Bagua Areas, The
Chakras, and Essential Oils
by Jami Lin |
Three Systems: One Answer
The Bagua is a pattern of
understanding how chi manifests and moves through our
homes. The Chakra system shows how it moves and
manifests in our bodies, and the tree of life reveals
chi's workings in the cosmos. Each of these systems
contains the essence of how to cultivate chi flow in our
lives and homes. All three use sacred geometric layouts
to help reveal the mysteries of being human. When we
combine these transcendental patterns, we see that they
are similar in the path they take us on.

If you overlay the three diagrams,
you see that the middle pillar or trunk of the tree
aligns with the center of the Bagua as well as with the
Chakras. The career Gua coincides with the foundation of
the tree and the root Chakra, your grounding mechanism.
All three refer to the same concept, that you have to
have a solid base on which to build. The center of the
Bagua, the center of the home is called the tai chi.
With its central support system of family/health on one
side and children/creativity on the other, this
corresponds to beauty at the heart center of the tree.
And this is aligned with the heart Chakra. Isn't that
how it operates in your home as well? When health and
love radiate out from here, it nourishes the rest of
your life. Each of these three heart centers speak of
the transformative power of love.
Your material existence is necessary
for you to survive and learn all you need to as a human.
But if you do not progress through the experience of
love and transform the more material aspects of yourself
into more spiritual ones, you will never be able to
attune to your higher self. These are the energy centers
of transformation.
As you plug into universal energy,
you have seen that the crown sephiroth and crown Chakra
perform similar functions. This is the center through
which you are able to connect to your own divine
essence. In the Bagua, the fame Gua is the center through which
you reach the highest expression of who you are.
Following your divine bliss, you will be easily
recognized in sharing your higher expressive self.
When you discover all these energy or
power centers that make up you, your space, and your
cosmos, you can use them to become a creator to receive
the kind of life you were meant to live.
Career is
represented by the wall of the main door of entry to
your home or office. It is symbolized by the colors
black and blue and the element water
Essential oils for this area include: black
pepper, cinnamon, ginger, patchouli, and vetiver. You
spend about half your waking hours at work in a career, so consider
these questions. Does it jibe with your goals for the
kind of life you would like to live?
Do you spend your work and free time
engaged in similar pursuits? Does your career truly
reflect the kind of person you are on the inside? Do you
really like your work and truly enjoy going to work?
Does your work bring joy to you, your family, those who
are in your industry, and those who use your products,
services or talents? Is your workplace environmentally
friendly? We know that the root Chakra corresponds with
the career Gua. Both speak of your life path and being
rooted in Mother Earth.
If you are not stable in your
finances and your sense of self in the world as the root
Chakra teaches, how can you know what your life path is?
Your life path may mean finding a job you love instead
of just one that pays well. The wealth area is in the
far left hand corner when you enter your home or office.
It is symbolized by purple and the element wood.
Essential oils: bergamot, atlas cedarwood, cypress,
frankincense, and ginger.
Wealth is a lot more than material
riches. Wealth is also about wealth of spirit,
friendship, and relationships. It is about giving and
receiving in equal proportions. Consider these
questions. Do you have enough money so that you are
financially fit? Are you generous with your wealth -
whether that is time, money, love or talents? Do you
give as much as you receive? Do you judge people by how
much money they have or by the good works that they do?
Are you quick to share? These are all the domain of the
third Chakra, the seat of will.
With the power of will, you can draw
to you all the abundance the earth has to offer. For a
better job or a better relationship you need will. By
using your will to accomplish these things, you can gain
abundance in wealth and love.

The Bagua is a pattern of
understanding how chi manifests and moves throughout
homes. The Chakra system shows how it moves and
manifests in our bodies, and the kabalistic tree of life
reveals chi's workings in the cosmos. Each of these
three energy systems contains the essence of how to
cultivate chi flow in our lives and homes. All use
sacred geometry to help reveal the mysteries of being
Partnership has become a focal point
in our society. Pop psychology books abound with advice
on how to find the perfect mate, but marriage and
relationships are much more than that. First we need to
have a good relationship with ourselves (linked to the
self cultivation area) before we can look to share it
with others. Equally important is how to nurture a
relationship through the down cycles or hard times as
well as the up cycles.
Before you try to find a partner or
fix the one you have, ask if you have done the
groundwork on yourself first. Do you put your partner
before yourself? Do you expect more from your partner
than you are willing to give? Are there equal parts
romance, fun, talking, listening, loving and alone time
in your relationship? Are you in a relationship or do
you find yourself in a continual string of relationships
that does not let you fully express who you are? Are you
in a solid, loving relationship? This, too, must be
watered and fertilized in order to keep it growing.
The correspondence between this area
of the Bagua and the sex Chakra looks straightforward,
but life is never so simple, is it? Relationships
are much more complex than just sex. They include
business partnerships, family relationships, and
friendships. Each of these relationships must also find
its power in the second Chakra. Every relationship must
also move up to be transformed by the heart Chakra and,
if possible, all be brought up into the realm of oneness
through the crown Chakra.
The marriage/relationship area of
your Bagua (energy map) is located in the far right hand
corner when you enter a room, or the far right hand
corner of your house.
Some suggestions for energizing your sex
nurtures relationships.
Water adds clarity and emotional
Metal represents full partnership and
abundant love.
Fire adds passion.
Try these oils: geranium,
grapefruit, orange, pine, sandalwood, ylang ylang.
Throat/Helpful People
This area of Feng Shui tends to be
the least understood and probably the most neglected.
This area on your energy map is located in your nearest
right hand corner when you come in the front door of
your home, office or room. Who are the helpful people in
your life? Consider anybody who enriches your life and
makes it run more smoothly: your doctor, mentor,
babysitter, teacher, and mechanic. The list is endless,
and each person is indispensable. We need each other!
Are you aware of the circle of
helpful people that you have around you? Do you have
problems with doctors canceling appointments,
babysitters not showing up, promised deliveries arriving
late and the like? Do you offer your time and talents to
help others out? To be a mentor, to car pool, to take
your grandmother to the doctor? If your dream is to
travel, have you been able to go to the places that you
have always dreamed of visiting?
For this area, use the color gray,
the element of metal, the trigram for heaven, the throat
Chakra, the essential oils of lavender, lemon,
peppermint, pine and thyme.
Example from a client: As I entered
Judith's home, my throat constricted and I started to
cough. The house was full of clutter and was must-dusty
awful. They had so much disorganized stuff that I
couldn't even get into some of the rooms. A cluttered
home means a cluttered life. How can you even begin to
work on yourself if you can't move past the old and
outdated, literally and figuratively? Clutter is one of
the biggest Feng Shui no-nos. It means you are hanging
on to things that you don't really need any more. If
there is a pile somewhere, chances are 100 to 1 that you
do not even know what is at the bottom. If it is not
serving you, get rid of it. My two favorite Feng Shui
words for clutter: No Mercy!
John was receiving chemotherapy for
cancer, and had refused to deal with the aspect of
emotional healing. Does it surprise you the room where
he shook off the poison from his chemotherapy was in the
Helpful People area? Or that he wasn't letting anyone
help him with the real issue? While sitting in his
favorite chair, which faced an industrial sized hospital
clock, John made his choice as he watched his time tick
Third Eye/Self-Cultivation
The area of the Bagua (energy map) of
your home or office related to knowledge or self
cultivation is the left hand corner closest to you when
you enter a room, or the left hand room closest to the
front door of your residence. Color: blue green.
Element: earth. Oils: basil, eucalyptus, juniper, lemon,
peppermint, rosemary. Trigram: mountain.
This is the Gua that speaks to you of
who you are on the inside. It is becoming mandatory that
we start living as we are meant to. We need to follow
our bliss. This area deals with your personal spiritual
path as well as any studies or educational work. Do you
have a personal spiritual component to your life? Is
there something you have always wanted to study or
learn, but never gotten around to it? Do you have a room
in your home that is dedicated to your spiritual side? A
small altar?
Feng Shui is a catalyst for healing
because it calls people on their stuff. It is a mirror
that makes you take a deeper look into the issues in
your life. It reveals subconscious information that can
help you make changes. Where you have subconsciously
placed an accessory and what that symbolizes may be an
indication of something you need to look at concerning
your personal issues.
Example. When Lisette called me, her
fiancée had just moved out, the latest in a string of
severed relationships. At 41, what she wanted most was
to be married and have a child. Intuitively, she had
gone out and purchased kissing couple sculpture. While
dusting, it fell and the man's head broke off. She
became fearful and promptly glued the head back on. You
might think this relates to the marriage Gua. Not
It's about self-cultivation. The
accessory was telling her that she wasn’t really ready
to find a new relationship because it would just break
again. She had never stopped to question what she might
have been doing to sabotage her relationships. It was
clear to me because there was a separation in the
sculpture that the timing was not right. Some other
solution was necessary first. The universe and her
subconscious were suggesting that she need to know
herself and stand in her own power first. By doing this,
she would know what would make her happy in a
relationship, instead of settling for something out of

The fame/recognition area of your
home or office is about being recognized for who you are
and what you do. There is no one else in the world who
was born into the same time and conditions as you were,
so you are in a unique position to give the world
something that no one else can. When you tap into this
essence, you are able to blossom in a unique way. How do
you want to be seen in the world? Are you wise, funny,
intelligent, warm, serious? Fame is truly about
expressing who you are.
The fame/recognition area is the wall
directly opposite your front door. The color red, the
element of fire, sun, heat, and birds, represents it.
Oils for fame and the crown Chakra: clary sage,
frankincense, jasmine, Roman chamomile, sandalwood.
Do you cultivate your special
talents, or are you still hiding them under a bushel?
Are you afraid to speak about yourself in front of a
crowd? Do you take credit where credit is due? Is the
image you project to the world the person you feel you
are on the inside? Are you able to stand up for
Your unique place in the world -
being seen for who you really is about connecting to
your higher self, your true self. Which Chakra plugs you
into this divine source? The crown Chakra is your
electrical outlet to the cosmos. It allows you to tap
into your essence and then show it to the world.
Case study. Fran, a gifted psychic
and healer with a very open crown Chakra, asked me to
Feng Shui her home. She wanted to make shifts for more
professional recognition. When I walked in, the living
room had a distorted mirror on the fame wall. When
clients came in, they had to pass through the living
room and were greeted with a distorted vision of
themselves. In the fame area of her home, where she did
all her readings, all the chi of recognition was going
right out through the sliding glass doors and out into
the pool. While clients received true and clear
information from her, it may have been distorted by the
client's own misinterpretation, having experienced the
distortion of the mirror. Once in the reading room,
facing the pool, memories of the experience may have
been diluted. All these negatives greeted both Fran and
her clients.
Look around your home. What is there
that may be influencing you?

Jami Lin transformed feng shui by
integrating interior decorating and self-development to bring EarthDesign(tm)
home to the spirit. Interior designer, internationally renowned feng shui
lecturer and consultant, Jami has authored two books: "Feng Shui Today:
Earth Design the Added Dimension," an absolute necessity to read,' and
"The Essence of Feng Shui: Balancing Your Body, Home, and Life with
Fragrance," which incorporates the chakras and essential oils, and
complements the Chakra/Bagua Essential Oils. She compiled "The Feng Shui
Anthology," a feng shui masterpiece.' In the industry's best video,' "Feng
Shui Today: Enrich Your Life by Design," Jami combines design expertise and
spirituality with multi-Emmy-award-winning creativity. Jami welcomes inquiries
on workshops, mastery certifications and decorative consultations. Email Jami at
1-800-EarthDesign or visit www.jamilin.com
regularly updated with new ideas, classes, decorative products and specials!).
