your
truest, most authentic self. It is sacred (set apart) time to spend tending the hearth of your inner
life, feeding your muse, reclaiming your dreams.
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The Woman's Comfort Book: A Self Nurturing Guide for Restoring Balance in Your Life
Jennifer Louden
If the pace of your life or depths of your depression leave you lacking in body and soul, this book can help you feel whole again. Jennifer Louden encourages you to assemble and draw on personal rituals, journals and sanctuaries that can add comfort and breathing space to your life.
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Creating Sacred Space With Feng
Shui: Learn the Art of Space Clearing and Bring New Energy into Your Life
by Karen Kingston and Denise Linn
Provides simple and effective techniques on how to create harmony
and abundance by clearing and enhancing home and workplace energies, and
explains the link between inner peace and the buildings in which we live.
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Clear Your
Clutter With Feng Shui
by Karen Kingston
Clutter is trapped energy that has far-reaching
effects physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The
simple act of clearing clutter can transform your life by
releasing negative emotions, generating energy, and allowing you
to create space in your life for the things you want to achieve.
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Grandmother Taught Me About the Universe
by KD Farris, Ph.D.
A colorful story of a girl’s metamorphosis into her true self, this delightful novelette is a richly textured yet stunningly simple presentation of profound insights and
truths. Our teenage heroine, Kaydee, explores the many facets of relationships we all have with ourselves, each other and our environment.
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The Cherished Self
by Michelle Morris Spieker
The Cherished Self offers a refreshing approach to help individuals achieve
their dreams with balance and vitality. The book assists the reader along a journey from feeling entrapped
by life's circumstances to discovering their life's dreams. This invaluable guide will help the reader
discover the tools to make the journey home to their true self.
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Women of Courage: Inspiring Stories from the Women Who Lived Them
by Katherine Martin
Forty women - including Marianne Williamson, Isabel Allende, Dana Reeve, Anita Roddick, Mary
Pipher, Judith Orloff, Salle Merrill Redfield, Barbara DeAngelis, Faith Pocorn
- describe life-altering moments in which they had to rely on their own inner resources to conquer challenges and find strength and wisdom.
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Relax, You're Already
by Bruce D. Schneider, Ph. D.
How much energy do you expend tying to be "good
enough?" What would your life be like if you suddenly knew you were already
perfect? This remarkable book helps you direct the energy of the Universe to
create abundance in happiness, health, wisdom, and wealth, and remember who you
really are a spiritual being experiencing the physical world, perfectly.
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for a Woman's Soul: 77 Stories to Feed Your Spirit
and Warm Your Heart
by Kay Allenbaugh (editor)
Treat yourself to 77 true stories
that celebrate life and capture the essence of
what it means to be a woman. Like chocolate, these
stories soothe, satisfy, and delight -- better
yet, they're good for you! Written by and for
women, here are heartfelt insights on commitment,
compassion, work, marriage, friendship,
motherhood, love, courage, spirituality, passion,
and dozens of other topics.

The Energy Secret:
Practical Techniques for Understanding and Directing Vital Energy
by Jane Alexander
In this full-color book, the author guides
the reader in recognizing, understanding, and working with their physical,
emotional, and spiritual energies to dramatically change their lives
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The Detox Plan
for Mind, Body and Spirit
by Jane Alexander
The Detox Plan is a full-color complete guide to detoxing your body, mind and emotions. Written by Britain's top writer on alternative therapies Jane Alexander, it is the ideal plan for anyone wanting to rid their body and mind of the excesses of our toxic world. Follow Jane's detox plan and you could soon be waking up each morning bursting with energy and vitality but feeling calm and relaxed
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