Be Soulful...and
by Arne Klingenberg
Soulful is not exactly a word that we
normally read in the paper or hear in daily
conversations, but soulful living can surely make our
lives happier, and the world as a whole would become a
happier place too!
However, words do sometimes need extra
definition and especially deep words that can be easily
misunderstood; some words carry particular heavy
emotional baggage, often accumulated over centuries or
more. Soul, soulful, spirit, spiritual…what does ‘soulful
living’ mean to you personally? We could ask this
question to a random one hundred people on the street,
but will we also get one hundred different answers?
Wouldn’t that kind of make sense? After all, we all
have different backgrounds, experiences, beliefs etc.
and yet, the short answer is ‘No’, not really: the
answers really depend on how many ‘free’ people we’d
asked versus how many ‘conditioned’ ones…
The word ‘soul’ in itself already
involves a lot of religious tradition and weight, but
how many people involved in organized religion really
seem to know what it means? It is something of a myth or
belief; dogma at worst and blissful personal experience
at best. Here’s a bit of a catch: Nobody can
understand the concept of soul or spirit by looking
outside for an answer…by following some kind of
dogmas, organizations or leaders, no matter their
colors, shape or forms!
To search externally for answers
ultimately means to surrender oneself and that comes
always with a heavy price attached in terms of wasted
energy, time and money, mental and physical health, and
hence, bye bye happiness and living soulfully…In order
to follow externally, one has to deny oneself the
listening to and following of the best invention since,
say, strawberries! Just kidding, but seriously, I’m
talking about our intuition; the-auto-pilot guidance
system we all have, naturally!
So we always have the choice: We can
live in the illusion of being an insecure person who
still needs to follow others…, or we just know to
trust ourselves, being our own authority, experiencing
ourselves as we truly are anyway: happy, loving,
lovable, strong, self-confident… J
We all have the ability to follow our
intuition easily and happily, unless we keep it covered
up by external conditioning (blindly believing and
following dogmas and other people’s opinions or
directions) or by being not true to ones self. Anyone
who has a habit of lying has a major problem with
listening, trusting and following intuitive messages…’to
say what you mean and mean what you say’ is not just a
silly old-fashioned thing or a question of morality.
Quite to the very contrary, it is an important step to
personal freedom and lot’s of happiness!
Have the courage to be your free and
true Self and you’ll be experiencing a happy life in
so many dimensions – personally and for real! J
Perfect happiness is the ultimate
reward of living soulfully; truthfully, true to our
Self, appreciating our freedom of will and choice,
living our lives fully aware of all our aspects in the
many different dimensions of space and time, and way
Copyright 2002 Arne Klingenberg.
All Rights Reserved.

Arne Klingenberg is known around the
world for his independent and original research into
happiness and human potential. He’s the author of www.The-Happy-Side.com,
based on his bestseller Yes I Am Happy Now! The
title says it best: it's a powerful book helping you to
say "Yes I Am Happy Now!", every moment and
every day!