My Prayer My Prayer My Prayer My Prayer My PrayerMay God's love and light heal the world. My PrayerToday i would like to pray that everyone finds peace on earth and peace, within their selves and find the joyious gifts life has to offer.Africa.H My PrayerI pray for peace across the lands. My PrayerI pray for peace for my family, my friends, and all the nations of the world. My PrayerI pray that the Middle East may find peace. May God bless us all. Pete My PrayerI pray for peace today for everyone. I pray that we all find peace inside ourselvs each and every day. amen .Rebecca K. My Prayerjoy to the world! may peace be with you and yours this holiday. love to all,kay My Prayerthe prayer is known My PrayerDear Lord, Through your love and mercy, bestowe health to the sick ones. Bestowe grace on the ones without, and love to the ones who have none. Above all dear Lord, please hear my prayer for peace for the world. Bestill the hateful thoughts that men harbor and create in place of such, thoughts of love and harmony. I ask this in the name of our father who art in heaven. Amen. My PrayerI pray that each and every human being remember that life is about loving one another...and above all, about loving and living for the Lord. He gave us life, and He gave us the way to have eternal life (John 3:16); may everyone find that way and truly give themselves unto Him. My PrayerI pray for peace in a world because we all feel love, pain, and goodness. I pray for the people of this Earth to never lose hope or doubt that peace is possible. We are the ones who make the difference! My PrayerI pray for peace from within. This is the beginning of peace in the world. I pray that all the "religious" people of the world will follow the TRUE essence of their religion - whatever it may be. Only then, will we find peace. For the truly spiritual - right on. Peace be to all. My PrayerI wish for health for my friends, family and others who find themselves infirm. I wish for peace for this country and well as globally. My PrayerMy prayer is for harmony and integrity in our nation. I pray for the hearts and spirits of those disappointed and hurt by the events in the election, that they may rise about those feelings to heal and offer healing. I pray for those victorious in the election, that humility, wisdom and God's grace guide their decisions and spirit. A nation united in for the highest good for all. My PrayerDear Lord, I pray for peace in our hearts. Most especially for my brother who may be experiencing difficult times now, please let Your light shine on him. I also would like to pray for countries in crisis right now. Bless each and everyone of us. Let there be peace on earth. Thank you. My PrayerI pray for peace for my family and all the world this holiday. My PrayerThe Great and Cosmic Universe, the thread that binds our spirits together and connects within us to each life and living thing, help us realize that we are kindred. Help us to see past our differences, unite in our energies, and bring about a true peace to humanity. Let us celebrate and embrace our diversity so that it will bring forth love and not tear us apart with the hatred of misunderstanding. And let us always remember the sacred tie of life, that through our heartbeats and our spirits we are connected to each other through the Divine. Awen. My PrayerI pray that peace among all nations of the world will soon be a reality. I pray that inner peace will be found by all individuals so that the peace spoken of above will have a chance. My PrayerDear God, please grant me the gift of peace within. Once you have done that, please give me the mind everyday to extend that "peace" to others. And, in order for me to show this peace to others, please cleanse me with your holy spirit and let my ways be your ways. Thank you God for this blessing and please continue to keep me in the hollow of your hands. Amen. My PrayerDear God please give mankind the wisdom to seek peace among all mankind. Make them see the beauty in all of God's children and respect each other for the diferent opinions and beliefs that God's diverse children hold sacred. My PrayerMay the omnipotence of God's love be realized in these days, and may all humankind awaken to the purpose of creation. May our Heavenly Father's love wisdom and courage be with you all. My PrayerMay everyone know the inner peace that quells any problem that may appear insurmountable. My PrayerFor the light of inner peace to shine for all of us one day. My PrayerMay all people find Peace in their hearts and then spread their Goodwill throughout the word. My PrayerMY PRAYER FOR YESTERDAY IS THAT I GAVE ENOUGH OF MYSELF TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S LIFE MY PRAYER FOR TODAY IS TO REALIZE AND BE GRATEFUL FOR ALL THE LORD HAS PROVIDED MY PRAYER FOR TOMORROW IS TO BE HUMBLE ENOUGH TO SHOW COMPASSION AND KINDNESS TO ALL I ENCOUNTER ON MY PATH MY PRAYER FOR THE FUTURE IS PEACE AND LOVE FLOWING FROM ME TO YOU AND YOU AND YOU..... My PrayerI pray that all the children of the world find joy, love and warmth in their hearts and in their day to day trials, so they grow into adults that promote peaceful coexsistance throughout the world. My PrayerI pray for peace and happiness for all of my friends, family, and the ones I love, who have had to edure some unexpected hurdles in their life this year, but have survived them. God Bless each and everyone of you. Love Always, Andrea My PrayerMay all be blessed with the joy of peace and the heart of tranquility. May God bless us with the gift of harmony and the absence of conflict. Let us pray for those in warring regions. May clarity and the vision of peace fall upon them. Amen. My PrayerI pray that everyone will find their own peace My PrayerLord, grant peace to those lost souls who want to know you, but don't know how. Grant me peace Oh Lord, that I may touch someone's heart who needs your love and understanding and finds you. My PrayerI pray for the unity of nations that we may join together across races, creeds, and origins to embrace a peaceful coexistence. My PrayerI pray that everyone will find their own peace, and spread blessings to the earth and all of God's creatures. My PrayerI pray that all people suffering from Lupus will find peace and healing through our Lord Jesus Christ. JS My PrayerI pray for peace and contentment in my soul and for those I love. My PrayerPeace around the whole world. My PrayerLord, please put peace in our family. Since mom died last year, the family has fallen apart. Carmen, our oldest sister has pulled away from us. Please God let there be peace in our family and in all the families in this world. Rose, Illinois My PrayerHeavenly Father , For peace to all the hurting souls. Mine included. That through forgiveness I to can know trully what it is to have peace . Amen My PrayerI pray that we may take 2x as much time seeing and working toward the creation of peace and understanding between people and peoples as we currently take towards highlighting and increasing differences and conflicts. I ask that we make a practice of trying daily to step out of ourselves and see the world of another person, realizing that there is no one reality, no one right way to see or do things, and that humility is a powerful force for peace in this world. Kevin Kay, Philadelphia [City of Brotherly Love] My PrayerI pray for peace in homes. These are supposed to be places of respite, but for many, these are places of fear, hostility, anger and violence. My PrayerI pray for peace within families who are having difficult times, especially during this season when we remember Christ's birth. My PrayerLET US TREAT EACH OTHER WITH KINDNESS, MINDFUL OF THOSE WITH WHOM WE SHARE OUR WORLD, AND LET LOVE GUIDE OUR ACTIONS. THROUGH PEACEFUL INTERACTION, THE RIPPLE OF WELL-BEING SHALL SPREAD IT'S INFLUENCE TO THE EDGES OF THE WORLD. My PrayerMay all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the root of happiness. May they be free of suffering and the root of suffering.May they not be seperated from the great happiness devoid of suffering. May they dwell int the great equinimity free from passion,agression and prejudice. My PrayerI pray that peace will come to those who are in a weary time of their life. Those whom feel lost and lonely, those whom are overwhelmed with finance pressures, those whom are addicted to some source of drug, those whom are old and have no family to look after them. I pray that peace will come, and stay in our hearts. My PrayerToday I will Judge nothing and noone! My PrayerMay all those who are in pain due to misunderstandings, past hurts, rejection, or loneliness have their prayers of peace and love answered. My PrayerMY PRAYER IS FOR PEACE IN OUR HEARTS TO HEAL THE WORLD OF VIOLENCE AND HATRED. My PrayerI pray that as we all come to know The Prince of Peace,(Isaiah 9.6) Jesus Christ, as our Savior, sent by our Heavenly Father, the One Living God, to save the world, (John 3.16,17) we share His Peace with others,in a smile, hug, or sharing of our food and clothing with those in need, peace WILL come to the whole earth. I also pray that we will believe that "The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace." (Psalm 29.11) I thank God for His free gift of Peace. May the world freely receive Him by fatih. My PrayerI pray for all of the people that I see every day who have no time for one another, who are so self involved that everyone/thing on the planet doesn't exist or matter, only their needs - who can't see to get "too close" for fear of getting involved. I pray that they are able to experience life to the fullest - the good and the bad - and be able to learn from it and to express it to others. My PrayerI pray each individual finds peace within themselves and with each other. When times are troubled, turn to God, put your troubles into his hands and let him take care of things. Do not foster anger or hostility towards others or yourself. God bless everyone and peace to all. My PrayerI wish to pray for Peace from Fear, Pain and Worry. I wish to pray for Love, Peace and Contentment to enter my soul when I face challenges of my mind and soul. My PrayerWar is an incredible waste. Humans are the only self-aware animal so we should opt for peace. My PrayerGod save the world in peace My PrayerWORLD PEACE, PLEASE! My PrayerThat we will kindness to tolerate the mistakes of our fellow man and the humility to know that we are not alone in the world. My PrayerI pray that Jesus Christ will be lifted up, and draw all men unto Himself! My Prayerpeace to all, strong relationship with the Lork My PrayerI pray for personal and global peace. We all deserve it. My PrayerMy prayer is for everyone, particularly those who are troubled, to find the peace in Jesus Christ. John16:33 My PrayerI pray for all of us, that we may stop and listen to our hearts. That we may become who we are meant to be and encourage others to become who theya re meant to be. That we use our vision to see beauty,instead of shortcomings; use our speech for good, not evil; that use our hands to build instead of destruct. I pray that I continue to be blessed throught the year. My PrayerMy prayers are for the fighting to stop in the Holy land. The are fighting a religous war but are not paying any attention to what the Bible says about WAR. I prya that it stops very...soon. My PrayerI pray for the heart of all the people who are going to read my message. May them be peaceful and understand how important peace is in every place and time of this world. My PrayerI pray for peace and caring between all people of all races this Christmas. Amen My PrayerI ask for the power to create peace in my marriage so that we both can be more effective catalysts for peace out in the world. My PrayerI pray for peace in the middle east and through out the universe....May we respect our differences and love one another. My PrayerPlease give me the strength to make peace in my own life and to provide an example of peace to others. God bless us all. My PrayerI would like to pray for all the women I love for the good sense to take care of themselves and that the Lord will watch over all of us and grant us peace and health for this holiday season. A special prayer for my Dad, because cancer is an indiscriminate killer. Thank you Lord! My Prayermay peace be with Mitch Chirchick, who stole thousands of peoples money using a scam - the money was to help fund a childrens camp in northern Minnesota. My he find peace and forgivness and a way to get out of the mess he has put himself in. My Prayerbe kind to others My PrayerI pray that we all find so much peace within that we have no room to even think about causing stress or sadness to anybody. That every waking moments in our lives are filled with ideas of how we can help someone so their lives can be filled with "peace". Love -n- Peace! My PrayerLord may all people know your peace and love. My PrayerI PRAY FOR PEACE IN MY MARRIAGE, WITH MY FAMILY, MY CHILDREN, AND ON MY JOB. My PrayerI pray that I may have the strength not to criticise or gossip about anybody in a harmless or nasty way. It is one of my most destructive habits, and one which creates ill feeling in my community. I cannot change the world but I can change the way I relate to others and Christmas is the perfect time to start. My PrayerI pray for peace in the heart of every child, no matter what the outward circumstances of hteir lives. May they remember they came from a loving creator. And may every adult remember the same — especially as they care for the children. My PrayerMay the world find peace. My PrayerI pray that there will be peace with my husbands family. And I pray that there will be peace in Iseral. I pray that God will spread His Holy Spirit to all, and there will be a big movement and all shall be saved by His Grace. My PrayerDear God, I pray that there will be peace with my husbands family and that the past will be put away. I pray for peace in Iseral. I pray that God will spread His Holy Spirit to all, and there will be a big movement and all shall be saved by His Grace. I pray that every Man and Woman in this world will find peace with in, starting with Jesus Christ or Lord. In Jesus name I Pray, Amen.. Lisa Walker, Canada My PrayerI pray that the message of peace will soon reach all nations, and the we may begin to treat others as we would want to be treated, bring a inner peace to all. Diane My PrayerGod, help us to know that we are ALL your children, and to learn to accept and love one another as You love us. My PrayerDear God, I pray for the healing of past wounds, pain,rage & despair. I pray for love & guidance.I pray for peace with our selves, peace in :relationships,families, work,cities,countries. I pray for peace in the Middle East,Ireland, Tibet & any other conflicted part of the world.Amen. My PrayerWe meditate upon the adorible brilliance of that divine energy who is the creator of life, remover of suffering and bestower of bliss. May he stimulate our wisdom. -gayatri mantra My PrayerI pray that more people this holiday season are fed and sheltered permanently. My PrayerI pray for peace in my family and that the peace we find may be passed on to all that we meet. My PrayerI pray to be made whole. I pray that myself and others find peace on the inside So that we can shine it through to the outside. My PrayerLord, we live in a world full of darkeness. In this season of love and life, shine your light of peace into the darkest places of the planet, so that all may feel your love, and and learn that it is more than any war can ever give them. bethann My PrayerI want to take a moment to prayer for peace in our families, let us look over our differences, and enjoy the time we have with one another. My PrayerFor God's Will to be done My PrayerYes! I am the bright light that guides the way for a wanderer on the darkest of nights; Yes! I am the warm blanket that wraps around the shoulders of a cold and lonely person; Yes! I am the smile that is returned when a random act of kindness is witnessed; Yes! I am the hot meal that is delivered to the elderly couple living in our apartment building; Yes! I am the tears that are shed for the homeless, the lost, the frightened, the lonely; the sick, the dying, the ignorant, the cold of heart. Yes! I am the hope of tomorrow, the forgiveness of the past, the dreams of today. Yes! I am truly a child of Spirit and my journey here is to plant seeds of peace, of love, of joy.....to believe in the miracles that change lives everyday....to praise the Creator and be thankful for every breath that is taken on this Earth....and so are you! Namaste. TDB 2000 My PrayerI pray that all the world would come to know the true Peace of Jesus, unfettered by the history of the Christian church that has so often lost sight of that Peace. I pray for Peace and Joy for all those suffering from illness (both physical and mental), persecution, hatred of others, starvation, pain, violence, and all other forms of suffering. My PrayerI wish peace for all of the world and for those whose lives are in turmoil for reasons outside of themselves. I wish peace and understanding for all of the leaders of the world that they may meet the needs of their people with compassion in their hearts. My PrayerLord, help us to learn to see you in one another, especially in those we believe to be our enemies. Help us to reach out and to heal those new and ancient wounds. My PrayerThat all races and nationalities and religions begin this new millenium with the peace that the Christ Child brought to us so many thousands of years ago, and that the violence of our everyday lives diminishes with time. My PrayerPeace is a gift for all humanity, for all time. My PrayerMe peace on earth begin with me! My PrayerThere is a new song out and I can only remember this part of it: That there is no hungry child in the world!! My PrayerI pray that each person can find their place of peace and project that to others around them. My PrayerI pray for all the children and beasts in the world for they have no voice. May they always be protected and watched over. My PrayerI pray that we may all find our way, following whichever path best suits us. My Prayerchange scared to sacred in one simple move and let that guide us....love sheila My PrayerI pray that I will continue to make efforts to end ignorance. My PrayerMay GOD grant peace to this tired and battered world. My PrayerI pray for peace and forgiveness for me and others who are trying so hard. My PrayerI pray for peace all over this world and pray for people would need loved ones, who miss loved ones and for any all types of needs for every person, God Bless My PrayerDear Lord, Spare me some peace for I need on my life. Amen My PrayerFor Israel, that in the light of Channukah, there will be light to find peace, for children in the world who need light that we who can, will give to them, for my family-gentleness, for my own life, that my light will only grow stronger, healing the broken places and spilling out into the world. That I may have a family of my own, with my beshert. I thank Hashem, for bringing me this far. My PrayerI pray for peace all over the world. I pray that all the people will understand that we all are here for a purpose; to learn and to love. My PrayerI pray for peace to come to all who are afraid, tormented or denied their basic human rights. My Prayercreator, mother , father god, i give thanks for the peaceful proesence lithe minds of men..the peaceful presence of your love and light that will guide the minds of men to share the world in harmony My Prayer"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." May each person on Mother Earth be a mirror that reflects the Light of Love and Peace to all people. My PrayerI pray that I may have peace of mind in my work. My PrayerI pray for internal peace for myself and family members and I would like to see world peace in the coming year. I wish for prosperity and many blessings for all.... My PrayerI pray for peace and guidance for the souls of my brother and my husband's sister who have both lost their way through drugs and alcohol. Let our love find them in their lonely places. Peace for all. My PrayerI wish the Martynuk family love and peace after the passing of their father today. Deborah My Prayeripray 4 peace in the world and in my home.all i want 4 chirtmas is 4everbody 2 get a long and know what chritmas is all about the birthof our Jesus HELP ME PRAY 4 MY KIDS THEY ARE LOST AND WANT HAVE any thing 2 do withme .thank you and may God bless u pauline My PrayerMay Peace Prevail On Earth ! My PrayerI pray that peace would prevail this Christmas Eve in places of recent war. My PrayerGod Bless Us, Everyone. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Thank You. My PrayerI pray for peace for all this Christmas Day. May our hearts be open wide to God's love, and may we share His love with all we encounter. My PrayerWe are all in one with God. We ask that his peace and joy come through us to feel that peace within for all people. I especially wish peace and joy for the members of my family toward each other. Forgiveness and gratitude is will lighten the load on all of us. I give thanks for all the blessings I have and wish love for all. So be it. Amen My PrayerPeace and Faith are lights upon the future. May peace prevail on Earth. Thank You. My PrayerMay we all remember our connection to each other, Mother Earth and all creatures. May this rememberance bring unity, peace and an awakening to the truth of Universal love. Blessed Be. My PrayerMay each and everyone find peace within themselves. My PrayerI pray for acceptance and peace, acceptance of things I cannot change, and peace within so that I can share it with all. My PrayerI pray for peace tonight for my ill mother in the hospital. I pray that God will heal her. My PrayerPeace for the troubled nations of the Middle East. My PrayerBlessed be this day and all days to come; God Bless us all, Everyone; May Peace prevail on Earth. Thank You My PrayerI pray for peace,I pray for inner peace,I pray for peace in the Middle East & the whole world. "Imagine all the people, living life in peace..." Happy New Year. My PrayerI pray for peace for me, my family, and all the world in the New Millennium! My PrayerFor health and peace to all humanity:) My PrayerFor peace in my family inwhich I grew up. We are now so estranged from each other. We were never like this when our father was alive. He held the family together. My PrayerI call upon the Spirit of Baha to give us each a share of His endless bounty. God willing, may we all find peace on this Earth. My PrayerMay there be peace, harmony, and love among all living beings. May tolerance and acceptance be our guides. May there be a mass healing now. May we rejoice in know that this shall be. Mae My Prayerdear lord i pray for the people in india who have been devastated by the earthquake. May they be blessed with your holy spirit so they may be able to live on with there life. Amen My PrayerI have the pleasure to share my prayer with all of you. Let gratitude and forgiveness be the languages that we use to communicate with each other and let our Beloved God be the host of our peaceful hearts today and always. My PrayerMay Peace become a reality, first in people lives because once accomplished, it will automatically manifest in outer world - Marie My PrayerLET PEACE BE PREVALANT AMONG ALL HUMAN BEINGS AT ALL TIMES. My PrayerI pray to be able to make better use of our freedom of choice. My PrayerLet us pray for heaven on earth, that all living beings live together in praise and honour of our heavenly creator. My PrayerI pray for open, unconditional and loving relationships for all My PrayerI pray for a common love, vision and understanding amongst Man. My PrayerMay the Peace, Love and Light that flows from our Divine center become ripples in a vast ocean of prayers for healing of our entire cosmos. My PrayerMay each one of us be a candle that spread its light throughout mother nature .. My PrayerMay the subtle peace within my heart shine through upon every being that I meet. My Prayerque la lumière de la paix rayonne dans le coeur de chaque enfant de notre mère la terre que cela soit accompli à cet instant même. My PrayerLove is in my heart, for myself, my neighbours and all creatures. My PrayerMay there be love, joy, truth and beauty everywhere! May we remember who we are! My Prayermay I pray dear Lord, with the sound of your voice in my tone.. that love spreads around the world tonight, like you have spread your love on us that pray. My PrayerPEACE will be possible to those who feel ONE and for those who will feel ONE in PEACE My PrayerMY GOD SPREAD PEACE AND HAPPINESS TO ALL~!!! My PrayerLive in peace with yourself and all beings on earth! My Prayerhi god My Prayerque la paix et la lumiere regne sur toute vie partout dans l,univers My PrayerFather in heaven, I open up for inner peace, I know that this is my contribute to worldpeace, help me and all the others to feel that inner peace day and night. My PrayerBe still and know I AM GOD. My PrayerMay our inner harmony provide peace for ourselves and those around us LithosM My PrayerIn love and peace I am one with the earth and all life on it.I pray that there might be peace for all life. My Prayermay our peace grow and the energy unfold like a rose may it reach high and feel deep and togethor we share the universe prayer to live in peace may we all grow becuase beneath we all know My PrayerMay peace and justice blossom forth like spring flowers in Palestine. My Prayerhey My PrayerI pray for peace for my precious little nephew tonight. May God bring peace to his little soul and heal him. He has so much life ahead of him... and so much love to give and recieve! I love you B! Your A Va Forever My Prayer'May the Blue Bird of Happiness Nest in the roof of your mouth" Amen Benny Saunders My Prayerwhat do i have to write here? My PrayerMay the longing in our soul grow ever bigger and call us back to inner peace and our true nature - unconditional love. My PrayerI pray that you'll join me in a prayer for healing & peace in the middle east.Amen. My PrayerI PRAY FOR PEACE WITHIN MYSELF AND FOR ALL SENTIENT BEINGS. My PrayerI pray that where I am able I show kindness I pray that where I am unable I show pity Kindness and Pity are the two foremost ingredient of Compassion, and I pray that every being able or unable would bring forth these great compassionate energy to make this world/universe a better place to be in. Om Mani Padme Hum.... My PrayerI WANT PEACE.....here is the formula Reduce your ego " I'... Let go your desire "WANT"... Then, within you a little PEACE...Baba My PrayerPEACE to Indonesia Where there is hatred let us sow LOVE Where there is injury let us sow PARDON Where there is despair let us sow HOPE Where there is darkness let there be LIGHT My Prayeri pray that all people in this world will come to accept others for who they are, and forgive other people. i pray for freedom from jealousy, cause it hurts your heart when you are jealous of someone you love. please, God, hear all our prayers. Amen. My PrayerMay there be one positive person among all these negatives one, because this will make the difference. May this positive person be me. May my love irradiates all who will come near, who I will touch. May that makes the difference. Denise W Clarisse My PrayerBlessed Holy Spirit, release self judgement and the judgement of others. My PrayerI pray that human beings everywhere will realize our relatedness, our DNA connections, and out of that feel compassion and love for one another and accept each other as we are and as we are not and contribute generously one to another what is wanted and needed, if it be a listening ear, financially, or a hug, with warmth and understanding. My Prayerblessings to you and yours and all your good works and all your mentors. peace to all the cells in all the universes. My PrayerDear God, Please fill the heart of every human being with Love and Compassion, and remove all Fear. Let the day come when no man on Earth can bear to see his brothers and sisters suffer regardless of their gender, class, race, creed, nationality or lifestyle. My PrayerPlease can you give us an URGENT prayer for peace and tolerance. My name is Moira Adler and I live in Zimbabwe and we are desperate need for prayer. There is so much racial tension it's almost unbearable. Inflation soars up by the minute and fustrations among people is increasing. I'ts very difficult to explain it all. We all need peace and tolerance between each other. PLEASE. Thank You All My Prayeri pray to remember those things that bring me heaven on earth..the warmth of an embrace.. the smell of flowers.. the sound of children's laughter..i pray to restore within me all that is loving.. that i will have hope for this earth and for my fellow brothers and sisters.. may the love within be sent out to all .. illuminating the dark..restoring our faith..that we may remember who we truly are.. and so it is.. My PrayerGod,is peace. Thank you God, to take all of us into your arms and to transforme us so that we can be at peace whith ourself and with each others.Amen. Canada, PQ My PrayerListening to the music of the Soul, Peace is here. Thank you God, for letting me love. In peace, I LIVE! Thank you God, for a listener was born in me, and I help give birth to more listening to the Beauty, every moment I open to the Unknown sound. For a new sound is then recieved and loved in me. I accept that every expression is already sounding for all possibilities exist and have only to be discovered to be expressed in my peaceful Soul. Loving ourselves completely loving God infinitum. Every song is already in harmony. As I tune my instrument to hear and resonate with Life I get to hear more harmony. I live the perfect life already lived and always new. Because infinity is possible and if it is possible it can be known and if it can be known it is in Gods pattern, So, the Unknown gives us the place to make the sound so we can sing. So we can live. Thank you God for allowing me the freedom to live even when I made the error in judgement of not existing through Pride, dulling my senses of listening. It hurt to be laughed at, to be turned away from because I thought I was a product of the action. And then so freeing to believe in my own Soul, so very real. Thank You. With you I live, and I can, in existence, love every one. And you KNOW how much I want that. And thank you again for all that I do not yet hear and not yet spoken, through Life I continue to say my Peace. And I LOVE speaking, sounding, ect... It feels good. Amen. My PrayerSeptember 11, 2001 Our hearts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims of today's horrible tragedy. We pray for the victims, their families, our country, and the world. We pray for peace and healing. We pray that we may each be guided through this tragedy by love, faith, and Divine light. Amen. My PrayerI pray for peace My PrayerMy God of mercy, grace and peace, in this time of trial and discomfort, we have no way to turn but to you. Please bring peace to this turmoil that is hovering over our country today. Give wisdom to the leaders of all nations, especially those who are involved in this immediate matter of bombings and plane crashings. Father, let your will be done, in the name of Jesus. My PrayerI pray for each person on earth to see the same spirit within each other. Each person is the hero. I pray that each person soften his view upon mankind, cease to seek scapegoats and go forward from the peaceful center of self. My PrayerDear Lord, Please bring peace to this great world. Let Love and Light prevail and close the door on evil and darkness. Let the unenlightened become aware and awake and remember the Love, Light and the Plan. My PrayerI pray that the effects of terrorism be mitigated and healed all around the world and that the causes be healed with no further harm to life. My PrayerDear Heavenly Father, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ - please hear our prayer for peace and for the good and calm counsel of our government. My PrayerDear Lord, Please heal our nation, our people, and our world tonight, after the unspeakable events in New York and DC today. Please help our nation's leaders make decisions from theri hearts and not from their egos. May we act from a place of love and not from a position of fear. Please bless the families of all of the victims. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. My PrayerMy prayer was found in the verses of Psalms 35: Plead my cause O Lord, with them that strive with me:fight against them that fight against me. 2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. 3 Draw out also the spear,and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. 4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. 5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them. 6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them. 7 For without cause they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. 8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares;and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruciton let him fall. 9 And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation. 10 All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him and the needy from him that spoileth him? 11 False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. 12 They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. 13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. 14 I behaved myself as thought he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that moureth for his mother. 15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: My PrayerWe have a prayer chain here in South Al, God Bless All, My prayers to all who have lost love ones. Grant us all love and peace. May it love one another, Amen Gracie My PrayerMy prayer was found in the verses of Psalms 35: Plead my cause O Lord, with them that strive with me:fight against them that fight against me. 2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. 3 Draw out also the spear,and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. 4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. 5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them. 6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them. 7 For without cause they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. 8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares;and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruciton let him fall. 9 And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation. 10 All my bones shall say, Lord, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him and the needy from him that spoileth him? 11 False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. 12 They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. 13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. 14 I behaved myself as thought he had been my friend or brother: I bowed down heavily, as one that moureth for his mother. 15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together: yea, the abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not: With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. 17 Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. 18 I will give Thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise Thee among much people. 19 Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause. 20 For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. 21 Yea, they opened their mouth wide against me and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it. 22 This thou hast seen, O Lord: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me. 23 Stir up thyself, and awake to my judgement, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord. 24 Judge me, O Lord my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me. 25 Let them not say in their hearts, Ah, so would we have it; let them not say, We have swallowed him up. 26 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me. 27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of His servent. 28 And my tongue shall speak of they righteousness and of Thy praise all day long. My PrayerI pray for peace for everyone My PrayerI pray heart and soul for God's justice for all God-loving people who uphold justice. My PrayerI pray that there will be a day when the world can come together as one and we all can all live in love, happiness, and peace. I love the world! I love all people in the world. No origin matters. We are all people. I pray that the world one day will be a world of love, peace, and happiness.It will be so much easier then. My PrayerI am so sorry for everyone involved in this tragedy. Please continue to send positive messages around the world. My PrayerMay God have mercy and grant the people of United States peace and harmony. My PrayerMay Peace Prevail on Earth My PrayerI pray that those who are stricken with grief from the loss of loved ones, will find comfort in the kindness and concern of others. That through our continued prayers, peace may in time be restored to their lives. My PrayerJehovah Shalom. The Lord is our Peace. Jehovah Nissi. The Lord is our Banner. Jehovah Jireh. The Lord is our Provider. Jehovah Rapha. The Lord is our Healer. Abba Shalom. Abba Nissi. Abba Jireh. Abba Rapha. My PrayerI pray that those responsible for the recent tragedies in New York and D.C. may be visited by the souls of those whose lives they took. My PrayerLets pray for all those who lost their lives on Tuesday in New York and the Pentagon. May their souls rest in peace knowing they were loved and cared for. Lets pray for those who have lost family and freinds--may time heal their broken hearts. Lets pray for godspeed for those injured. Lets pray for all of us that we may find understanding and healing. That we turn to peace and love and not hatred in this hard times. My PrayerOur Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. AMEN. Father God right now in the precious name of Jesus. A God that sits high and looks low. We ask that you look upon this nation and breathe unto us healing. We ask that you heal the hearts of the many victims of this tragic event. We ask that you console the families that have lost loved ones. Guide, sheild and protect us as we go on is this daily life. Heal our hearts and our minds. Lord look upon our government that they may make wise decisions in leading this great nation. Look upon our military forces as they prepare for the unknown. Look upon our firemen, police, emergency workers and all those contributing to the rescue and search. Lord we ask that you bless each and every one of us with clean hearts and spirits. The word says. Thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Lord help us lean to your understanding, bring us closer to you Lord that you may deliver us from this evil. Lord we ask that you look upon those that have done this terrible thing and let them know that this is not of you Lord. Lord just bless us right now in the precious name of Jesus. God Bless those innocent victims and their families. In Jesus name. AMEN. God Bless America My Prayerwith gratitude and love I share our world,s desire for peace. May we as a prosperous nation seek to understand those less fortunate. My PrayerI know you are always there by my side my lord. Help others with their difficulties and may all have peace in their hearts. -- Vishal My PrayerI pray this day for peace for all peoples of this earth and for love for all peoples in all nations. Amen My PrayerI pray that God, will touch the hearts of people that do not know him as their Savior Lord during this time of turmoil, and that he will bring peace and love into the hearts that need comfort at this time. I pray that Nations will come togehter in unity and peace as one world under God indivisible with Libery and Justice for all. In Jesus name, Amen. My PrayerThe Prayer of St Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love Where there is injury . . . pardon Where there is doubt . . . faith Where there is despair . . .hope Where there is darkness . . . light Where there is sadness . . .joy Divine Master, grant that i may not so much seek To be consoled . . .as to console To be understood . . .as to understand, To be loved . . . as to love For it is in giving . . .that we receive, It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned, It is in dying . . .that we are born to eternal life My PrayerMay the light shine on all the decision makers of the world now and forever. My PrayerPro Pace Deus, a quo sancta desideria recta consilia, et iusta sunt opera, da servis tuis illam quam mundus dare non potest pacem, ut, et corda nostra mandatis tuis dedita et hostilium sublata formidine tempora sint in tua protectione tranquilla. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. God, Whose sacred desires are the correct judgements, and Whose works are justice, grant to your servants the peace the world cannot give, that, our hearts may follow your your commands, and we may spend our days under your tranquil protection. Through Christ our Lord. My PrayerDear Lord, Please bless our world tonight and please guide our world leaders to peace, not war. God bless us all. Amen. My Prayeri pray that the world will be rid of all things that bring division between human beings. My PrayerI pray those lives lost in this terrible tragedy won't be forgotten and will be remembered as the time when this great nation finally came together in love and peace for one another. blessed be My PrayerI pray for healing peaceful energy to flow freely throughout our world. May our leadership be guided by peace and love. Peace and healing to the victims,their familes and those who have worked so hard in the rescue and recovery effort. May God bless our world. amen My PrayerDear Creator, May you hear our prayers in whatever name we talk to you. Forgive us for the hate that exists in this Earth that you have created and given to us. Let love for all your children grow in our hearts and thank you for healing of all those hurt and seperated from those they love by death. We ask for peace for all of us. Thank you for loving us. My PrayerI pray that my voice may be heard, my actions may demonstrate and all my thoughts and actions may support global peace and love. As an individual I am committed to learning all that is necessary from the terrorist events to fuel my own healing so that I might teach, touch and love everyone unconditionally. I support a laying down of weapons and learning to make friends among all nations so we no longer can take ungodly actions against our brothers. My PrayerI pray that who ever is responsible for this terrible act will turn himself in.I pray that ourMilitary will remain safe and there will be a quick resolution without blood shed. God Bless America My PrayerI pray that all people may find peace within themselfes first and decide everything with the voice of their hearts , amen My PrayerI pray for all people allover the world, so that we can open up our hearts and let flow our love.Please god give us the courage to open our hearts and to live our love and our light now and here and forever. My PrayerI pray for eternal peace for the souls of all the lives that have been suddenly taken on September 11th 2001. I pray for healing for those families and friends who lost their hopes and dreams with their fallen bretheren. I pray for light for the lost souls that belong to the perpetrators who conducted such evil. I pray for peace for the rest of the world. I pray for God to grant each of us all the wisdom that we need to help humanity realize that we are all ONE in spirit and light. Amen My PrayerTHE PEACE POEM By John Denver There’s a name for war and killing There’s a name for giving in When you know another answer For me the name is sin. But there’s still time to turn around And make all hatred cease And give another name to living And we could call it Peace. And peace would be the road we walk Each step along the way And peace would be the way we work And peace the way we play. And in all we see that’s different And in all the things we know Peace would be the way we look And peace the way we grow. There’s a name for separation There’s a name for first and last When it’s all of us or nothing For me the name is past But there’s still time to turn around And make all hatred cease And give a name to all the future And we could call it Peace. And if peace is what we pray for And peace is what we give Then peace will be the way we are And peace the way we live Yes, there still is time to turn aroun And make all hatred cease Let’s give another name to living And we can call it Peace. Peace....Peace....Peace.... My PrayerMay love grow in all our hearts. Love is the binding chain between all souls in the universe. My PrayerMay we all see the Great Spirit in all things, and act accordingly. My PrayerCreator God, I pray that good will come from this terrible tragedy. That you give strength, perseverance, comfort and healing to those who have lost loved ones and for those who have been injured. Iask you to Bless a hundred fold all who have helped in recovery and support in these trying days. I ask for the Wisdom of Solomen for our leaders and governments through out our world. Bless those who will give their lives for Justice as well as their families. Bless all children and innocent living creatures. Give all peoples the grace of humility and compassion towards one another that through our diversity we can grow into Peace and Love. Give us Wisdom, Faith and the Strength to Be Peace. In Christs name I pray. My PrayerI pray for wisdom and compassion for our leaders. I pray healing for the victims and their families. I pray for sanity from our people. I pray for peace. My PrayerMay God grant us peace and help us to love and cherish our dear families and friends. My PrayerI pray I resonate lovingkindness in each moment. My Prayerin this moment i offer myself in prayer and gift to transmute the pain of this world through the love and healing of the christ, may all of us humanity know ourselves as one in wound and in purity of divine power, may we hold eachother as a most-loving mother holds her child and feed one another from the breast of god; oh beloved ONE support our attunement beyond atonement; thankyou My PrayerDear God, On this the eve of our holiest day, Yom Kipur, I pray for forgiveness to all with thoughts of war. I pray for peacefull thoughts and actions in this our new year. I pray for all of the brave souls who will journey through the bright light to a new life. A life of peace. Amen My PrayerI pray and ask that all the surviving family members, friends, co-workers feel the presence of a higher power in their lives, comforting and protecting them. I ask that our leaders around the world feel the guidance of a higher power and pray they focus on those who perpetrated this tragedy, mindful of all the innocent people surrounding them and, in this way, honor our thousands of innocents who died on September 11. My PrayerI pray that all of us may come to know God's love and love ourselves so that we can truly love one another. May we all believe in love's power ---even, especially --- when we don't feel it in our hearts. May we trust that love will overcome fear and mistrust so we can live together in peace. My PrayerI pray that we remain strong and steadfast as a nation to maintain peace and not vengeance to those who hate our country or discrimination against those who had nothing to do with it. I pray that our president and politicians keep level headed and that they hold peace in their hearts. I pray for the families who have lost their loved ones. My PrayerGod bless the world, and bring peace of mind! Love, happiness, and very get lost! Peace of mind My PrayerLet me change my mind. My mind for the mind of Holy Spirit. Let me sit quiet and listen for the small voice inside me to speak. Let me observe myself and my thoughts as I find that quiet spot. Let me dissolve the hustle bustle of the day and find peace within. Let me know divine guidance is but a heartbeat away. Let me see the wounds of the world from a different perspective. Let me be still. Let me do nothing. Let me pray. Let me feel peace. Let me receive healing. Let me know Love. God, take osam bin laden and bless him. God, take my heart and heal the rips I feel. God, take bits of my heart and patch his heart. God, use me for Your Will. I surrender my heart, mind and soul to You. My PrayerIn pausing to reflect on the sadness and loss suffered by the families of the victims of Sept 11, let each and every one of us be a force for peace and unity within our homes and our communities. It starts with us! My PrayerO God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near: Grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you; bring the nations into your fold; pour out your Spirit upon all flesh; and hasten the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen My PrayerGreat Spirit have mercy upon your sacred creation. Help us to know and live with love. Open the hearts of all people to see the sacredness of the creation and before them and their intimate relationship with all things upon this earth. Humble us Great Spirit and help us to walk in new ways that honor the health and happiness of the future generations. My PrayerLet it be known... that until woman and man recognize and realize equality,social and political progress here or anywhere will not be possible. For the world of humanity consists of two parts or members: one is woman; the other man. Until these two members are equal in strength, the oneness of humanity cannot be established, and the happiness and felicity of mankind will not be a reality. The Bahai' Faith My PrayerGod grant us peace in our knowing and being in our thought and feeling in our heart and mind in our doing and breathing In all that we are may peace be. My PrayerI pray we end terrorism and have peace worldwide. I pray that people will no longer be afraid of terrorism anymore. My PrayerGod,bless all of Your children with Your hand and love. May we all have inner peace and outer peace. Remove from us the thoughts of hate, vengegance, and rage. Please be with us to better see the wisdom that You would have for us. Thy will, not ours be done. My PrayerI pray that everone would come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savour then they will have true peace, Jesus said my peace I give to you. pray for our nation, pray for Isreal My PrayerLet there be peace and healing for all those touched by the tragedy. Amen. My PrayerI pray for wisdom and God's guidance for our president and all the military. I pray for Ben Laden to turn to God and for him to give himself up. I pray for all the Afghan people who have been tortured and are victims. I pray for all who have been affected by this terrible attack on The USA. God Bless Humanity! My PrayerRemember the children, elderly and the animals, the most vulnerable often suffer the worst violence. I pray for those who's voice is not heard. With God's grace, Peace is possible if we can find the courage to stop hurting others. My PrayerI feel that we should all be praying for peace My PrayerMy prayers to the families of the victims. My prayers to the Firefighters and volunteers that are still cleaning up the debris from the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. May a great Spirit of love for our fellow man rise out of this tragedy to benefit the world. amen. My PrayerI pray for the service men and women who are fighting this war for the USA. Please bless their spouses, their children, their moms and dads. I pray that they will all come home... and soon! My PrayerGod, I pray that all those who have strayed from you will come back and find the peace you offer. My PrayerI pray for your souls; I pray for the wellbeing of your mourning relatives and friends; I pray for the spreading of love and peace in this world; I pray for more light and inner wisdom that will strengthen us all. My PrayerGod, grant us peace. My Prayermy mother said to pick this one and out goes y o u,evil. My PrayerMay all beings on the planet unite in common love and honoring of each other. May we be joined by the light of our souls, one soul. My Prayerעושה שלום במרומיו הוא יעשה שלום עלינו ועל כל ישראל ועל כל ישמעאל ועל כל יושבי תבל ואמרו אמן My PrayerPeace Be With You My PrayerI am so sorry for those of you who lost loved ones. My heart goes out to you. I pray you have the strength, support, and love from family and friends around you to help you through this. My PrayerI pray that man will allow humility to transpose ego and judgement so that love can offer the natural path to peace and understandsing. My PrayerRemember the historic Peace churches despite some of their sexism. Too many guys are sick near me; coughing , snufflling, vulgar: there is very little world health. Mostly Wimmin & children are refugees worldwide. Everyone : become Feminist pacifist Christians. Remember Earl the Peacemaker. My PrayerI pray that God will heal all troubled souls after the horrific tragedy in America. God bless the USA. My PrayerThe light of God surrounds us, The love of God enfolds us, The power of God protects us, and the prescence of God watches over us, Where ever we are, God is, and all is well. Peace and the Light of God be with us. csb My Prayeri pray for world peace mike levy My Prayerlet us pray god almighty thanks for watching over us on this tuff time of healing and grief after the september 11 tradgedy we hold are pray to those hurt by this tragety and we will help who ever we can and stay untied and please watch over all our children and keep them safe thanks be to god amen My Prayeri want to give my condolences to everyone that was affected by the Sept.11 terrorist attack. I also want to thank the heroes that have and will continue to risk their life for us you will be forever in my heart as well my thoughts jennifer bough My PrayerFather please look down on us, the United States of America and protect us from the terror that surrounds us. Keep us in the palm of Your hand, so that not a hair on our heads, that you have numbered, will be harmed. Please expose the satanic people that have done these horrible things to Your people. We are a people that embrace freedom, and our freedom has been taken from us. Please take this terror from our hearts, and remind us that if we will come to You, our God and our Protector, in prayer every day and throughout the day we will find peace. Amen. My PrayerMay we all realize we are human. Beyond borders, beyond color, beyond nationality, beyond cultural differences, we are all the same. We all have the same desire, to be understood. To have others feel what is in our own heart. To share the passion of heart. I hope this is the start of a unified heartbeat for the whole world. Peace Love Unity Respect My PrayerI pray for love among humans of the earth, and for a return to feeling safe and secure. Dear God, that's my prayer for everyone. My PrayerGod says remember My PrayerNot only I but so many people in the world are praying and working for peace. I pray to the Lord of all hopefulness that the gift of peace and love may burn brightly in our hearts and touch all with its warmth and light. My Prayermy prayer is for the peace of god to come forth from my being and out to all in need of peace and comfort. I believe that by doing this I will also receive strength and peace back. My Prayeri need peace in my life My PrayerO Thou kind Lord! Thou hast created all humanity from the same stock. Thou hast decreed that all shall belong to the same household. In Thy Holy Presence they are all Thy servants, and all mankind are sheltered beneath Thy Tabernacle; all have gathered together at Thy Table of Bounty; all are illumined through the light of Thy Providence. O God! Thou art kind to all, Thou hast provided for all, dost shelter all, conferrest life upon all. Thou hast endowed each and all with talents and faculties, and all are submerged in the ocean of Thy mercy. O Thou kind Lord! Unite all. Let the religions agree and make the nations one, so that they may see each other as one family and the whole earth as one home. May they all live together in perfect harmony. O God! Raise aloft the banner of the oneness of mankind. O God! Establish the Most Great Peace. Cement Thou, O God, the hearts together. O Thou kind Father, God! Gladden our hearts through the fragrance of Thy love. Brighten our eyes through the Light of Thy Guidance. Delight our ears with the melody of Thy Word, and shelter us all in the Stronghold of Thy Providence. Thou art the Mighty and Powerful, Thou art the Forgiving and Thou art the One Who overlooketh the shortcomings of all mankind. --- 'Abdu'l-Baha --- My Prayeroh my god save to all with Ladan he is going mad give him sorry My PrayerI pray for peace and healing this Thanksgiving Holiday for Americans and all the world. Amen. My PrayerI pray for peace for the world. I pray for the peace for my country. I pray for peace for my family, neighbors, friends, and community. I pray for my own inner peace. Amen. My Prayerlet us wish for others what we wish for ourselves. My Prayeriseral i pray that gods will be done. i pray that the families that have lost are comferted by god and there spirit renued. i pray for wisdom for you leaders. and i pray that god lay a firm hand down on your enimines they are also mine. iseral i pray that the brest plate of rightness and the sward of salvation are gards at your city gates and that they would stop intruders that god would lay out his hand for all to be sheltered in and protected in. you are te annointed ones of god and I pray god to deliver swift justice on any man to take the life of an annoited one thank you lord for the days you have given us and the opertiniuty to serve you please forgive us all our sins and protect us from evil amen. My PrayerMy prayer that those who feel that have noone to care for them know that God's love them. His goodness and mercy endureth for ever. He will be by our side for wherever we face. My PrayerMy prayer is for humanity to realize the gift of life and show regard for one another. My PrayerMy prayer for all is to the source within each one of us-may we all be reminded that we are all one and what we do to one we do to all,therefore remember children where you came from and restore peace in your home so there is peace in the world.May we all remember that we came to restore peace on earth! My PrayerPEACE for us all....for we are all one .. all wanting and needing love.. respect.. security freedom ..to belong ..to feel valued..to be at PEACE...to be guided ..to take responsibility and to show care. love m My PrayerMy prayer is for humanity to awaken to LOVE by healing and listening to mother earth. Open up the soul for life's glistening water, pure and clear, free from hate. Listen to God.Listen to intuition. Heal. Help save the earth's children by praying for peace and helping protect the innocent, children and animals. God, Love, Light be with us and help us overcome the darkness that is threatening our worlds. Help us follow your will and your path. Help us be true to ourselves while facing adversity. Remind us that our relationship with you is the most importnat thing - more important than prestige, money, or acceptance. Help us remember that you are in us always and we are part of you. Help us find peace for the world and help us save the innocent. My PrayerWe pray that those who are hurting may feel compassion and forgiveness for those who they hold responsible for their pain; we pray that the anger gives way to belongingness and the realisation that we all indeed one; that in this tragedy we may all find the seeds of a new and profound learning. My PrayerI pray for an end to the cycle of responding to violence with more violence. I pray we seek peace and pursue it. Peace cannot be attained by violence, it can only be attained through understanding. May Peace Prevail on Earth. My PrayerPeace begins when the hungry are fed. May all who hunger be fed. (FoodNotBombs-Somona) My PrayerI pray for guidance in embracing ways of peace in my life. I pray for guidance to the world peoples to also embrace ways of peace and love. My PrayerI pray for Peace not only in the external forms between people(s) & countries. But for the internal, Peace of Mind and Spirit for all. Especially for those living with depression in any of its shadows upon the soul, may we find Peace. My PrayerGlory, honor, praise, mercy, wisdom. My PrayerGuide my heart and my throughts that your will be done. Surround and protect us from us. Allow the harmony from the heavens and the breath of your winds gently embrace all mankind that we know that peace is possible. Keep us and show us how to live. AMEN My PrayerI pray for a world where hatred no longer exists; where people learn to see the divinity in one another and to love one another. Amen. My PrayerI pray for peace and prosperity for all the nations on this planet. May all the nations start to learn something beautiful from one another instead of fighting each other. And may all the people become aware of the fact that every living creature deserves peace and happyness and right to their own beliefs as well as they do. My Prayermy soul greeves over the 100 deths My PrayerBlessed Be to all. May the New Year bring Happiness Peace to Everyone! lol My PrayerMay we all do what we can, those little things that are often overlooked, to bring about peace in our world. My PrayerI pray that peace will be attained through understanding, love, and the urgent desire of those in power, all over the world, to act according only to the deepest knowledge of what is truly right, fair and humanitarian according only to their hearts and souls. My PrayerAs simple as this is " God bless Everyone" My PrayerI pray that every person unclutter their hearts of turmoil and make way for peace to enter with all its purity, calm, and warmth. Sharon Z. My PrayerI certainly understand the power of comfort. – Wonder Woman My PrayerO, Divine Master, Gracious and Loving God, Grant us Understanding, Grant us Compassion, Grant us Forgiveness, Grant us Love. O, Divine Master, Gracious and Loving God, Grant us eyes to see your Precious Light, Grant us ears to hear your Precious Word, Grant us hearts to be filled with Your Spirit! Grant us hands to Touch and Heal O, Divine Master, Gracious and Loving God, Grant us insight to find your Precious Way, Grant us vision to know your Precious Will. Grant us refuge that to find solace in your Grace! Grant us Peace that we may reflect your Light! O, Divine Master, Gracious and Loving God, Grant us Understanding, Grant us Compassion, Grant us Forgiveness, Grant us Love. Grant us Peace Grant us Peace Grant us Peace Grant us Peace My PrayerDear Father/Mother God: Let us all be able to sit and share a vision of world wide love and peace that embraces Arabs and Jews and Christians and Moslems, whites blacks yellows and gays and all religious and ethnic people throughout the world in an agape feast of love and fellowship. Help each of us to work toward that goal starting today. Amen My PrayerI pray for a peace within each of us that grows and spreads throughout all humanity, that our individual spirituality, acceptance and tolerance of others and their beliefs spills over everywhere throughout our world. "Bonum diffusium sui est" (goodness overflows itself.) My PrayerLord let us remember to remember all of the lives lost in the past tragedy of Sept. 11th, but lets also remember everyday tragedies...be with us as you promise. My PrayerI pray that we take this opportunity to heal and send out our love and light through this healing. My Prayermay we each experience simultaneous peace and joy in our hearts despite the occurances of our daily lives. My PrayerOm Shanti, Shanti Om My PrayerI pray that America wont always be down on what happened on september 11. I know that what happened change many things and lives of the people that was in the building when it fell and I know it hurts the families of those people lost , but I pray that them familes wont always be affected by this, but that God will give them peace to overcome. May God Bless America My PrayerI pray that we realize that we are all created by, sustained by, protected by, surrounded by and evolve into devine light. May that realization bring us peace, spread the light and heal mother earth. My Prayergod be with us all on our journey called life My PrayerLord, teach us to laugh again; but don't let us forget that we cried. My PrayerPlease dear Father Watch & protect all your children and help us to find Peace..Thank You My PrayerMay the hearts of mankind heal so all can share in this world, living togather as one soul for peace, love, and harmony dissolving the wound that separates our minds, and our hearts in order that we may all live in this world honoring each other, mother earth and all living things. My PrayerI pray that our similarities will be celebrated and our differences will be embraced. My PrayerMay the Divine Light lead us back home safely, peacefully from this anger and turmoil. He gave us 10 basic rules to live by... no addendums, no sub-paragraphs, no amendments... I pray that the people of this world could find the humility and wisdom to follow 10 Commandments...before it's too late for hindsight. God Bless all his beautiful children...whomever you are My PrayerI pray for peace, healing, homes, food for all God's children on the planet. I also pray for healing for our planet. My PrayerThe Universal World-Prayer (A Prayer To The Heart Of Reality,Proposed By The Divine World-Teacher,Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj,For Non-Sectarian Use By All Of Mankind "Beloved,Inmost Heart of every heart, do not Let our human hearts be broken by our merely mortal suffering here- but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free to an unconditional love of You, that we may,Thus,love all living beings with Love's own True,and Truly broken,Heart". My Prayer"Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God"(light/love/whatever..) My lesson for today is "I am affected by nothing but my own thoughts" and the only prayer is that we learn to recognize this and come back into this awareness. This is the only meaningful prayer that we could ultimately entertain. We come to this point by removing our investment in fear and physical sight and investing in spiritual vision. What you give you give to yourself and all judgment is self judgment, what I pray for today is simply this "To all the world I offer peace, to all the world I offer joy, to all the world I offer love and safety, to all the world I offer gentleness. I give this to the world that I may have it for myself"! (: 29 yr old Dean from Cape Town ........ ((((: dean@forwardslash.com My PrayerI pray that the light of the universe shine down and bless every soul that is in need of Light,Love and Understanding.I pray that they find the inner joy that comes from a peaceful soul My PrayerLove yourself, thoroughly, wholly, patiently, gently, unfailingly- each and every moment. Flood your being with perpetual thoughts of kindness, love, compassion and peace. There, now go and radiate out to the world.joan My PrayerLord, Tday what would wake us up to face the world as one single race and offer a hand of peace across the world.The open of the day is here. the hope of peace;to stop the cries of human race stillness hang over us for the unknown trouble to come.Give us you light ,so our faith and hopes; that your everlasting peace will calm our unknown evil that in our stillness the evil one trying to destory us. My PrayerWe continue to pray for the families on that tragic day 09/11/01. We pray that they receive your daily blessings and strength. We pray for global healing and peace. My PrayerDear God we pray to you for peace where there is anger, for peace where there is sadness, for peace where there is hurt. we pray for a world full of peace, love and faith, instead of a world full of tragedy, and evil. amen My PrayerI pray that every body will rest in peace and everynody else will keep living on with your life. Bye bye bye bye bye bye Love ya Always, The Wilkinson family My PrayerPlease, please let us all pray for peace, harmony, and love in this universe. War is not the answer. We are all one and the same, brothers and sisters. Let us find a way to achieve the loving, beautiful world this is meant to be. Let us put an end to hatred and differences. Let us make the first move toward peace, and others will join. May God bless this wonderful planet and all its inhabitants. My PrayerMay every heart find peace within and share it with another. My PrayerMother /Father Creator of all..please bestow the blesssing of love to all of us in need of your love and wisdom..Light the light shine bright into the hearts of those past and their transgressors. My Prayeri pray that i will be able to use the fire of life within me to be resolute in goodness and compassion. i pray i will recognize frustration, doubt and disillusionment as human reactions to life's hurdles but not let those negative thoughts cloud the light of peace that i wish to share with all living beings. My PrayerI open and receive the Light from Spirit with the intention of dispelling the darkness within my own unconscious energy that peace and healing will transmute and seal all any any energy that is not open to Spirit's light....in that healing of myself let that peace and love radiate to comfort, heal and inspire others. My PrayerHelp me O Lord, I need your guidance and strength. Please help to overcome my afflictions and grant me inner peace. Stand by me in my time of trouble. Please show me the way. And continue O Lord to watch over all my Family, Relatives, and friends. Grant us many more years to all spend together in your Service and under your guidance. Please keep us strong in mind, body and spirit. I ask all these things in the name of your son Jesus Christ Our Lord. Thank you for taking the time to hear my prayers O Lord. Amen. Joseph My PrayerI pray that the hearts that were opened on 9/11 remember what that was like and are drawn to a life of heartfulness. My PrayerMay we all have peace in our hearts so that we may have peace on earth. My PrayerOM MANI PADME HUM. I pray for the eternal salvation of all living beings - humans, animals, fish, demigods, gods, hellbeings and ghosts. I pray for the mercy and compassion of almighty God and all enlightened beings in the form of divine grace, light, love, and intercession, in ways that most benefit those of us still here in samsara. Amen. My PrayerMy prayer for peace, is that everyone of us awakens to our own inner peace, which I feel is the ultimate key to manifesting worldwide peace. Let it begin with "ME", first! Let's think again.... My PrayerMy mother had stroke 70% brain dead, Husband's aeorta rupture had two open heart surgeries and now having health problems, elder brother want to construct house father does not let him and they are fighting all the time. My sister-in-law and my husband hate my father and wants to kill him. I can't go spend lot of time with my mom in nursing home with stroke. It's very difficult for me. With all the sickness and fights in house, my life is so miserable. I feel I am living in a hell. Please dear lord help us go through this and give us peace and good health. Thank you. My PrayerI pray for peace in my mind, peace in my heart and peace in the world. May we all walk in Christ's love. Amen. Betsy My PrayerI pray that people can get along with one another To change their hearts and lives and do what the God told us to do in order to make it in his kingdom. I pray that there will peace amount the people in the world because we are all God children. I pray the ones that was affected by the September 11. But I also know that God will heal the land as well as the people We just have to keep the faith and turn it over to him.Through it all God will make everything alright. Amen My PrayerI ask for help for all the women in the world who are troubled or are in trouble. May this bring some peace on earth. My PrayerLets celebrate today the fact that God has Blessed the world with the bright light of Love and the pure art of forgiveness. Today our prayers have been answered, and the gift that was hidden behind the tragedy has been revealed. Yes, lets celebrate, for the terrorists intentions have backfired on them. They thought we would all turn on each other but instead their hateful act has brought us closer. Thank you lord for the lost we have experienced in fact has been our biggest gain,for now we have more angels to protect us and guide our ways. So, Lets never forget 9-11 and what we all learned that day, that we should never take for granted our love ones and to say I love you everyday. AMEN My PrayerI pray we all have compassion - first for ourselves then for those around us then for stranger we will never know then for all life. My PrayerThere's a chance peace will come, let it begin with me My PrayerEach smile that lingers only in the memory of a loved one guides us all to find strength and direction to accept. Celebrate the collection of those souls chosen to make the rest of us whole. amen My PrayerI pray for peace in my own heart as I struggle with conflict and distress. I pray for peace between my colleagues and those we serve during a labour disrutpion were I work. Namaste My PrayerLet light descend on Earth, may Christ return to earth, the purpose of the Master Know and serve... My PrayerFor each person to know the full LOVE AND GRACE of God... and for each other. My Prayerlet all men remember that they are all one to another connected, and when we hurt another, we hurt ourselves. The only true emotion is love and we need to search our hearts and realise that we are all one family here on earth, and with that connection we can no longer hurt each other, but only want the best for the other. Please let love reign on earth, and let us see the God in each other. Amen and peace to all My PrayerIn a world where life moves at incredible speeds I pray for peace. An inner calm and loving acceptance and allowance of ourselves to move to OUR drum, OUR tempo. My PrayerMy heart bleeds as an American and as a mother for all the souls lost on Sept. 11. My own son was late for work at Deutsche Banc , and witnessed the first plane hitting the tower. I am eternally grateful for the sparing of his life, and I pray for the eternal peace of those who were lost that day.May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.God bless us all, as we face this war on terrorism. My PrayerI send thoughts of Light and Peace to the middle east where hatred and bloodshed are at a fevered pitch. I pray that the leaders of both sides put their feelings aside and work for the betterment of all people. I pray our leadership can persuade a peaceful solution to satisfy both sides. We are all safe in God's Loving Hands and for this I am truly grateful. Steph My Prayermy prayers are with you all, let love, joy and happiness make us stronger and guide us in everyway My Prayerhello my name is leon martinez i'm from colorado springs i'm asking you all out there to pray for my family here in the springs we arepraying that our beloved wife and mother come back to us soon rico,leon jr.,shaniqua,shaneen and me dad big leon want you to pray to the almighty father that heal heal our marriage and bring us back together as a family i believe with everyone praying for my family it will happen with a quickness so please ask our savior to pour out his blood that he shed on calvary over our prayers and to continue to keep us strong please with lots of love and respect.leon martinez My PrayerFather God, You have blessed us with a desire for peace Bless us also with the ability to attain that peace You have granted us the power to do great things Grant us also with the power to do better things You handed us the world Allow us to hand that world back to you, intact. Give us peace, father. Amen My PrayerI pray that all the World may live in peace.. No hatred no killing.. Bin Laden is not religious! he is a ******8 that uses religion as an excuse of what he did.. we arabs pray to those who lost their lives and tell you that palestinians did not dance at the tragety but a mexican guy reported that this video was taken at May 2000 when israelies got out of Lebanon this website will show what I mean www.infopal.org/docs/spics.htm Mia B. -United Arab Emirates. My PrayerLord, have mercy on those who don't know You and on those who hate you. Touch their hearts so that they may trust you. Help them to realize that in You, there is love, peace, and happiness even in the midst of a storm. Give comfort and peace to America and help us to truly understand You and seek Your face because You know what's best for us. Be our guide and give us strength to endure until the end. Have You way, Lord, for we need You. In the name Jesus Christ. Amen. My PrayerMay God's ever lasting peace be with everyone affected by the events of September 11th. My PrayerMy prayer is that our nation understands that we serve an awesome God and that the prayers of the righteous can heal the land...because if His people who are called by HIS name will pray and seek His face....truly we will all be blessed. My PrayerDear Lord, please help me find peace within my soul that I might find the strength to see people with only loving eyes and compassion. That I share the best part of myself everyday with the people I encounter and try not to judge people for their actions. That I live with the Holy Spirit guiding my thoughts and actions so that I may strive to live as a positive and loving force. May the blessings I receive be passed on to those in need and may I always find hope in times of distress. My PrayerI pray for everyone to find the right courage. Reed My PrayerDear God, I pray for the peace of all people today, not just myself, as I read about the mother and children killed in the Middle East today. I listen to the wind in the budding trees, warming my home as it sweeps past the curtains and envelopes me. The chirping of birds and fluffy white clouds give the illusion that peace has settled in. Across the world, this is not so. And perhaps even across the street as well. I pray for strength as I search a place to be still and seek only you. Coat my crying heart with the promise of your divine love, oh lord, so that I may continue to go forward with hope. We who know sorrow can relate in empathy to others whom we will probably never know. People of various cultures from that of our own. Let me reach out my hand as a gesture of peace. We must endure much loss it seems in order to use compassion as a building tool. Let us soothe each other simply by knowing one another is there. In our writings, dear God, we have the courage to share -- our experience, our strength and our hope. May I also add our dreams. Never let me discount my dreams, for they may lead to opportunities to bring your healing to this world. Let me remember through you all things are possible. Michelle My PrayerPlease stop the fighting and the terror. My PrayerI pray for the world to be safe for the children of the future My PrayerThe Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the center where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men- The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. My PrayerMy prayer is that we will each find the will and courage to share peace with those around us, giving an example that will spread like ripples on the water. My PrayerI pray for peace and comfort to all the families that have love due to terrorism and war. I pray that the world can love together in love and peace. My PrayerMay all be blessed with God's love, strength, and guidance. All is happening in divine order. Peace and Love. My PrayerHeartfelt prayers for peace, forgiveness, and love througout all humanity are sent with a special emphasis for a lasting peaceful resolution to the Middle East conflict. May our prayers be heard and joined by all. Amen. My PrayerResurrected Jesus Christ, I ask that the essense of unconditional love be restored to the 3rd dimension of the physical world. And so it is. Thank you holy father mother God. My PrayerThis comes from the Grade 10 French Immersion class at New Germany Rural High School in Nova Scotia, Canada. This was a part of my presentation on terrorsim, for the rest of the class to write a prayer. Je prière que le dieu régarde a chaque une des victimes de le terrorisme et sourir parce qu'ils n'ont pas déserve ce chose dans leurs vies. Régarde a des terroristes et les punis avec le plus sévere punissement imaginable. Garde ce monde sauf et nous protectons. Amen- Jeremy If everyone would realise we are all the same inside and out, and that everything is living one way or another, our world would be perfect... almost perfect, we still have the things that help us, yet endanger us! So, if you stop and think our world will never be perfect. But we should all do our part in helping it. Stephanie Le monde besoin d'être sauvé tous les personnes jeunne et âgé vien at donné l'aide à des personnes qui sont affecté par le terrorisme. Une personne peut fait un différence mais deux peux fait plus. Merci aux tous les personnes qui aide avec l'onze septembre. Lewis Bless all the familys that lost a love one on September 11. Natasha Victims and family members of September 11th and terrorism EVERYWHERE, sorry for the loss we have all felt since September 11th. Kelly With life there is death but death shouldn't be the taking of life. Jennifer The world to stop the fighting La monde d'arrète les batailles. Ashley The following people also send out their regards to the familys, friends, victims and people worldwide who were affected by terrorism. Vicki, Melanie, Alana, Ben, Ryan, Chantel, Laura, Kristina and Giselle. My PrayerI am the LIGHT of GOD, the LOVE of GOD, the PEACE of GOD. You are the LIGHT of GOD, the LOVE of GOD, the PEACE of GOD. All are the LIGHT of GOD, the LOVE of GOD, the PEACE of GOD. Thank you GOD, and so it is. My PrayerToday I pray for a peaceable attitude and effort in all of us in America, in Israel, and the Middle East Countries. Let us not think about killing but rekindle a peacful heart, soul, and let Our God stir this spirit within each person who reads this and then that person stir others in a peaceable way. My PrayerDear God, May we all remember how exquisite life is, how lucky we all are, how we can best use our lives each day to bring peace to where we are, and to spread love amongst everyone we come in contact with. May we spread peace in the ebb and flow of our breathing, may we only see with peace and may be love everyone as ourself. My PrayerMay all be grateful for the many blessings in their lives and may they be open to accepting the healing and divine grace that surrounds them at all times. My PrayerI pray that we will see all peoples not as aliens or enemies, but rather as members of one family, devine creatures of God.I pray that we never lose our humanity to anger and violence. My PrayerThis prayer is sent out to all on planet earth- that one day peace will live in our hearts and permeate all the areas of our lives. My Prayerdear heavenly Father, i pray that you will restore our peace of mind in each other and ourselves that you will help and guide those who work to give us peace in the world in the country and in out own communities amen My PrayerMay we realize the gifts we are given each day. may May we be willing to follow our inner light. May we trust the process. Carolynn My PrayerOne Earth, One Family, One Universe--and what each one does is felt by all. How deeply we're connected ... My PrayerMay we all remember ... that each of us is pure and we have agreed to come together to forgive,cleanse, transform, and grow in awareness. Help us remember, so that we can all share power, love, and wisdom to heal our planet. Simply shine your light. pam My PrayerPeace be below us. Peace be above us. Peace be behind us. Peace be before us. Peace be around us. Peace be within us. Abba Shalom. Mitakuye oyasin... All my relations. My love to you. My PrayerDear Heavenly Father.. i come to you today and ask for PEACE in America, Lord, please help us get through these recent tragic times, and bring us all closer together.. in Jesus' name, AMEN My PrayerI pray for Ryan and Alison to exert healing in their relationship. To rebuild a spiritual bond of love between the two of them so that they can be united in holy matrimony to raise their son Cameron in a holy family. I pray for love and peace between the three of them. My PrayerAlmighty God and Father, we love you we Praise You we adore You and thank You for all of your Goodness.We beg you through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Beloved Holy Spirt to cast Satan into the deep dark pits of hell. Please accept my whole heart, my whole soul my whole mind and my whole self. Make us pure of heart soul mind and body. Take possession of this world, which is rightfully Yours. Yours we are and Yours we wish to be. Protect our Country and all people who love you with a sincere heart. Let all know you for who You Are. Not a mean Creator, but a loving merciful Father. We pray for our enemies, for Lord, They do not know what they are doing. Take the evil one from them. Protect all the simple folk, who do love and honor your for You are all we have. We ask this from the bottom of our hearts for You are Love itself. Teach us to love each other and You Alone as our Creator. Give us Peace in our World and inside.Amen. My PrayerGod's power is greater than all the hate, discord, and tragedies we are experiencing as a world. May we all someday remember that we are a part of God's power and that it is fueled by LOVE. My PrayerPlease join me in prayer for each individual person we work with, live with and meet on any given day, that we may be instruments of Christ's Love and Peace. For our hearts and minds to be free from all anxiety, we pray in Jesus' Holy Name! Amen! My PrayerI pray for peace in my workplace. May the stress of the moment be surmounted by loving concern for one another, mindful tolerance of one another, and the knowledge that we are all -- regardless of race, gender, culture or religion -- brothers and sisters in the family of Spirit. My PrayerMay the inhabitants of the middle east lands put aside the historic and religous differences which have resulted in the hatred that exists between the races and the killing and maiming of so many. Help them to understand that they are all brothers and sisters of each other,and they could live together peacefully. let a new leadership be acheived which shows love and not hate to the so called enemies. My PrayerI pray that the people of this world, would learn to love and fear God almighty, with all of their hearts and souls Amen. My PrayerGod, these times weigh heavily upon me. I know not what is to come, I know only that I am afraid. I humbly offer all that is of meaning to me, to You, in the hope and trust that you care for it as I would my own children. This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. My PrayerMay God fill the hearts and minds of everyone in the world with peace, love, joy, faith, courage, wisdom, and hope. My PrayerOh, Creator of our souls, flow...flow...flow. Open our innermost spirit and let us have peace which transcends all understanding. Let us all reach out and share so that those seeking peace find that lifeline and so the peace will flow...flow...flow. My PrayerI pray that everlasting peace prevail in this world as God has always willed. My PrayerI pray that each soul in the world will find peace and hope through the love of God. My PrayerMy prayer for love and peace to All that lives. We are all One. May we learn that harming anyone or anything, will hurt us as well. Love and Peace to the World. Namaste, MP My PrayerMay Peace Prevail On Earth. check out worldpeace.com with love and blessings, Jane My Prayerpeace please. My PrayerLORD HELP US TO CREATE LOVE WHERE THERE IS DISCRIMINATION, HELP US TO BUILD BRIDGES WHERE THERE IS GAP, HELP US TO UNITE WHERE THERE IS HATRED, HELP US OH GOD AS AND INSTRUMENT TO HEAL THIS WORLD AND TO HAVE AROUND THE GLOBE. AMEN My PrayerMay there be peace in the hearts of those that are affected. May they know that there is nothing that a Higher Being is not able to handle and transmit strength to them for only the asking. That through the Spirit that they be carried and loved for who they are. May peace confort their minds and their hearts and that they know that they are strengthened through prayer. My PrayerI pray that we may each find peace within, cherish and appreciate our differences,and learn the way of peace. My PrayerI pray for the people in the world to find a higher awareness of themselves and others. My PrayerI pray for peace within myself first,and for this world in which we live.I pray that we will all learn to interact with each other and realise that we are our Brother`s/ Sister`s keeper.And so it is. My PrayerI pray for people to relize that there is peace in each other. and to find true happiness and there inner peace ~~ My PrayerI pray for the world tonight... that we may all come together in love and peace! My PrayerLord, You are a God who brought peace and justice to us as we opened our hearts to you. Let us ever be mindful of all hearts that share your peace through out our nation. We pray that hearts would be open to you and that the world will become peaceful as you work out your will in each of our lives. Amen. My PrayerI Pray that my marriage comes back together, stronger then ever....Mario & Marion My Prayeri pray God grant me peace. i am mot good person. iwant to be good. bhupinder My PrayerMay the LadyLord/LordLady, our ONE GOD, bless all life with peace and happiness from this day on. My PrayerMay all people on earth who believe in ONE GOD use ONE NAME to refer to their ONE GOD from this moment on. My PrayerI pray that all children find love, joy and support in their lives. My Prayeri pray for peace My Prayer9/11 has happened! May we use it to find peace in our soul and stay in tune with that praying unceasingly so that we may be instruments of peace. I am so thankful that I have the time and resources to get intouch with my inner peace and pray that all people may do the same. My PrayerI pray for peace and good will to all. And God Bless the USA!!!! My Prayer"No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it." Paul the Apostle (1 Corinthians 10:13 The Message) We pray that the world will know this to be true. My PrayerI pray for the country and that our leaders have the wisdom to get us through this difficult time. My PrayerMay those that are troubled, find peace, those that are hurting...comfort. My PrayerDear God, Please help, guide, and heal all those who suffered from this terrible event. Amen My PrayerThis is my prayer for peace. I pray that the reality that we all are one, will become known by all so that there will truly be peace. Love is all there is. My PrayerI pray for world peace, inner peace, saftey and good health to eveyone and most of all love. My PrayerMama Yeye, Please comfort the hearts and minds of those who have suffered this great tragedy. Please wrap them in the arms of your care as you are the Mother of us All. My PrayerMy prayer for peace is this: May we all learn to love and not hate. May we be strong enough to do something when others are hurting. May we all be safe and help others stay safe as well. For all of the people who are willing to help a hurting soul...bless you! -Survivor/South Bend, IN. My PrayerI pray that our leaders will come to their senses and realize that more death, destruction, and political manuevering will never avenge the deaths of those lost. I pray for the families of those lost in all wars and other such events. I pray that someday we can all come together as humans regardless of our religious beliefs, political standing, race, creed, sexual orientation, culture, disability and unite as one people... Bob Marley said, "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds." Peace to all.... My PrayerMy prayer is that all human beings learn how live in harmony with each other, that we transcend all religions and philosophies, that we learn to adapt to each other's cultural differences and understand that we are all connected one way or another. My PrayerMay all hearts be open to loving and trusting self and others for all is good. May we be willing to shed hate so love can shine through all that exists. May we find the courage to listen first destroy not that which is life. My PrayerMay peace become the way, not the alternative. My PrayerIn a world of hurt and heartbreak all we can do is be by each others side. Universally, when all people band together the link between us is much more important than anything else. People can ruin anothers persons world but the strength to live on and live through its shows that as a universal community nothing is impossible. We have all been brought together amidst this tragedy and even a year on the devastation still touches our heart, even here in Australia we share our tears and heartbreak together as a wordlwide community. No one is alone. My PrayerPlease love one another. My PrayerI pray for wisdom, tolerance and unity. Love, Esther My PrayerTHAT ALL BEINGS MAY RECOGNIZE THE DIVINITY WITHIN AND SHARE THE PEACE THAT IS FOUND THERE WITH THE WORLD. My PrayerDear God, my heart goes out to the victims of those who were abused by priests. Help me to find peace wihin my own family--for I have a brother who is a victim. I want our family to be united as one. Through your support and the peace you offer I hope this dream will come true soon! My PrayerTonight is the night before the anniversary-Sept 11. Wherever you are in the world...whatever your culture or belief...we are all the same. If you have a family member who is killed you feel the same wrether you are from China,Russia,England,France,US,Isreal,Iraq,Germany,Japan or anywhere else. My prayer is for the world to realize this and stand together(all countries)...to respect our differences and learn from each other...to lay down the guns and join hands from one end of the earth to the other/ Only then will all the deaths of all the people who have died from senseless wars or at the hands of terrorists have meaning...Only then does the world have a chance to survive for future generations...And I pray that it does...that all the unborn children can walk down their streets without fear...that all the people in the world open their hearts to each other. I pray that the stars will shine equally magnificent and glowing with light over a world without wars and hate! My Prayer9/11/2002 -- Dear Lord, hear our prayers this morning, as we remember and pray for the souls of the more than 3,000 people, who lost their lives one year ago today. May they be blessed with eternal peace. Amen. My PrayerGod Bless the victims of September 11th, 2001. May they rest in peace. My PrayerI send my prayers to President Bush. Let's send him some true loveenergy so that he may transcend his anger and deal with the pain underneath. Have compassion for a man who believes he needs to fight back to serve the people. But what we really want is a peaceful world. A world full of loving communities. A world of helping and supporting each other. A world of cooperation and understanding among nations. That is what the people really desire from their hearts. My PrayerAnd the healing continues. My PrayerI pray that we all learn not only to tolerate one anothers differences, but find compassion and appreciation for each other. My PrayerI pray for peace in our world so that all children can live and enjoy lifes precious gifts without fear.KSG My PrayerI pray people will awaken to the reality that we are all loving beings of LIGHT inside our different bodies, and as such, are all beautiful and equal in God's eyes.when this happens, we will see each other as we really are - as soul sisters and brothers.Shelley My PrayerThank you for all these wonderful people in my live that nurture my soul. I give thanks for peace within my soul. My PrayerBaruch ata adonay, eloheinu melech haolam asher Yavi shalom aleyno, veal kol haolam, Amen. My PrayerLORD OUR FATHER, May you bless the souls of those whom you've called up to you on September 11, 2001. Let us not forget Lord, their families and loved ones. Please send the Holy Spirit to touch their lives and empower each and everyone of them to grow in your love. May all be cmforted in prayer as they focus on you Lord and not on themselves and their pain. Help them to take each day one day at a time. PLEASE BLESS THEM LORD, Thank you Lord for offering the opportunity to people like me to make a little difference. Thank you Lord for all of the great things we have, and we for which we can be grateful to you. Thank you Lord for helping me understand that one lives forever, and it is only our bodies that are left here on earth. Thank you Lord for giving your Son to die for each and everyone of us. Help everyone carry their cross as Jesus did. It is such a small task that we can do for you Lord. AMEN AMEN JULIE LEDUC My PrayerI pray for the healing of our world, for every living thing therein. I pray for my own healing, so that I am always living in a place of love. I thank the Universe for the wisdom and strength it gives to me so generously. My PrayerMay God and the peace of Jesus Christ fill our lives with hope and lead us each new day. May we believe formost that nothing is greater than the power and wisdom of our Creater. My PrayerThat each of us finds our own My PrayerMay the Force of Light and Love reach out and envelope those who have lost a family member. May the same Force of Light and Love, unite the positive vibrations of the Universe, and start an uprising of goodness and positive thought forms...that the Dark Side will not be able to stand. And thus fighting the Dark with Lightness and Love...may the Light become triumphant! My PrayerI pray for peace and love around the world. Gina, Auckland,New Zealand. My Prayerto have the peace of the everlasting light of God shine through all My PrayerDear God, I am not one who asks for favors. Please guide Antonia Martorello and her family through this difficult time. Please...take from me and give to them. My PrayerI pray that GOD's love, peace, and forgiveness leads us all the days of our lives. My PrayerTo God I pray for world understanding and healing of every soul He created, to end hunger, violence and despise for each other. That all we can find our final salvation, redeeem our sins and look for the poorest creatures and the lonely children and elder people. That everybody may find a helping hand in this world. Amen. My PrayerWe pray that our leaders in the world will have wisdom and be guided by the peace love and understanding that reigns with the dear Lord.Amen. My PrayerI pray that the homeless experience warmth tonight, I pray that the hungry get to have a bite. I pray that abuse would be eradicated for eternity, And peace to this world for infinity. My PrayerI pray that are hearts will be overflowing with peace and love that will flow into and soften soften the hard hearts of those who are empty of love and peace in their hearts. My PrayerOur heavenly father, we humbly pray for absolute peace in today's world. With the tragedy of September 11th 2001 all of us became painfully aware of the evil lurking among us. Give us your strength and stand with us so we can effectively overcome the evil forces. Help each one of your children to get and retain peace in their life. Their joy of peace will shine and radiate to others. Then the world would be well on the way to achieving peace. And, Father we pray You help us become tolerant of each other's differences. We need education and tolerance of different cultures in the world. We ask for peace and the defeat of evil in thy name and if it be thy will. Amen
help each one of your children get and retain peace for themselves; help each on My PrayerMay all beings awaken. May all beings be happy. May all beings know peace. My PrayerI pray for everyone I meet today to find the peace that comes in the form of patience, understanding, forgiveness and tolerance, of others different from them, whether in appearance or belief, that little by little we can each spread peace through our thoughts and by our actions. My Prayerwe pray for a peaceable world that all peoples in all nations will disire to serve their communities to help heal all hurt& pain for poor & rich as our lord & savoir jesus christ has commanded amen: My PrayerGod Bless America... Bless all of those who have lost someone special and close to them in the September 11, 2001 hijacking. AMEN My Prayerpray for united world peace and forgivness My PrayerPlease pray for our family to be in peace and to love each other.Amen My Prayerplease god help us create a world where we all can live in peace. My Prayeronly love prevails My PrayerMy prayer is for Isreal to have what God has rightfully given to them.That we can resolve the conflit with Iraq with loss of life theres or ours.That God will heal our land of past wounds and that there will a healing of marriages,and children to parents.PERSONAL that my daughter will be reunited with her father.Love John My PrayerMaking war cannot make peace - there is no logic or common sense to this. To make peace we must each model peace, "be" peace for ourselves and those we encounter in our daily lives, as individuals, as a group, as a country. Please help us all to know this fundamental truth and to STOP the insanity of war and weapons. We must reconsider and gradually recreate our lifestyle to create & nurture a more peaceful world, based on mutual respect, not money or oil or the corporate bottom line. May we all be instruments of peace, love and wisdom. Amen. My PrayerI pray for a world wrapped in a shawl of serenity My Prayermay we pray for all those who have left our brocken hearts and pray that this tragety will never strike again let us pray. Amen My PrayerMy prayer is for there to be know more pain, or suffering on earth and no drugs, drinking or vilonce. But most of all all people shold be treated right not judged by what clothing there wereing or how they look. My PrayerDear Lord: I pray to you for Peace in this nation that you have created, and man have ruined or have tried to ruin. Your are greater than anyone, your power is over any mans power, and that is why Father God, I turn to you, the giver of love, and the giver of peace. Amen. My PrayerI pray that peace begin with me first and with that peace it sparks off the fire of peace. My PrayerMay Goodwill reign. My PrayerMay we all realise our wrong doings and pray for forgiveness. May we all realise we need a direction and pray that God will show us the way. May we all stand together united as one. My PrayerIn loving memory of all the aborted babys in the world. PLEASE STOP ABORTIONS My PrayerMy pray is for peace to all mankind and to use the love we have within us to heal the angry,sad,lonely and forgotten souls that surround us. My PrayerMy prayer is that regardless of what you or I believe, think or feel, we can lay it all aside and allow the deeper, sincere, compassionate creative force which surrounds to not only bring us peace but, love and tolerance as well. My PrayerThank you Lord for all the the things we take for granted. Thank you for all things great and small, for all gifts of this life are of you. Kind father please help us keep you first in our minds and hearts. Please help us to love our enemies, and forgive them as you have forgiven us. Keep us strong in your love Lord. Lord please give your peace to those who have lost loved ones.Please continue to remind us that you are in control Lord. We can deal with anything in your strength Lord. Amen. My PrayerMay we believe in our hearts that we each of our effors we can build a better world. My Prayerdear lord, we thank you for this day you have giving us. thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. amen. My PrayerOh god, give peace in every family,give all the families happiness, peace of mind, good health and love for each other with ability of understanding each other. Oh lord have mercy on all who does mistake and cleanse their mind with good toughts. My Prayergod our father, this world and its people have been blinded from your way. hatred and evil surround us daily. many have been killed in your name and for that they will suffer the consequences in the next world. may all of the innocent victims of injustice and immorality drink from your healing cup. bless us and your world that you have created. amen My PrayerI pray for the world. I pray for the grieving the sick and the wounded. I pray for our leaders and the decisions that face them. I pray for us all to act as if each soul encountered is God himself.Amen My PrayerMay God teach us compassion. My Prayerpeace isa time to share and be kind to others My PrayerDear God and Father of Mankind, I pray that our head of State and Country will realize that You are a God of peace and not war.Amen. My Prayeri pray that we ALL choose peace. My PrayerI pray that one day there will peace on earth and that people who live in the middle east will have peace too. It is my sincere desire that one day I will be able to live in society and not be judjed by my skin or faith. Father I ask all these things and with the sprit of thanksgiving I say amen and ame. My Prayerpeace, please. My PrayerI am placing the world in my lap and know it is filled with the Light of Peace. My PrayerI pray that people will look to the one true light that can heal our world, JESUS CHRIST! I pray that people will surrender to themselves and allow Christ to work thru them. I pray that the LORD will guide, heal, protect and forgive our nation. Amen My PrayerMay Peace Prevail on Earth. May peace touch the lives of all sentient beings. Peace, light and love to all. My PrayerThat we all see, that inside all of us is the living God .It is what Jesus ,said when he declare we hold the key ,Jesus has given us all the power and authority to speak the word ,and bind wicked spirits and overtake them ...they are fallen under our feet My PrayerI pray that God will give strength and happiness to the people of this great land. My Prayerblessings, love and light to the world. me My PrayerMay Peace Be in all our hearts moment to moment... My PrayerBeloved St Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and Beloved Elohim Arcturus we call forth your violet transmuting flame and fire to surround our planet and fill her with this beautiful energy. May all people be enveloped with your light to heal and transmute all fear, pain and sadness in their hearts and minds. May the spark of light and love within us all shine and illuminate the world. Let us be one with all creation and peace shall forever be. My PrayerLord..for a world torn by hate, prejudice, greed, and dispair. Have mercy. Lord..for a nation and a leadership determined to make war. Beat their swords into ploughshares. Lord..for each of us who hate or disrespect our sisters and brothers. Teach us how to love. With St. Francis of old, "make us an instrument of Your peace" in a world that is going to pieces./ Amen My PrayerMay the Holy Mother of God with all Her Angels, nurture all those grieveing souls with Her Most Immaculate Heart. Her arms are wide open to all those souls in need. Run to Her arms and she will embrace you with Love and lead you on towards Her Son. Pray the Rosary daily and offer up many prayers to the Holy Mother as she is waiting for the prayers of us all. God bless all nations and people for we are all children of God. May the grace of the Holy Spirit fill the hearts of the blind and wicked and may the talk of war be abolished in this world. My PrayerTo the soul who left the prayer of mockery, may the Lord bless you and keep you for you are under a veil of darkness and deceit. I call on St Michael the Archangel to sley the demon who possesses your soul. I consecrate your soul to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and I wash your soul clean with the Sacred Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a sight for peace, take your mockery and evil deeds to another place. God bless you! My PrayerDear God, Please bring peace in the world. Let there be no war in Iraq. Let Iraq disarm and problems be solved with negotiation. Amen. My PrayerThe many people of Sept.11 will be missed. The whole thing was a complete and total tragedy.The towers will be missed, as well as the many people that were involved also. I pray that there famalies have much strenght through this whole sadness. And so may they all rest in peace.And may the best go out to those who knew them, and may they stay strong and I would like to let them know that god is with them and may they carry on strongly. My Prayerlet everyone walk in the light of God, let everyone listen to him for he is great. My PrayerI pray for the mothers of children with or without disabilities, that they truly know how beautiful and so very much important they are in this world. My PrayerMY PARYER IS...I PRAY OUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN WILL GRANT US ALL PEACE IN THIS WORLD. I PRAY HE WILL TOUCH THE HEARTS OF OUR WORLD LEADERS AND THEY WILL COME TOGETHER ON ONE ACCORD. My PrayerLord, to love you as you have taught me, to know you in your infinite mercy, to look up to you in your majestic grace, to honor you as my Father, to bow in adoration because you chose me long ago, even before you created the world, to acknowledge that all the evidence of who, what and why you are is in all of creation. The awesome sacrifice for me and my earthly family with the shedding of blood of your son. I stand in humbleness, tenderhearted, and gratefulness as I release the old and not only call but let the Holy Spirit indwell in me to make the transfer of what I was to who I am becoming. I like it, I love you and am thankful that you never gave up on me. Much I have suffered, but nothing like what you have done for me. As I read your Holy word Father, the magnitude of how much you hate sin is evident. I don't even want to tell little lies anymore. It is true, with you nothing is impossible and without reservation I chose you, I want you, I live for you and I am prepared to die for you in whatever way you want. You are the compassion and the bravery and love and selfless act upon this earth. I want to magnify your goodness and love to as many as I encounter in my life. I want to leave hate and anger and suspicion, etc. behind. Those things do not belong in your childs heart. I pray Lord, for a great revival in my time. I pray for the exciting, happy, joyous gathering of all the Christians, young and old to rise up and show the world your greatness, your great love, your energy, your happy plans for each of us. All comes down to three small words. I accept Jesus. I accept Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Let me live in your word, in your love, in your mercy. I want my apartment in Heaven, I want my new body, I want my new clothes, I want to help you in any way I can now and upon your return. I pray also for as many of your children that will listen to your gift offering because I know how much you love them and want to bring them home. There is a song that I love the lyrics to and I dedicate them to you at this time. "There was a place called the pre-existence, where we lived with you so dear, a council was called and plans made, salvation is why were here, our Savior said please find my lost ones and teach them and bring them home, I promised my Savior I'd find them and teach them the way to go. I'll go and find them my God, I'll teach them, Our Saviors plan is the way, please accept me when I find you and we'll be back with him someday. Remember the worth of souls is great, in the Love and Sight of God, Look and seach and find his sheep to find the iron rod. My decision is made, I am committed to my Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God who give me mercy because I am a sinner. I want to teach God's word the rest of my days. I have peace because I have found Christ Jesus family. I now with all my strength pray a righteous prayer to bring all my immediate family to your Holy feet Lord, help me before it is too late. I am yours. I serve you only and the only word I will obey is your word from the Holy Bible. I always knew I would be rich some day and that I would have everything I ever wanted. In you I have found that. I am richer than any material value on this earth. Seek and you shall find. Until now I did not ask for anything in your name, I asked and I received and my joy is complete. Forgive your sinner daughter, Have mercy on me Lord Jesus Christ. I want to live only for you now, only for you. I understand the happenings at the twin towers, When people ask were you were, I tell them, you were there before anybody else. You spoke and hugged and loved your kids so they would not be scared. Their telephone calls testified that to me. they were at peace, they submitted to help you to bring back to you millions who had forgetten you. You Lord were in control, no one else. I saw them floating like feathers with smiles on their faces. I saw you, big above the building with a tender, gentle smile welcoming them unto you. You hugged them with such tenderness like a child coming to their father in such great love. I saw, I understand, you did not let them suffer. They knew, I knew and many in the world knew. Your word, your sword that day children all around the world won a battle. Many turned to you. The destroyer lost just as he lost when Jesus died on the cross. Victory! Victory! My testimony is strong and seeks wisdom and understanding from My Father in Heaven. Nothing on earth can provide and protect and shield and offer eternity, nothing! Peace, healing, to all our earth surface brothers and sisters but more so to all Christian brothers and sisters who are already and have been for a long time working overtime. Thank you all. thank you all, thank you all, thank you all. The words of the Bible are true. All those things written took place. The people who wrote the liturature, history were for real. When you begin reading the Bible, it comes alive! Doors are open but most important! It is weapon to fight off the destroyer. Believe in God, Belive in Jesus, Believe in the Holy Spirit. I am a new Christian, not even baptized yet, but I have loved God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all my life. Since I was a child, my mom died when I was three, my dad did not have the knowledge to be a father, my relatives were harsh, cold, child predators in every sense you can think of. But my God, Jesus and Holy Spirit took care of me, fed me, loved me through drunks in the street and gang members. All I went through I applied my love for God and look! I am fifty three years of age and have finally found what I have looked for all my life.... I am happy, I am secure and I know where to turn to everyday of my life to keep up the pace and peace. To you Lord, To you awesome greatness! To you only I give my life, my possessions, my committment and my love. Lord, thank you. Be with me all the day of my life. Take me where you want me. Scold me and hit me over the head with a frying pan if I don't listen. For I know that the pain will be greater than that if I do not listen and I don't want that kind of pain. If I am to have pain, for learning, and to strengthen my character and attitude, I chose you Lord. I have personal testimony of all you have done for me, especially when I got colon cancer. I know you healed me Lord, I felt you there, you comforted me and now I want to serve only you. Just tell me what you want so that I can work on it every single second of the day until you call me home. Doesn't matter how you call me home. Just let me live for you in all I do, say, hear and behave. I surrender my life and all I have to you Jesus. I am your humble servant. Peace will come about as more and more and more of your children realize that victory is already here. The awesome God through his plans of many days ago is simply working out his plan and some of that requires your children surrendering their lives for you in communication to other of your children to listen and obey! I am yours Father, may your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I love you with all my heart! I pray I never stray. Much has been overcome, and many prayers have been answered. To one who may not know... All you want and desire that is good forever is found in only one place in the Lord Jesus Christ, Father God and the Holy Spirit. It doesn't matter what the problem is... It will be healed with the Father, prayer, accepting Jesus Christ and letting the Holy Spirit work in you. Don't throw that gift away. Call upon the Lord now, don't forfeit your gift to everlasting life and happiness and why not enjoy that while on this earth. What a wonderful way to spend earthly days. Basking in the love and peace and hope of Father in Heaven. Jesus showed the way and provided a companion to help us stay on the path. Just reach out sweetie, just reach out! The gift if offered 24-7. I just don't know how much longer. Can you imamgine! Father loves us and wants us all to come home! All wounds will heal as long as you hang on to the Fathers words. He loves us too much to let us live in our pain. But we do need the pain to help us understand that only God can heal and only God counts and there are reasons for all that happens not only to the U.S. but to all other countries and peoples in the world. Peace, love, comfort, guidance, prosperity, health and Holiness abound upon all of you. Humbly do I bring this prayer to the Holy feet of Jesus Christ, Son of God who died for me on the cross. Thank you Lord, thank you so much. Make me your instrument. Teach me your ways. Lead me to Heaven. I want to be your slave always. Thank you for forgiving my sins past, present and future. May I share the goodness you have given me every single day of my life. In you Lord I live and in you I die for in doing so I will live forever. Thank you beloved Daddy, Father, Creator of all Creations. To the future with Gideons battle cry!Sword to the Lord and to Gideon!!!!!. Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. My PrayerJesus our Lord I pray that everyliving creature on earth love,have joy in our heart, happiness and peace in Jesus's Name I pray Beatrice Hope My PrayerMay all the different nations and races of the world live in peace with one another, especially during these times. My PrayerI pray for everyone who is less fortunate than myself. I pray for peace, understanding, love and unity. God Bless Everyone! My PrayerI pray for Steve and his wife Pam. May they both find peace and guidance in this difficult time. May Pam experience the soul touching love soon. My Prayerlove to all,with love in there hearts. betray this not, as you move into tommoro My Prayerdear lord help us to find peace within ourselves and to resolve what conflicts lie in our own hearts... for once there is peace within out hearts, there will be peace within the world. amen My PrayerMy prayer is for our world to unite through your love and grace Lord. My PrayerOut on the edge of darkness there rides a peace train, 'O Peace Train take this country, come take,me home again...' Yusuf Islam (formerly known as Cat Stevens) re-recorded "Peace Train" after leaving the music industry more than 25 years ago; In a contribution for the call for peace. Lets all dream about the world as one, and join the peace train. My PrayerFor my children and yours, and even more theirs, I offer my love and send up my prayers...hoping that others, who do the same will join in the spirit of compassion and renounce this new shame (WAR) and as one whether you believe or doubt, come together and change this path and make a new route. War is no answer, ask spirit to take over and offer us new hope. Listen to the sounds of your heart, hear the offerings of that which is calling...let the love of all life, understood or questioned...be the guide of us all. I am protesting in peace, supporting our troups, but not the politics of the world's governing bodies that afflict and conflict my beliefs. My PrayerPeace begins with each person, in our homes, on our street. Let God give us his wisdom and love to have patience and respect for all people. My PrayerI pray for all of the military about to embark in this conflict that God may keep and protect them all. I also pray that our world leaders can come to some resolution and reach a peace agreement. I also pray that God bless the people of our nation and that of the people of Iraq. My PrayerMay the bombs fall in empty fields and the hearts of our neighbor forgive us for we are not our country. Love to all and all is love. My PrayerDear Lord This prayer goes out to you on an evening of War and uncertainty. Please enter the hearts of all people and have them put down their weapons on both sides Peace and love are the answer and you are the key In Jesus name, amen My Prayerwish there was peace on earth NO blood shed NO fighting or violence , HATE. My PrayerGod of Peace, you alone can change the human heart. Lead me to believe the the heart that needs changing is mine. Show me my blindness, so that I may more clearly see the beauty of this world, your creation, and come to know and love you, the Source of all peace, beauty and goodness. I ask this through Jesus, your Son. Amen. My PrayerI pray that mans future defines power by his use of compassion, and not by his use of weapons. My PrayerMay the commonality of humanity prevail in our world--soul to soul.Let each of us carry the burden of each other's hurts and pain, for we have been there at one time or another. With peace in our own hearts, we can make a statement for true understanding among all peoples.Each person's God is their resource--lean on that resource! My PrayerBlessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be known as The Children of God. But I say to you: love your enemy, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To those who strike you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from those who take away your cloak, do not withhold your coat as well. Give to everyone who begs from you; and, to those who take away your goods, do not ask them again. And as you wish that others would do unto you, do so unto them as well. My PrayerI thank God I live in the United States of America. I thank God for the men and women that throughout the course of our history sacrificed their lives for me so I can live in a free and democratic society. I thank God for the courage of our soldiers. I thank God for the freedom to practice my religion. I thank God for our beautiful country and its abundant blessings. I thank God for the parents I was given and the values they taught me. I thank God for my family. I fervently pray that Sadaam and his sadistic regime is defeated quickly and Iraq's people can live without repression. I pray our troops can come home soon to their loved ones. I pray that God will protect the American POW's and shield them from pain and suffering. I pray that they know how much their country supports them and aches for them. I pray that the world will ultimately see our war in Iraq is justified and will join us in ending terrorism. I pray that the rest of the world will someday know how wonderful freedom is. I pray that the world will not forget the horror of 9-11 and will stand behind President Bush. I believe in his honesty. I thank God for his courage and strength and I pray for him and all of our leaders daily. God Bless America my home sweet home. My PrayerAt this moment I see all the people engaged in war and see them enfolded in the love of God. Lord bless your people. Keep Mike safe. I praise you. My PrayerLord, Please keep our friends and family safe and let them live happily by your side. Let our hearts go out to the families of the victims.. Our hearts lay with the victims and the families. Amen My PrayerThis we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. -Chief Seattle My PrayerDear Father/Mother God, Dear Angels, Please grant us peace. Grant us loving hearts filled with joy and compassion. Grant us healing and wisdom. Grant us insight and understanding, but most of all, grant us peace. Amen My PrayerPsalm 37-11. The meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. I ask I be a meek person to honor our Lord and his people. MEEK: Please use me dear Lord to help our hurting familys and may I look at myself and treat people as I would want my own family to be treated. Mirror Everyone Eachday Kindness My Prayeri praythat war would never exsit because many people die My PrayerHelp us Lord understand that there cannot be peace without justice; nor justice without love. Give us eyes that can see the good of people we find it hard to love and to forgive. You the Prince of Peace. AMEN My PrayerPeace - may it start with me. My PrayerOh dear God. Divine Beloved. Father/Mother. Help us all to live like you intended. Let us see the brother and sister, Mother and Father in all those we meet. Help us to always act from our best place with the highest of intentions. We thank you for this beautiful world and all the glorious things you have put in it for us. Help us to relish only the good and to not let our greed get the better of us. Let us truly act as we should and not give different names to things that we are trying to cover up but to be responsible for our actions. Bless us all. Barbara My PrayerI pray that we all experience peace - with ourselves, in our homes, and with all the world. God hear our prayers! My PrayerPeople should work as a team, And should stop being so mean. We should stick together as one, As for worries, we should have none. People should not be at war, We should be helping the poor. The world sgould be alot more kind, We should help the ill and the blind. We shouldn't be at war with Iraq, We should be at peace and not attack. Why is the world so onfair? And why does no one even care? By Anna AGE 12 We should think about others, And our mothers and fathers. W My PrayerArguments are solved everyday, Disagreements occur every day If they sort things out Why can't we? It is sad really how lives are being lost in hundreds Innocents are being killed Over one problem, not of ours but of two people Just involving us because they can't fight their own battles It just isn't fair On all the families that have suffered a loss On all the terrified people wondering, just wondering If they will make it through the day This is why we must pray for peace My PrayerI pray for world peace. I wish for light to fill up everyones' hearts. I want love and acceptance. My PrayerMay we like small snowflakes join together connecting the peace we are creating in our hearts and lives to become a BLIZZARD OF PEACE that can cool the fears, forgive the wounds with truth, and cover the earth and fill our minds with new understandings. JJ My PrayerHeavenly Father, You sent Your Son to bring us peace and yet all we know is turmoil. Bless our world and give all peoples a heart that longs for peace. My PrayerI close my eyes for a better focus towards insight. I breathe in and out until I find my true self or my smallest voice that lives inside. Tongue tip on the roof behind my two front teeth. I find my third eye, sound off a low hum. I am close to you and you are close to me. We are all here together, even though it looks as though we are seperate, different. Be still and you will hear me and I will then hear you and smile. My PrayerOn my refrigerator door is a small card that came from a magazine that I subscribe to. It says "Pray for the dead and work like hell for the living". Peace will come when people heal themselves. When we know we have several choices in responses when a tragedy occurs. History keeps repeating itself because we are not interested in finding different solutions. Satisfying our immediate believed needs, instead of the longterm lasting solution. Isn't that answer the one that the people who died in the towers deserve. I pray for people to reach their own insight. I pray for awareness to be realized and all over the world people expressing themselves as never before starting with the words "Ah-Ha"! My PrayerI pray for peace on earth and goodwill to all men and women and children. I also pray that our children will grow up to live in a peaceful world. My PrayerLight and love radiate from all beings.There is peace, harmony and understanding throughout the entire universes. My PrayerMay all beings' eyes open to the wonderful of this shared experience we call life, and in that opening know that we are not and cannot envision ourselves as seperate beings untouched by suffering and despair. May we all work together, honoring our similarities and respecting our differences, to build bridges of cooperation and understanding that will benefit all people everywhere, not just a select few. May each life gain in value in the collective mind, so that even that one will be too high a price to pay for increased wealth, increased "security", and increased honor. May we no longer see enemies, scapegoats, and expendable populations, but rather open our eyes to recognize friends (even in our critics) and co-travelers on this planet we call Earth. My PrayerTHat the Earth is a flowering Garden where there is One Community & Peace Reigns in ALL HEARTS My Prayerplease help all the soldiers fighting in iraq to return back to their homes. and help the liberation be a success and the iraqui people allowed to live freely. My PrayerMy prayer are for the same as you have on this site, world peace. My PrayerMay all beings be free from suffering. My PrayerIpray that the corporate powers stop their need for controll of other lands for material gain. I pray that world wide governments work together, and stop involving innocent people. I pray for world wide peace, compassion and love. My PrayerMay all find their true spirit and realize the gifts of giving and receiving love. My PrayerI pray that the peace and tranquility I am able to feel in my life will be able to be experienced in others lives..... in countries that thus far have been hearing and experiencing bombs and have been living a hell on earth. I send my love and prayer to all those people in the world, and I pray that the hearts and minds of the leaders will be open and humble to the need for peace on this planet. My PrayerPeace amongst people of the world, my family and friends My PrayerMay there be peace in every corner of the world and may each human being on this earth learn to love and appreciate the differences that we all have. We should not be judgmental with anyone or any speak negatively about any person. We are all on this tiny planet and we need to learn to live together. My PrayerI pray that peace will begin in each of us today. My PrayerI pray for all of our children. My PrayerI pray for all people to know God's love and to have faith in their spirituality each and every day.The result is peace on earth and in our souls. My PrayerPeace begins with me: I pray to promote health love, and goodwill in my daily life. My PrayerMay love in each of our hearts create miracles of peace in the world. My PrayerI pray for the families of the victims God is very near at them My PrayerMay we all embody the qualities of peace, tolerance & love for ourselves and all people. So Be It. My PrayerI pray for higher consciousness for all people. My Prayeri pray that everyone everywhere find a little peace everyday My PrayerDivine Order takes place.......God is in charge My PrayerI pray that everyone on this world will recognize and honour the precious gift of life and nature, and preserve this wonder by promoting peace. My PrayerTragedy has touched our world and our country, both with the Sept 11 event and now the war in Iraq. Great Spirit and Creator, touch the hearts of those who have the power to stop the maddess and chaos...touch those who can bring peace and healing to a lost and injured world. Bless us all in love and light guiding us to the greater good through love, compassion and understanding. My PrayerI pray for peace in our harts and in the world. I pray for people to live theie vision for there in a state of peace. Thank you God for the love you gives us every day. ruth My PrayerIn the midst of conflict and fear, in marriages, families, communities, cities, nations and the world, may peace begin to grow. May it grow as a delicate but eternal blossom that flowers forth in the heart of each person, drawing each one to every other one. May peace thrive despite our failures, our selfishness, our forgetfulness. May each of us make room in our hearts for the blossom of peace. Amen. My PrayerI send love and light to all the souls that have left their bodies because of 911 and the war in Iraq at this time. I PRAY PEACE NOT FOR PEACE OR IT WILL WAIT A LONG TIME TO COME. SEE PEACE AS IT IS RIGHT NOW. My PrayerMay I do the highest good for myself and all sentient beings peace and light prevail..... My PrayerFor Peace Within Ourselves.... My PrayerI hope all hearts have found some sort of peace and know that everyone has been in my prays. My PrayerThe world needs peace. When waves of peace are created by each individual with a constant good will as the target I think peace shall prevail in the world. Let the suffering zeal of the roads settle into peace. Divine Mother Aid us towards Perfect Peace in all living beings. My PrayerLord, please comfort all the families of those lost or injured on Sept 11, 2001. Please guide and keep our president and all our armed forces here and in harm's way Bring back, I pray, all our military and return them to their families....healthy and in tact. Please heal their minds and bodies and spirits.......in Your name...we praise You. Amen My PrayerMay everyone of us, all over the world, come together and remember those that we have lost, to share prayer and healing and of cause PEACE. My PrayerOur Spirits are one. Let us consciously act with pure Love and Kindness, and in doing so may Peace be present forevermore. My PrayerThat all understand there is but one of us, United in GOD who was, is now and shall ever be!. And as such, in harming another, we harm ourselves. My PrayerI pray that our hearts are pure and that we no longer need our souls to journey back to earth and inhabit flesh, the earthly vehicle. My PrayerMay God's love lead us to the peace we all desire. My PrayerMay God bless us all and keep us safe and healthy. My PrayerOur Heavenly Father, we thank thee for thy son , the Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you for the one that is all righteuous, the one that paid the ransom for our sins.Heavenly Father we think of the centurions as they beat him and mocked him, as he was walking to the dreadfull skull hill. We know that he didn't have to give up his soul that day. He could have called a band of angels to save him , but he knew he had to fulfill the divine appointment God. And as he hang on the cross the lord said, Forgive them father , they know not what they do.We thank you for this. Oh heavenly Father as we walk in this world, this world full of sin and hatred, a world ruled by satan, we pray that you preserve us from it. And we ask that the blindfolds that were put on the unsaved of the world by satan, be lifted for just a moment , long enough for them to hear the truth and come to know the Lord. We ask all these things and pray through your precious son our savoiur the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen From: A brother from The Timmins Gospel Hall My PrayerI pray for the lives of every woman, man and child touched in some way by this war that peace will abound and love will once again abide. I pray that God will heal the hearts, minds and souls of each Iraqi person devastated by warfare. I also pray for Our Nation and its leaders that one day war will no longer present a means to an end and the loss of human life no longer the price. Amen. My PrayerFor all of the wonderful people that died in honor of our country....please have mercy on their souls and pray for an eternity with God in peace and love. Please bless their families and bring them courage, strength, love and support...Amen!!! My PrayerI pray for God to help me feel peace so I in turn can feel love and forgiveness. So I may be useful to the Universe and everything in it. My PrayerMy prayer is that we all remember who we are and why we are here in this incarnation. My Prayermay we evolve to the place where violence is unthinkable, where joy is ever present. My PrayerI pray that I might be enlightened. I pray for compassion, patience and love to be shared with others. I pray that I may treat my fellow man the way I wish to be treated. I pray that my heart is filled with the love needed to work toward that love which is unconditional. I thank you for all you give with all my heart. Namaste My PrayerLord and Lady, I pray for peace. Peace everywhere and with everyone. We all need to learn how to live together. To celebrate our differences, not fight about them. I hope that one day, we can find peace. So that we are able to live together in harmony. My PrayerI pray for all the families and victims affected by Semptember 11, 2001. I hope and pray that the families of the vitims are in a peace of mind because their love ones are in a better place. this is my pray in Jesus's name. AMEN My PrayerDear God, allow me to be an expression of your love this day. My Prayermy prayer is that man should all live as one in harmony, withoutwars, and violence.. just peace.. My Prayerolivi simons Geff simons sarah Moss My PrayerI pray that I learn my lessons well and follow my life's purpose. Let peace begin with me. My PrayerI PRAY FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART TO THE TOP FOR ALL PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM ABANDONMENT OF THE FAMILY. I PRAY THAT THEY ALL RECIEVE THE BLESSINGS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THAT THE LOVE OF GOD ENVELOPE THE HEARTS OF ALL CONCERNED. I PRAY FOR PEACE AND I PRAY FOR JOY FOR ALL HEARTS WHO HAVE BEEN TORN ... I PRAY THAT A PEACEFUL BLANKET BE LAYED OVER AND THE MEND IS STRONGER THAN THE TEAR. My PrayerOh God, Please let nothing I think, do, or say Hurt somebody else today; and likewise, Let nothing I think, say, or do Hurt my own self, too. Gracias. Amen - Krista Nix Bean My PrayerI say a prayer for peace tonight. Amen. My PrayerLord, I pray for world peace and the happiness of all those who need to find a place where they can truly be happy and feel the love of others and give love where love is needed amen Pray for guidance to all the kids that they will be leaders. My PrayerLord, I pray for world peace and the happiness of all those who need to find a place where they can truly be happy and feel the love of others and give love where love is needed amen Pray for guidance to all the kids that they will be leaders. My PrayerI pray that peace becomes the norm rather than the exception. I pray for peace in our own lives, our own families, our own communities, our own nation, our own planet, and our whole universe. And let me remember that Peace always begins with Me. Amen. My Prayermay peace and joy follow us always............... tina My PrayerI pray that people will learn to care for one another, love one another, and use our differences to enlighten each other. We can all learn something good from each other. I pray one day we'll do just that. My Prayerplease pray for all who die for us in wars and all who are inocently killed by bombs,pray for there familys and friends and all those who knew them thankyou lord Amen. My PrayerPlease give us food please give us clothes please give us jobs that is most everyones prayers. What we really need to ask for is please lord give us gentalness give us caring give us common sense because we are the ones that have the power to bring on the peace of the world we do not need intelegence to bring peace we need to be childlike and yes a little more ignorant to bring peace on it is our will for peace god has already provided it for us we are responsible for using the tools he has already given us .so let love guild us to peace. My PrayerGOD WE ARE AT WAR BECAUSE SOME ONE IS TRING TO HURT US WE ARE A NATION FILLED WITH HATE AND POWER TRIPS PLEASE HELP US TO BE MORE LIKE YOU MADE US AND LET US NOT BE AFRAID OF SOMEONE HURTING US OR KILLING US BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE HAVE OUR LIVES FOR TO GO LIVE IT THEN THE DAY YOU HAVE CHOOSEN FOR US TO GO TO REST SO DO NOT LET US FEAR OUR FATE AND LET US GET THERE WITH NO MORE VIOLENCE WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE AND COME HOME TO YOU SO PLEASE LET ALL BE FILLED WITH FAITH AND NOT FEAR.BLESS ALL MAN KIND NOT JUST OUR NATION BUT ALL MAN KIND.ERMEBER WE ARE OF FREE WILL AND HAVE MADE OUR WORLD WHAT WE WANT IT TO BE AND EVERY ONE SEEMS TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO MAN MADE LAWS TAHN WHAT REALLY COUNNTS AND THAT IS TODAY AND FOREVER. My PrayerI pray that whoever reads this will find GOD and for those that already have, let them strengthen their relationship with him. I also pray for me to not be embarresed to share the knowledge of god and my faith. I love me. My Prayerto my loving God, my fears are that we will never have peace on earth. to many egos. even doubt is ego. my prayer is that God will give people love and only love in all the hearts, and take away ego. i pray for no more ego. then and only then will we have peace. My PrayerHappines sand for all mankind. No more wars on any level. belief that winter always turns to spring for all universal souls. My PrayerMy prayer for peace goes out to the families of the victims as well as the souls of those who have moved on. I also pray for our soldiers that they come home safely. My Prayermay all the dark and troubled souls on earth find light and peace so there will be no more wars and suffering...may we all see only lght and love in each other..with love francesca My PrayerI pray for peace within my body and soul to bring me closer to the earth, my family and friends. I pray that my family & friends find peace within themselves, that they find the spirit knowing its always within their grasp. I pray for peace in the world..to be united in love & understanding..~dana My PrayerI pray for peace in the whole world. I pray also for the people around us that thay may find peace in their hearts.Love,peace and happiness are my greatest wishes and give this three wishes for the whole world especially to the victims of Sept 11,2001. I also pray for all the brave and courageous soldiers in my country,Philippines and all soldiers around the world because they are our true heroes.They fight just to find peace in our country and save our country. Help also the poor people that they may have good future and peace in their hearts. My PrayerMay everyone be open to God's Love and Light. May everyone share God's Love and Light to end the strife in our world. May everyone rejoice and bless our Loving Spirit. My PrayerLet all of us be blessed. Amen My PrayerLet there be peace on earth and let it begin with ME. My PrayerI pray for peace at my workplace, between myself and my supervisor, my supervisor and her supervisor, between co-workers, and within all of us. My PrayerMay we all find peace and love by sharing our energies with each other in positive thought and action, knowing if we share love we will get love in return to all those people who need help and consolation let us share this with them at his holiday time amen My PrayerI pray for all the desprate & distrought soles in the world. My PrayerMay God pour His blessings unto mankind's path, in order that we achieve peace, freedom, relief, safety and a prosperous life. May nations and peoples awaken for a new time of recovery from violence, pain is part of our world, while we still are here, so, May God bring to mankind the gifts of His Spirit in order that our world be blessed with Peace and solidarity. Amen. Celia L. My Prayermy prayer for global peace is chanted by millions of hindus every day in the morning and evening twilights. It is called the holy Gayatri mantra. Om Bhur Bhuvassuvah Tat Saviturvarenyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat Translated into English, OM. Let us meditate on the effulgent God in the Sun who created all these worlds. May that God uplift/enlighten/illuminate our minds. regards, Hari My PrayerI pray that as you read this you will notice if you are at Peace at this moment. This moment is the only one that exists. Peace. My PrayerMay the world come together as one as the loving community that God ment for us to be. May we teach our children love and understanding for only when we have love can we move forward into peace. Heavenly Father, may we fill our hearts with love leaving no room for distruction of any kind. My PrayerMay each discover the peace inside that is waiting to be noticed. My Prayeri pray the the world will end in peace and that it will become a better place for us to live My Prayeri pray for peace in the I pray for peace everywhere with our friends and family My PrayerBe kind to everything that lives.-OMAHA PROVERB My PrayerI will learn beatiful dance like a princess i was little i want to be beatiful dancer My PrayerLord, how does one remain sane in an insane world? How does one find peace in chaos? I know you are near because Satan is attacking. When is is near one of your sheep you are there to protect them you guide the foot steps og my brothers and sisters. I acknowledge you and magnify your name in all that is and is to come. I release unsettling thoughts, anger, tiredness, restlessness, hurt, disappointment, unrealized childhood dreams, unrealistics desires and false pride. Let me draw peace of mind from this journey on earth and may all those who come near me experience the peace and love of God. Unlatch the doors that bind our hearts and lkeep us from fully experiencing the gift of peace. You are holy and there is known like you. Amen. My PrayerCHOOSE LOVE My PrayerI pray for an inner peace FOR ALL. A peace that comes from knowing you are loved and accepted just as you are. A peace that comes from knowing that you don't have to do anything. You are accepted and appreciated for who you are. My PrayerHe said that he {God} loves us. Have faith and love for him he'll do the same for all of us; please.Find your peace to give to other and he will bless you so . Thank you Father I love you all. My PrayerMay God listen to my heart and those of millions of children of Israel: May He grant peace to the world and open minds and hearts in order that suicide bombers stop frightening nd terrorizing peoples and countries. God is infinite and his blessings reach everyone, so there is place for everyone feel safe and alive in this world.May we see at our time a rebirth of trust and hope in God! Celia - B. My PrayerDear God: I pray that my thoughts be about love, peace, and gratitude for the wonderful Earth you have provided. My PrayerHe said that he {God} loves us. Have faith and love for him he'll do the same for all of us; please.Find your peace to give to other and he will bless you so . Thank you Father I love you all. My PrayerI pray to God for human awareness to the dark power of fundamentalism and all that it has done to mankind. I pray that what we hear or read in sacred books will always speak to our hearts to bring us closer to understanding love. I pray that we will always have disearnment regarding words and covert and overt actions of judgement and violence. My PrayerI pray for love of one another. In this world there is hate and anger, but why not live in a land of peace, and love. We need to be there for the world and for one another in hopes of finding the love that we all share and need. I pray for God's strangth to life us so that we may see the light he has brought to us for the world to be at peace and harmony. My Prayeri PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK LIKE My PrayerLord, We pray united as one nation for all the people in the world; we pray for all the saved to keep going in your name; we pray for all the unsaved so that they may hear about you; we pray for all the victims and all the loved ones of those victims of all of these acts of terrorism. We ask for peace in the heart of these people and for your love to fill their hearts. We thank you because we know something amazingly great will come out in the end. Amen. My PrayerPeace for the world. My PrayerToday I pray for Liberia as the disarmament starts tommorrow . Let Our Lord protect these peace process from all Evil . Seble My PrayerI PRAY FOR PEACE AMONG ALL LIBERIANS TO SEE DISARMAMENT AS THE BEGINNING OF SAYING NO TO WAR AND GUNS, AND YES TO PEACE WHICH HAS THE POTENTIAL TO UNITE, IGNITE AND PROMOTE GOD'S HOLY ORDINANCE IN THE WORLD.I ASK THE WORLD TO PRAY WITH US.Eva My Prayeri luv jesus My PrayerTAKE CARE EVERYONE My PrayerI love cody who past My PrayerI pray for the fullfilment of the Holy Spirit in my self so that i may fullfil the Lord's word and pass it on, also i pray for my wife who has left me, that sheand our children will be saved and we all will be one under god , In the name of the Father , the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. My Prayeri pray for peace and love to spread all over the world so there will be no more killing or tears. My Prayerprayer for comfort in knowing that the only peace is the peace within - first find that peace within and then you will find peace of mind. meditation of the heart, soul and mind - love & peace to all that we might all love and have peace. LOVE TO ALL - D. M. IVY My PrayerI pray that the eternity of peace with you, heavenly Father, is what all nations will desire in their hearts and their souls. My PrayerFor the children that lost their parents, grandparents, and siblings - for a fair survival rate of living in our country with what we have left as "family". For people in "Human Services Departmental" positions, that they may realize that they are in a position to be humain to people - and that they realize that they are not "GOD". My PrayerA Prayer For Those Working With Families Locked In Conflict Lord, We pray for all those working with families locked in conflict- May they realise you have called them to be peacemakers; We pray especially for Christian lawyers and Judges- May they remain true to their calling And not succumb to the aggressive ways of the world; Give them the strength to move away from the adversarial style of settling disputes For that approach destroys people. Lord, hear our prayer. A Prayer For Those Caught Up In Family Disputes Lord, We pray for those caught up in family disputes; Guide them in their choice of advisors and confidants - a wrong choice will only add to their problems; Above all, don’t let them become bitter and resentful; Help them find hope where hope no longer exists. Now pray silently for families in your area. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen. PEACE STARTS IN THE FAMILY! (These prayers are in the public domain) My PrayerDEAR BROTHER, IAM WRITING THIS LETTER FROM , INDIA, MY NAME SUJAN GEORGE, MY MAIN PROBLEM IS NOT GETTING PEACE INTO MY MIND, EVERY TIME LOT OF PROBLEM , IN WORK, FINACIAL, FAMILY, SO U PLS PRAY FOR ME , TO OVER COME , ALL THE PROBLEMS, I AWAITING FOR YOUR VALABLE ANSWER THANKING YOU LOVINGLY( SNEHAPURVAM) SUJAN GEORGE My Prayeri pray for peace for abused women - emotionally, physically, and verbally. My PrayerMy prayer is that i would have peace of mind however in Gods word it says that we have not been given a spirit of fear but of soundmind, which means peace,,,i ask God to help me regain my calm, collected thoughts that i had before i got so distracted and even my friends tell me that i used to be less anxious and happier,,,,so dear lord please hel me from thsi day on to get that peace back, i love you, and in your name ,,,amen, My PrayerI ask God to please remember that we, his creation, are flawed, and to intervene to stop the human suffering on this planet. Please Father, look into the eyes of the suffering infants and children on this planets, see their pain, their hunger and their misery and put an end to it. Please put things into balance here, so that all may know happiness and peace. Eradicate the hatred from man's heart. Please stop the pain. You already know the outcome, stop man's trial so we can truly live in harmony and love. My PrayerA prayer for all the beings of the earth may we find a way to love ourselves and all others and to share the abundance that is here for everone. may love find us all My PrayerPlease help my dear companion find peace from his past and himself. My PrayerI pray the each person who has been given the privledge of "being" will realize that we are all one, and therefore we should all treat each other as extensions of ourselves. With love, kindness and consideration. PEACE be with everyone. Amen. My PrayerI pray for those lost, afraid, and with hardened hearts in this world to find peace and the guidance of God. My PrayerDear God, help me to focus on the peace within each of us, and within myself. Help me not to submit to the politics of fear. Heal our leaders wounds so that they may make decisions of love and not greed or fear. May all who pray realize the power of prayer. Amen. My PrayerGreat Mother, Source of all creation, we your beloved children ask for your blessing. Grant that we may learn the way of peace and live in harmony with our siblings. My PrayerI like to Prayer for peace in my Country Kosovo.My name is Dr.Rabit Sadiku.I Pray for my Patients healing,family and friends. My Prayerlet there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me, let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father, brothers all are we. Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now, with every breath I take, let this be my solemn vow, to take each moment, and LIVE each moment in peace eternally, let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me! My PrayerMay the blessing of peace fall upon all those who seek peace for others....Amen My Prayeri pray that my hamster shall find peace in itself. My Prayerwe pray for all victims ,all who are in a way victims of any kind, may god bless them and their families.we are a soul like them,if god is our father ,they are our brothers and sisters these victims. so we pray for them My PrayerMay God watch over our nation and the other nations who seek God's Will. May all who suffer in this world receive God's Peace and Healing. May we never forget those who died for our freedom. My PrayerVisualize peace, act on the visualization in your own life and relationships. Find peace within yourself.Seek opportunities for understanding. My PrayerDear Heavenly Father, Sometimes in our lives, we don't know the hour, or time of day that trouble will strike. But I do believe in my heart that you watched over each and everyone who perished in the 911 horrible terror casued by confused individuals. As stated in the Bible, father you forgive all, and I pray that you will bless each and every family who suffered a loss that day. My PrayerA CALL FOR PEACE Let us pray: In the name of God the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and nations That we may know each other, not that we may despise each other. In Quran Surat 8v 61 says- If the enemies incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things. And the servants of God, Most gracious are those who walk on the Earth in humility. Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High. And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation-neither shall they learn war any more. And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken. Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be fair in judgment, and guarded in thy speech, be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness, and a home to the stranger. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring be a breath of life to the body of humankind, dew to the soil of the human heart, and a fruit upon the tree of humility. Psalms 85v 10-11 says- Love and fidelity have come together; Justice and peace join hands fidelity springs up from earth and justice looks down from heaven. Lord have on mercy on us, for we have placed our hope in you ,God, Do not be very angry with us, nor remember our transgression but look upon us even now with mercy and deliver us from our enemies. We are all work of your hand and we call upon your name. Peace, Shalom, Salaam Before we can understand what this means, we need to consider the concept of peace. First, it is important to understand that this strong appeal that has nothing to do with the world's idea of peace. Peace for the world is simply the act of ceasing of hostilities. It means that no one is throwing punches, or hot lead, or bombs. Although this is certainly an important aspect of peace, it is much less and very much different from the peace. Most of us are willing to define peace as the absence of war. The absence of war is good, real good, but peace is much more than that. Peace is not the mere absence of war; it is the establishment of wholeness in our lives, our communities, and the world. To consider the supreme importance of the task now challenging the entire world, we bow our heads in humility before the awesome majesty of the divine Creator, Who out of His infinite love has created all humanity from the gem-like reality of man. Honored by with intellect and wisdom, nobility and immortality; and bestowed upon man the unique distinction and capacity to know Him and to love Him. A large capacity that must needs be regarded as the generating impulse and the primary purpose underlying the whole of creation. Judging from all sides, it naturally follows that man should pursue one unified world of creation, as God's purpose for mankind is one, and God should accomplish that kind of world, too. We have to aim at one world of culture, sovereignty, peace and unity in our unfolding history. This is so because that is a necessary condition for the life of an individual or humankind. We hold firmly the conviction that all human beings have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization; that to act like the beasts of the field is unworthy of man; that the virtues that befit human dignity are trustworthiness, mercy, compassion and loving-kindness towards all peoples. We understand and acknowledge the belief that the potential inherent in the station of man, the full measure of his destiny on earth, having an essential characteristic of excellence of his reality, must all be manifested in this promised Day of God. These are the motivations for our unshakeable faith that unity and peace are the attainable goal towards which the human race is striving. The Great Peace towards which people of good will throughout the centuries have inclined their hearts, of which visionaries and poets for countless generations have expressed their sights. The sacred scriptures of mankind have constantly held the promise, is now at long last within the reach of the nations. For the first time in history it is possible for everyone to view the entire world, with all its diversified peoples, in one perspective. World peace is not only possible but inevitable. It is the next stage in the evolution of our world. According to Matthew 5v 9-10 states; Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, For theirs, is the kingdom of heaven. Forgiveness is more for the forgiver, than the forgiven. In the act of forgiving another, we free ourselves from the debilitating effects of chronic anger and resentment. Forgive, not because the person who has hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't? But that is not the issue. The person who has hurt you does not deserve to keep the scar open and the right to continue to cause you pain. According to the Hadith(Al-Baqarah 2:62.19): Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. If we want peace in the world it has to begin with each of us. If we want peace we have to be peaceful. When we accept in our hearts that God loves us, our self-worth and esteem cannot be determined by what other’s think of our appearance or performance. When we accept in our hearts that we are children of God, our search for meaning is over, our mission to love God and neighbor is clear. That is the peace that we can find in following God that the world can never take away. Knowing who we are and knowing that we are loved is contagious. The world worships power, profit and privilege, and the innocent and the Earth suffer as a result. We worship love and compassion as the most active signs of God’s presence in our midst. If that is the case then world peace begins in our homes. We must make a conscious effort to reach out to each other. Reach out to other ethnic groups. Reach out to that person you haven’t talked to in years. Reach out to God’s people. Make this the year for getting to know people. We need to realize how human we all are. Every person must make a commitment to God that in this coming year you will invite three people that has never been to your house over for a visit. Feed them and talk to them and find out how human people really are. This is the year that every person must make a commitment to God to reach out to a family member with whom there is strained relations. You have to sincerely try to change yourself for God to improve your relationship. Heaven and earth were not created in a realm of uneasiness or fear, but they were created with joy, happiness and satisfaction. That is why God's joy can be found at the place where we are connected heart-to-heart with Him, even if it is Satan's hangout. The history of re-creation begins at the place where God feels joy through us. That moment is when we receive tremendous grace from God. A person who feels joy surging and flowing in his soul, and grace filling the entire body, no matter what may be said, or even when facing Satan's threats, will feel peace in his heart. Just as you can only develop character or faith. We aren't born with faith that our most immediate need will be met. As infants we cry to make sure someone knows we're hungry and will bring on the food. How our need is met or not met, our faith begins to be shaped by our experience. You may think of yourself as a good parent, loyal friend, hard worker, or endearing spouse. But for others to experience you as such, to recognize your peaceful nature, they will look to your behavior. Partner up with a “study buddy”: Every husband and wife must spend time with each other every week working on their faith towards God. This simply means working together not one being a critical teacher of the other, but both working together with love and mercy to better understand their faith in God and serve Him as well. If we as parents take our faith seriously on there own we will be able to transition to a family faith time. Kids need to see that we are sincere that it is important before we will take them seriously. Indeed God does not look at your appearance and your wealth but He looks to your hearts and your actions. During these days, we must seek peace in our prayers, in our actions, in our thoughts. Teshuvah which means to return or repent, according to the Jewish faith, is a mitzvah of human transformation that is practiced during these days and is a process of turning toward the light within our hearts. Returning to Him means returning to obedience to His standard, His teachings, and His commands. According to Jeremiah 4v 1-2 states; Israel, if you will return,’ says Adonai, ‘yes, return to me; and if you will banish your abominations from my presence without wandering astray again; and if you will swear, ‘As Adonai lives,’ in truth, justice and righteousness; then the nations will bless themselves by him, and in him will they glory. Let us break the physical barriers in our communities. If there are several Churches, Synagogues and Masjids (Mosques) in our communities, make a committed effort to alternate between them even if you don’t like what the other congregation is doing. Reach out to people as friends and brothers in God and faith. In Surat 4v 86-88 states; Lay not burdens on any but thyself; and stir up the faithful.... He who shall mediate between men for a good purpose shall be the gainer by it....If ye are greeted with a greeting, then greet ye with a better greeting, or at least return it; God taketh count of all things. And in John 13v 34-35 states; A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have loved one to another. Peace is not the absence of a disagreement or is it a passive presence. Peace is the condition that exists only when we seek to resolve problems without arguments and with a desire to effect an outcome that blesses everyone. Peace does not require agreement, it requires understanding. Peace is a condition that exists in our heart, which comes from a belief in a universe of good. It is a knowing that we are here for a divine purpose, and it is a commitment to see beyond others behavior to the heart of who we are. Find it in your heart to love again, to love people again and learn to love the Truth to learn to love is to speak the truth and learn to love is to live the Truth. Every Jew, Christian and Muslim should be a fanatic about learning and improving themselves and their knowledge. No one is perfect and in the end it will be your soul on Judgment Day… Are you going to trust your soul to the blind obedience of some Minister, Rabbi or Imam or some human beings? I can’t save you or deliver you. So take responsibility for yourself and empower yourself with knowledge and follow the divinity of logic of God to the goodness of His scriptures. God promises us that any person that turns to Him with humility shall be elevated, purified and in the end shall regain his or her human dignity. Humanity's greatest strength is that despite much that goes wrong in the world, the glimmers of hope lies in your action and not in-action. Love is the greatest experience we can have on this earth. Love heals, soothes, blesses and exhilarates. That which is the opposite of love causes emotional wounds, disturbs curses and deflates the spirit. Let us ask God for guidance to lead us from the unreal to the Real. Lead us from darkness to light. Lead us from death to immortality. Let us say to each other Peace, Peace, Peace unto all. May there be peace in celestial regions. May there be peace on Earth. May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. May all things be a source of peace to us. And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all and may that peace come to me as well. As I came to you with peace, I leave here with peace. Peace, Shalom, Salaam. My Prayer....please let all people no matter what color their skin or what language they speak get along and please let us sort out our differences...we are all gods children...amen My PrayerAlmighty Father, i offer this prayer for all those who are suffering and all those who are in torment because of war and terrorism. Give them peace of mind.Grant us peace, amen. My PrayerFahter i pray that every single day you will give this world a sence of peace and understanding that through the rain and all of the pain you will be there to dry our tears and calm our fears, forever and ever in jesus name, Amen My PrayerTherefore, if anyone is in christ,he is new CREATION; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. My PrayerPLEASE PRAY FOR DONNY CRAIG STEVENS OF NEW JERSEY. HE HAS CANCER. HE HAS LOST HOPE IN GOD. HE HAS LOST FAITH. THIS 44 YEAR OLD MAN DESERVES TOO BE HEALED. HE IS SUCH A GOOD MAN. AND HE DESERVES A MIRACLE. PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD WILL HEAL HIM. PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACLE FOR DONNYMy PrayerMay GOD, continue to bless and keep us safe in his loving and protected arms,if it had not been for the LORD,where would we be,because GOD kept all of our enemies away,GOD also let the sun shine on a cloudy day when GOD! knew we had been battled and scorned,we all should "THANK GOD ALWAYS AMEN" My PrayerFather, bless the world with your peace Teach us to respect one another Help us to relieve the pain and suffering Remind us that we are concious creators And that we can create a better world for all. Amen. My PrayerI PRAY THAT NO CHILD SHALL EVERY BE HARMED-Denise My PrayerDear God I pray for world peace and that all peopl every where find peace Amen My PrayerHeavenly father, I pray for world peace. And that we may love,care,respect and accept each other and our differences, AMEN. My PrayerI PRAYER FOR PEACE IN MY HOME WITH MY CHRILDEN AND THER FARTHER. My PrayerLord Jesus, please pray for those who are in need of your strength and wisdom for only You can heal us. Give all inner peace through Your love and Grace for us. In Jesus name, Amen My PrayerI pray from the depths of who I truly am that Peace will live in our hearts and touch the world with Love. My Prayerin loving memory of the victimsof septembre11.2001i'm sorry what happenthe last year My Prayerlord i come yo you with praise and faith in you for you are the mighty king! men of all mens ! oUR leader please help does that morn help there souls for they are with you and let them have a godly feeling of peace and wellness and faith that you will take care of our enemeys for now wish good 2 them ! For we know that you will take care of us and heal all of us ! My Prayermy cat just died Tabbie i miss him he was sick ... and i miss you tabbie i cant stop thinking about you but i just hope u miss us like we miss you!!!! My PrayerLord, bless the families that was involved on Sept.11th. Give them the strength to endure. Give them peace and forgivenness in there heart. Put love back into their hearts to welcome new comers into their life. Bless them to love as you have loved us and you gave your life for us. Thank you Lord for allowing your son (Jesus) to fullfill his purpose (The Cross). God loves you My PrayerThere are so many that have no idea of the power of prayer, simply because they do not pray. If everyone would give his promise a chance what a more beautiful and peaceful world this could be. My PrayerI pray for all the firefighters of the world. God bless them all. My PrayerI pray the the world become safer and more at peace. My PrayerThank you god for blessing me first, so that I may be clear of heart and soul and be filled with faith with in myself to know that what I say has already been done. I thank you for the overwhelming feeling of peace in the hearts of those in the middle east. Thank you for the spread of that peace to all Americans and to those who have lost loved ones in the middle east. Thank you for your guidance in our everyday life and for the light, love, peace and joy that we have through you. But mostly god, thank you for guiding us to choose a president that will honor your ways as a leader first and himself second. My PrayerI need peace, happiness and love in my home, between my husband me and my little dog that we love so dearly. Please pray for him to stop drinking and show me more love...God bless you all. CT My Prayermay all concerned find and keep their own peace and lashings of loving healing to help on the process ......mmmmmmmmm big hugs alll My PrayerI thank you soo much I pray to you from in my heart and in my soul, your duty and devotion to saving the lives of millions of people will always be remembered we love you, god loves you, thats all that matters. amen. My PrayerI pray for understanding. I pray for the patience to be here for those who need me, when they need me, and most of all I pray for peace. I pray for world peace, but most of all for inner peace. For universal inner peace. For balance and harmony and healing to those who need it most. I pray for love. I pray for the realization that we already KNOW. Amen, Blessed be, Light and Love. My Prayeri francina dozier need peace of god in my life me and my family..please pray for me...thank you My PrayerMy name is Angelo Skyhawk Wyaco. I am 9 years old my birthday is in May and I want to share my prayer with all mankind. Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless this earth so there will be no more evil. And I would also like you to bless the poor so they will have a happy life. I also ask for blessings for the soldiers in war so that they wil come back soon. Please help the Iraqis to be friends with the Americans. Jesus, thank you for your teachings with us . You were also very brave when you gave your life for me. You died for me Jesus, thank you. I hope that I can grow up like Jesus and be kind. I say these things in the name of my friend, Lord God Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. Amen. Your friend Angelo Skyhawk Wyaco. My Prayeri pray for peace between an estranged soulmate of mine and myself, so that the peace that we would make would be a bridge, and it would free us from judgment of ourselves and others. My PrayerI pray for world peace this Thanksgiving Day and always. Amen. My PrayerMy prayer is that we learn as a culture to seek peace and love before individual gain and corporate profit, and I pray for the courage to let it start with me. My PrayerMay the love of God Almighty dwells in our hearts from time to time and may we learn to love one another for nourishment of our souls. May God prosper all of us in every area of our lives... My PrayerI pray that the oppressed stay hopeful and know that there is nothing to fear, their days will come. My PrayerDona nobis pacem. My PrayerI pray for Peace throught the world ----I do not agree with the war George Bush has brought upon the American people ....and pray for the ending of the bloodshed of the American soldiers and the innocent Iraqi people. But the TRUE reason for my prayer ----is for Peace in my own life ....I have in the past 14~18 been at war in my own life -----a serious "falling out" with my sister ----and am having a very hard time finding forgiveness ----forgiveness in my heart for the incredibly hurtful way she has treated me ----and forgiveness and understanding for myself (for being unable to get there) - she seems to believe she's done nothing wrong ....yet I know that she KNOWS better ---she was raised in the same house as I was ---and knows right from wrong .....and scewing your sister out of thousands of $ is NEVER the RIGHT decision ....now she has also cut me out of her life (I can - will have to - live with this) ----but she has also cut me off from my Niece and Nephew and am having a very difficult time accepting this ----certainly hard time forgiving it! Don't know how she manages to "justify" it all to herself - she seems to have become "possesed" by her EGO in the past 2~3 years -----I pray for her ----to realize that she CANNOT CONTROL everyone around her (not me any longer) - that she will at some point realize ---the ONLY person she has any hope of CONTROLLING is herself ......and she has been doing a very poor job of that in recent times.....anyhow - I PRAY for PEACE between the two of us -----am not hopeful that we will ever have much of a relationship again ----but I pray for PEACE ---between us & for myself (inner peace) ---and I pray for her children --whom I LOVE very much -----that they will know that I continue to LOVE them and always will (in spite of being unable to see them) - I talk to them once in a while. My Prayeri pray to almighty allah that hearts of muslims r filled with thier own faith.they get peace and prosperity. My PrayerI ask my divine to fill we sacred beings with love and acceptance,it is all we need My Prayerhelp church to be come christed centered My PrayerO my God may you have peace like your son said " My peace I Give you " My PrayerOur Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed by thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. My dear Father who art in Heaven. I am so thankful that thou art my Father. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Bless my thoughts to be positive and happy. Bless me to be kinder and more gentle to my family and to listen more. My PrayerTo all the families in the world that suffer because of war, may the light of peace shine brightly over you. Om Shanti My PrayerOur Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. My dear Father who art in Heaven. I am so thankful that thou art my Father. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Bless my thoughts to be positive and happy. Bless me to be kinder and more gentle to my family and to listen more. My PrayerMay the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Peace sweep over the whole world, wiping away fear, suspicion, hatred from the hearts of people, bringing in His Joy and Peace! And may people of all religions, countries and nationalities experience forgiveness and reconciliation. Amen! My Prayer"Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me" May we all find our own personal peace today, during this busy time of Christmas, and throughout the year 2005.Bernadette Fisk My PrayerMay peace begin in the silence of our own hearts. May it begin like a seed in the dark taking nutrients from the soil and stretching up to the sun as it breaks through the ground of all Being. May peace be found in every thought, in every word, and in every intention in my mind and heart. May peace then grow and extend to all other sentient beings in the awareness of our connection and Oneness to each other. My Prayerlet us be safe, let us be healthy, and let us be at ease in our lives. i pray that every person experiences at least one instant that they are free from doubt, angst, and worry. that we can have a few more moments of "BE". peace and love My PrayerI pray for all those who can not see - that they be healed of the obstacles that prevent them from seeing the love that they are and being that love. I pray for the grace to accept those choices of those who refuse to love and for the compassion to love enough for them. So be it and So shall it be. My PrayerGod Bless the World with a Peaceful New Year. My Prayerdear Lord, I pray for everyone in this world that they would find faith in you. That they would put more energy into loving and giving and accepting others. That they would see that more important then power and money is the gift of LOVE. The greatest power of all and they will feel better too. And through love is where we all will find peace! Thank you for hearing my prayer, Lord, Cari My PrayerDear Lord, May you protect every survivor from the tsunamis, especially every child in need of a shelter and of parents. May peace prevail on earth, for many years.May Iraqis stop bombing their native citizens,as well as Americans and the coalition. god bless all of those who perished in Asia. My PrayerI pray for peace within my heart as I get ready to see my husband off to war. My PrayerPlease Lord, Let there be peace in our time. My PrayerTo all the Universe and all inhabitants may the great white light of peace cover every corner with love and goodness. Praise to the Creator almighty and may we remember to find love and peace in our hearts and minds when it comes to the harder times to do so. Peace, love , light to ALL! Amen. My PrayerOh God our Mother/Father, I pray for those who have published peace, who have brought good tidings of good, who have published salvation; and said unto Zion: Thy God reigneth. Oh how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those that are still publishing peace! Blessed are the feet of those who shall hereafter publish peace, from this time henceforth and forever! Oh how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that does bring good tidings, all those who are the founders of peace, even as the Lord Jeshua, who has redeemed his people, by showing us the way; even him who has granted salvation unto all people. We renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers and the hearts of the fathers to their children. We lift a Banner of Peace, unto all people and nations even an ensign and make a proclamation of peace unto the ends of the earth; saying: In memory of our God, our spirituality, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children. This is our Title of Liberty and Peace which we proclaim unto the World. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. In the name of Jeshua ben Joseph a Prince of Peace a Christ - Amen ~ So Be It ~ So It Is ~ Greeny My PrayerMy prayer is for you and for myself, also, for each one of us must find our own peace in our own hearts. This is where peace begins in the world, right in our own individual hearts. So, peace to you, my friend, known or unknown. May you find serenitiy and may your heart open wide to encompass all beings everywhere! sattva/Louise My PrayerWe need to create a wave of compassion and peace the size of the tsunamis that hit 11 countries, the way the world is responding to this crisis is true humanity at its best, my prayer is that this continues long after the disaster relief effort, namaste My PrayerMy Prayer for Pease is that a renewed look and approach toward the problems of addiction and mental illness which plague America in particular, will become a real focus of attention--as a vital key to Peace. I pray that my Vision of healing these disorders as expressed in a book entitled OPERATION SOUL RECOVERY will become the vision of many who desire real Peace on Earth. My PrayerCome o spirit My PrayerI pray for world peace. I pray we all come together as one world to solve our problems. I also pray we never loose our creative spirit and we accept everyone for their differences. I pray that we will have wisdom with all our new developing knowledge. I pray that we all live life with awareness, kindness, and hope. My PrayerI PRAY THAT THE BEAUTY, LIGHT, GRACE AND JOY OF PEACE SURROUND US LIKE THE AIR WE BREATHE.AL My PrayerI pray and ask for peace of mind My PrayerI always like this piece of song by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller. Let There Be Peace On Earth Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me. Let ther be peace on Earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father, brother all are we. Let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow. To make each moment and alive each momment in peace eternaly. Let ther be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me. My PrayerI pray for the love and happiness to my family and all the people around the world and that they would live in harmony. Jay Inojales My Prayeri need my soul to be touched to live right to search my spirit an be blessed for thee hole day an until i feel sleepy im in needed for peace in my heart an the truth about faith love; peace; prayer;money romance; family seperations; promises;an blessings lord touch my soulin god i pray amen.................................................................................................................................................................................. My PrayerI pray to our Father that I, and others, who need to set ego aside can do so in our encounters with with others that we might all be standing on the same ground. My PrayerI pray for peace in our world. All of our troops at war, and for Mother Nature in her time of pain My PrayerMy Prayer for peace is that each one of us will catch onto the Revelation of why Jesus died. He died so that we could live and have life and life more abundantly. So that we can have Joy and not Sadness. So that we could live in a world of peach with all men. So that we could utilize the tools within us to live a purpose filled live of happiness. God Bless, Amen My PrayerMay we all know and love all. May my spirit and body be unhindered by fear, may others be inspired by this. May we communicate clearly with spirit, let it be a part of everymoment. My PrayerI would like to take this time to be prayed! for the wonderful peace that everyone talks about when they commit themselves to God! so please pray for my sin's amen Matthew Uqayuittuq My PrayerMay the dawn come when I can open my eyes to a world of truth. Let that truth bring me and others the peace of knowing. Let that knowing bring direction and purpose to us all. Let that purpose be for peace and for the betterment of all. Let that peace be blessed by GOD My PrayerIn Loving memory of the Victims and their families of both countries from the September 11th tragedy. We honor their sacrifice and remember their dignity with love for all. We pray for eternal peace and healing for our families, their families, Our Nation, Their Nation and the World. We are one. Amen. My PrayerI pray that all beings find the peace, love and light within themselves. My PrayerI pray to God that we might have peace in our hearts and minds. I pray that we might make the kind of oeace that allows us to feel compassion for all life and give our love and support to all those that request it be they rich or poor, American or from other parts of the global
family we give them our support and affection wherever they are and whatever beautiful loving purpose they are working on. In solidarity we stand thanking the great God for our immense ability to learn to begin again each and every time we think to do so, we have the oppertunity to completely
redefine who we are with great peace and understanding. May there peace in the world and may it start with my heart. THank you to the eternal flame of the spirit that shines in everyones hearts and minds and retains our belief and faith continuously without ceasing, and without determent or
distraction. Each day we rise for the sun and each day there it appears and we shall forever be greatful and thrilled to see the sun and to feel the moon. Making peace in our world is a giant task so grand that we must completely surrender our control to it, without our constant vying for it to come
it will become the reality we see not through striving but through immediate and total honest abatementwe wil see it. Be fulfilled in what you do and then see the beauty emerge as soon as you look in the other direction its call comensurate that keen luck that held can destroy our focus or can lead
us to bloom either way you will get to the end which is eternity and thus not an end at all but a constant beginning middle and end all simultaneously appearing and disappearing out of nowhere and reamining in here in the great sky mind of geniuses all over. Please allow us the time to figure out
our true feelings about life and what to make of it. We are not trying to make a collapse or destruction of our lives but we can;t help ourselves we start to fall of the shelf when we have not made a correct base in anything so we look to art we look to musica we look to family and to friends and
hope against all odds that we might become and sing the world whole and one again, Here we are separate yet united in our soul nothing can divide a people made from the same fledging flower of consciousness. May we remember this interconnectedness and flower once more becoming puirple blossoms of
truth and full verdant fullness and growth jesting on th jackahmmer of intention and future good coming from the stars to the grand Earth Mother gaia, who reigns primary goddess of the planet's consciousness. We are all knowing all jesters of the same finish in gut and mind following the good benign
heedings of the one viper going then ans there here and now to home in the sweet blissfulness of our time. Now and ever more let's be full and whole going about our lives with great unabashed ourity of intention good and fine and hearty. Blessed be the lord our god who art in heaven hallowed be they
name etc. give what your got and then leave the rest. bbbbbbbbbbb pit hard My PrayerLord help all of the brave people who died in the attack of september eleventh My PrayerI pray that all may find peace and strength in the Lord and lead faithful lives. God Bless You My PrayerI pray for universal peace for all the habitants on earth, human,animals,plants,flowers seeds,trees minibeasts and all visible and invisible, May light shines on each and bring us to the very souce of the great white spirit. My Prayerpeace to all the Helene family, the old young and babies, May it please Our Great Father to shower his blessings on each of his families on earth. Thank you.Peace,peace to each and every one. My Prayerpeace to all, angels coming down to give the earth and all her habitants instant peace and great joy and love. To each the angels say share your love, share your time and give give till your heart open and have nothing but the purest of love and light. Archangel Michael watches over us and spread his blue protective cloak over those that share this great universal peace and love and blesses each with more good things to come. Make peace and love every where you go and watch as the love grows into each nations and the love and sharings multiply. namaste, peace to the blue planet. My PrayerDear God, Hear our prayers and helps us in any way you can because I believe in you.Help all the poor and people who need your help.Let us understand life better and have a happy life on this earth.Make us have peace and love for every human being, even let the racis people stop their nonsence.Let all the eniemes have love and friendship. Guide us, oh Lord, we prayer.Forgive the sinners and let's change our weaked ways around to good and let the children and adults prayers be answered. My PrayerI pray for all those who are less fortunate, for those who cannot save themselves. I pray for everyone who has lost someone due to war and for those children who do not have mothers or fathers. My PrayerI Prayer for those who are alone and has nobody in there life,children without parents need love and care.God bless them. My Prayeri prayer for those children without parents,i pray to lord to bless them and give them strength. god bless them PRIYAA My PrayerThat all the killings stop all around the world and the we all stop this hate with each other in any way and all come together for world peace.in the name of all those fallen ones amen. My PrayerI prey for for that all the blind hearted could open there eyes and see what the world is becoming. I prey that everybody would unit in one soul and start bealiving in whats real ''love'',''Peace'' and ''Union''. My PrayerLoving God who is always with me, Help me to know your peace... My PrayerI wish for an end to the violence in Iraq. I wish for a world where there is no fighting, or struggle for peace. Amen My PrayerToday I pray for strength that will help me promote peace. First from within and then for others. I pray people can get past their hatred of others and realize we are all one people hopefully with one purpose, to promote love and understanding amongst one another. I also pray for guidance to do what is right and ask God to shield me from those who would try to prevent the peace we so desperately need in my life and throughout the world. My PrayerFREEDOM! ~~~we all need to be free! free from expectations,needs,sadness,pain---ALL PAIN! WE need to be free to live in a save,nurturing world! FREE from oter's AS WELL as our own epectations!!!!!!! FREE to have OUR OWN belives!!!!!!!!! My PrayerDear Lord, Make this world a better place. Make this world a peaceful place. Make this world a gentle place. Guide us, care for us, love us, and, make peace in this world. My PrayerLet us all remember that every person in every country is a mother, a child, a brother, a friend. They are us, and we them. We are only as deserving of a good life as they are. Blessings to all. My PrayerI pray for peace of mind. The world seems to control our thoughts and time is often not our friend. Let us find peace in our mind. My PrayerMay God send his Angels of Peace upon the World. Peace among families and friends. Especially for all the soldiers in the world and leaders, Fill there hearts with peace and joy. Amen My Prayermay my family find peace ! My PrayerPlease let us altogether in the past - presence-near and far future offer to the Almighty God and LOrd and all the HOLY ONES UNITED altogether , seriously sharing from the deepest corner of our suffering hearts our desires so precious to the whole world in turmoil and terrible sickness , for the HOLY PEACE omnipresent everywhere in all matter existing of the MICROCOSM emanating also the MACROCOSM ,especially in all creations with souls-spirit-mind-and heart let all be led to the highest IDEALS of only blessed performances in life-conditions as only constructed by the HIGHEST INTELLIGENCES enlightening our HUMANMANKIND in every cell of our at present , so pitiful not yet sharing with all RELIGIONS UNITED STRIVINGS for the IDEAL of all LIFE pervading HIGHEST QUALITIES in our existences on this so troublesome PLANET EARTH . SO please let us with these thoughts implore most favourable the HOLY ONES from the HIGHEST SEVENTH HEAVENS in true devotion and submission to modify for the stated HIGHEST IDEALS of only most possible excellent "PARADISIACAL " lifefavourable condition by our existence from this very moment on presently till all times so that our stated desires of highest idealistic QUALITIES are gained- in praxis and in theories , benefiting each and every CREATION - each and every RELIGION -each and every acceptable PROFESSION i.e. for all HUMANMANKIND !!SO MOTE IT BE < Gert Rudolf Jahncke >11-March 2005 /3:10 UTC. My PrayerI ask with great respect and sincerety, that we all can come together for one purpose, to love one another as God expects. I pray for those lost that they will find salvation, I pray for those saved so that even during tough times they will turn to the Almighty for strength...I pray for all of us, with love,Amen My PrayerBe Still and Know That I am God. Be Still and Know that a power greater than I has a plan for peace. Be Still and Know that a power greater than I brings compassion to those who hurt, solace to those who grieve, balm to those who are wounded in body, mind and spirit. Be Still and Know that I am God's instrument of peace in this world. Be Still and KNow God. My PrayerI pray to remember and to be an example of slowing down breathing deeply of life and appreciating the abundance of nature, of friendship, and of love. I pray to be positive, helpful and compassionate. I pray that all people will see eachothers iner beauty and light. Amen, Salaam, Namaste..and all other wods to the One. My PrayerMy PrayerFirst I thank God for his almighty Love, I then ask him to heal the world in all of it's many trials. I ask him to heal those people who are involved in the war in Iraq, to watch over them and guide them and lead them back home safely. But closer to home I ask him to cease the war of hearts between my husband and I. I ask God for his loving grace and mercy to take this situation and change it into a positive, loving marriage. I stand on his word that "He hates divorce", and what he has joined together let no man seperate. Thanking you for your prayers and God for a healed marriage. My PrayerImagine..a world filled with love, peace and goodwill among all people. We must tap into the peaceful center within ourselves in order to manifest it in the physical world around us. Let us join hands and pray. Pray for hearts to open. Feel the love & peace that is in your heart being released. Hold the vision of peace taking flight and spreading like a great light across the world. We are One people..One planet.. Let us unite and know the power of our prayers. Together we can create a peaceful world. My Prayermay all beings be peacful and happy may all beings be free My PrayerFor all those people who are trying to recover from emotional traumas of relationship breakdowns or attempting re-concilliation, may the angels surround you all with their love and fill your hearts with forgiveness and unconditional love, and the knowledge that you are not alone in your decisions. My PrayerDear Lord come into our hearts, free us from sin and torment and guides through lifes journey, amen My Prayeri pray for peace in the world and for all those who have hatred in their hearts that God heals them My PrayerI pray for all the community servants who give their lives everyday for the good of others and give of themselves not caring if they live or die for a cause My Prayeri pray that christopher navarette is safe each day as a fireman, and that my love for him will flow through his heart in time or when your will be done God, thank you for letting me know him, let me be able to share my love one day My PrayerI need prayer for peace, guidance, protection, new job, and prosperity. Specifically, I need prayer for guidance on my career, educational goals, financial situation. And, that god will place a godly person into my life for guidance, on the things I am prayering for. Also, prayer for my family and children. My PrayerMay all who sufffer, cease to suffer in the light of our Lord. Steve My PrayerI pray for my grandma who has cancer. May she have a happy life and even better life in heaven. My PrayerLord I pray that you can watch over this evil filled world but show people your mercy if they have showed you mercy father keep all of the enemies and friends in prayer father My PrayerFather God, in the name of Jesus. I come before you now in humbleness of Spirit for all men. Father God, we love you and we thank you for all that you do for us.We know that the light in the darkness is your darling Son, Jesus. We thank you for allowing Hin to be the way for us to return to you Father.May you bless each and all of your children, no matter what their needs may be. Don't leave us to our own understanding.Please continure to teach us how to lean and depend on you.May we patiently wait on you, through our most loving and kind Brother, and in His name I pray, Jesus Christ. Amen. My PrayerI pray for peace in my everyday life. I would like to be more excepting of my new extended family members thru my recent second marriage. And patience when dealing with my teen age boys. My PrayerLet the light shine in all of us who represent the whole world.May God bless us all. My PrayerI pray that men and women will stop the pain and torture off all beings, and that we may all live in peace with one another. My Prayerpls pray for my nephew ajay suffering from brain disorder aged 14 yrs and my other nephew nash who is very impulsive are holidaying in kuwait and both of them are fighting. today they have hit each other. we are unable to make nash understand. please join me and myfamily for peace and happiness in these two young men. My PrayerI pray that God will keep his loving hands on our leaders, and he will remember us in this day and allow us to be favorable unto him, allowing for his mercy to endureth forever. My Prayerlet god bless you and walk with you to the to the end the path to heven My PrayerDear God, in this world you created with love, now is a world of violence and hate.. it pains me to see poor people at the streets while the rich is taking advantage of their situation. non violence is important to lead to a world of peace. Love is important in the world because this world is created for love and in love, peace is built. please help us find inner peace Lord, because peace in the world starts from YOU within us. Guide us Lord. Thank You. In JESUS CHRIST Name i pray.. Amen. My PrayerThat we may create peace w/in ourselves and our homes so it can spread world wide! My PrayerThis or something better now minifests itself for the world in a totally satisfying and harmonious way for the good of all concerned. Angel 1 - Monique My PrayerI pray for peace between my daughter and some neighborhood girls who are wanting to hurt her over some he/say she/say. Pray that people start seeking the truth and getting along instead of always wanting to be in the midst of confusion. My PrayerI pray for peace between my daughter and some neighborhood girls who are wanting to hurt her over some he/say she/say. Pray that people start seeking the truth and getting along instead of always wanting to be in the midst of confusion. My Prayermy daughter passed away 4-31-05 i cant get her out of my mind she will always be in my heart every day i beg the lord to help me but it comes back like it happen just this minute i have another daughter but is not here for me she just told me she is leaving her husband for some one she met online and i cant talk to her she has awonderful husband and two darling children i feel as if i have lost two daughters and my family to my daughter who passed away had twq wonderful children and a wonderful husband who are heart broken please can you help me My PrayerMy Prayeri pray my daughter is at piece in jesus love and for her husband and two loving children can have teir hearts bended i pray my other daughter comes to know what a wonderful husband she has and three wonderful that wont have to go though the pain of divorce and i pray for me to be able to say the right things to and also for her to know how very much i love her i also pray god give me peice so i can i can think about my daughter being in his care without all the tears come back like she left my arms just now instead of one month ago and i pray i will hold hold my daughter some day in heaven forever My Prayeri pray my daughter is at piece in jesus love and for her husband and two loving children can have teir hearts mended i pray my other daughter comes to know what a wonderful husband she has and three wonderful childrenthat wont have to go though the pain of divorce and i pray for me to be able to say the right things to and also for her to know how very much i love her i also pray god give me peice so i can i can think about my daughter being in his care without all the tears coming back like she left my arms just now instead of one month ago and i pray i will hold my daughter some day in heaven forever My PrayerMay we each remember that the optimal commitment to peace begins with one action of the present moment. My PrayerI Pray for peace this night. God give me strength to endure, and bring peace to my family and our home. Thank you My PrayerMy PrayerMy PrayerMy PrayerMy Prayerdear lord, we pray that we as a country can get along with others, for the care and dedication god has for us let us return the favour to him lord hears us My PrayerWE ASK OUR HEAVENLY FATHER TO SHINE HIS DIVINE LIGHT UPON THE NATIONS WITH ALL THE BESSINGS OF LOVE AND PEACE AMEN My PrayerPeace is the immediate result of expressing and practicing unconditional love in each and every moment of our life. "Be" love first! Peace will always be present when unconditional love is experienced. My PrayerMay GOD have mery on us all. My PrayerI just pray we can all unite together. Quit all the fighting and backbiting and craziness. Our time is short and growing shorter daily. I just don't understand all the fussing over saying God or not saying God, kids praying or not praying, suppose to be freedom of speech,and rights. Then take all the rights away. What is really going on? May the Lord have mercy on all our souls. And pray for a change in the world. Hope everyone wakes up before it is too late. Too much hate and anger going on. God Bless. My PrayerMy prayer is for the world to wake up to what we are doing. We are causing our own pain. If we can't live in peace and harmony with ourselves, how do we expect other countries to trust us and rely on us for help. This nation is so lost right now, it is scary. May the Lord have mercy on all our souls. We have alot to answer for on judgment day. makes it hard for good christian people to be obediant. This world is in crazy times. I jsut hope we can make it through. God help us please! Help us be the people you know we can be. My PrayerI wish every body finds happiness in their relationships and share loving moments with their loved ones. My PrayerMay Peace come like a flood. May there be a calm loving acceptance of all that is. |