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Chrissie Blaze’s April Horoscopes
by Chrissie Blaze

Each month, world renowned astrologer and author, Chrissie Blaze, offers her monthly astrological readings. You can learn more about Chrissie at her website: www.ChrissieBlaze.com.

Aries Horoscope

This continues to be an important time for Aries; at last you have the opportunity to make some breakthroughs and do what you have dreamed about for years. However, there are decisions to be made so do make them and be decisive! You could be challenged to make quite an important decision around the time of the New Moon in your sign on April 3. This new Moon is joined by Jupiter and opposes Saturn. This means that this Aries New Moon is not quite as forthright and spontaneous as it could be. The planets are requiring you to be thoughtful rather than impulsive and realize you may well be laying foundations in your life for years to come. This could be in the area of your career, professional life, vocation or important relationship but even though it’s time to act – think carefully and understand the ramifications of your decisions. Also, Mercury is still retrograde which is ideal to re-assess decisions and plans you made previously; you might find that what you thought you had wanted is now slightly different than it was. When Neptune enters Pisces on April 4, you may begin to sense a Spiritual element unfolding in your plans and it’s good to be open to guidance from your higher mind or intuition during this time so that you can more clearly see and understand what truly is your destiny, rather than just what you would like it to be. When the Aries Sun joins with Jupiter on April 6 you feel confident and unlimited and opportunities to expand your life are coming your way. Be open to these opportunities and don’t hesitate to take them if they feel right to you. You might want to seek the advice of those close to you or trusted counselors around April 17 with the Libra Full Moon highlighting relationships and suggesting compromise.

Taurus Horoscope

You are practical and like to smell the roses and touch the earth rather than just dream or visualize. However, with a cluster of planets lighting your inner, quiet self, you are being encouraged to dream now and make plans rather than begin new ventures. Also, you may be feeling compelled to spend quiet time by yourself and not want to be bothered by the myriad details of everyday life which, right now, may be a little frustrating to you, causing you to want to retreat even more. However, you also have quite a lot of vitality and energy at your disposal so unless you use it in constructive ways, it could cause you to feel impatient. This will then dissipate the energy and cause stress. It is better to put this energy to good use in spiritual ways. As a Taurus, you are a natural, magnetic healer and have abundant energy – channel this energy to help and heal yourself and others and you will feel better about yourself. Devote some time to building up your inner life through prayer, directed intention, and visualization. Soon you will be called upon to act but right now you’re in more of a planning stage and there are some revisions you need to make in your life right now. Use your imagination as a creative tool to help you bring your plans to reality; however, if these plans are unrealistic you may get a reality check around April. On April 20, the Sun moves into your sign and you’ll feel more like yourself. If you’re single and seeking romance, you could have a sudden, electrifying jolt of attraction, when Venus joins with Uranus on April 22.

Gemini Horoscope

High energy is pretty much the keynote this month. With Mars in Aries on April 2 and the New Moon in Aries on April 3, you feel a boost of energy and vitality, as well as renewed optimism. Step up your exercise and fitness routines. It’s a good time to launch a new project and really a great time to try networking to promote your ideas and concepts. You will find that your friends are supportive of you and your plans. You always have plenty of ideas but now you may be feeling driven to put your ideas into action. However, don’t be overly impulsive because your ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde and right now you probably don’t need me to remind you. Although generally a good time, you may be experiencing some irritations and frustrations connected to your computer, your cell phone and your communications in general. So, take the energy and write down all your ideas but don’t begin anything just yet. Wait until Mercury turns direct on April 23 and you should find this is a time to finally get things going. Even then, Saturn is still suggesting you dip your toe in the water rather than dive in head first. You could find yourself in the limelight about mid-month around April 17 and you usually don’t like to have to commit to decisions publicly without a lot of thought; however, right now all eyes are upon you to make that decision and take a stand. Remember to be true to yourself and to your heart rather than just saying the right thing to try and appease others.

Cancer Horoscope

Be careful what you say in public because you’re in the limelight and you may find that you later regret something that you say. Mercury in retrograde often causes us to say things that later get misinterpreted or are not clear to begin with. However, Jupiter is bringing its bounty ensuring that even though you’re in public view and accountable, recognition and reward is likely to come your way, despite what some may think. Your home life is taking a lot of energy with Saturn reminding you of your responsibilities there. It’s a good time to do work around the  house and other projects. You may find yourself entertaining elderly relatives or spending more time than usual with family members. Watch what you eat and eat nurturing, nutritious food as your digestion may be a little delicate. Also spend time stretching as well as exercising; breathing deeply as well as talking. Mercury retrograde is urging you to slow the pace a little. When the Sun enters Taurus on April 20 you will find yourself having to spend less time in the office and more quality time at home with loved ones. You feel good around April 27 as the planets empower you about your future goals. However, there’s a difficult aspect of Venus to Pluto warning you to be cautious when it comes to finances and money-making endeavors.

Leo Horoscope

You’re raring for action this month and the planets give you an added boost of energy and vitality. Use it positively by heading for the gym and stepping up your exercise routine. The month begins full on with Mars in its home sign of Aries on April 2, followed by the New Moon on April 3, bringing added drama to your life. You’re always the leader, if you can keep your ego in check, but now you can really shine. It should be a positive month for your energy levels and an ideal time for success at sports or competitions. This is also a terrific time to launch new projects provided you don’t rush into things with Mercury currently retrograde. Wait until April 23 before you initiate plans but use the month to work on details. Also, you may be travelling or considering extending your education in some way. Your goals are high and wide right now; the sky is the limit. However, the Full on Moon on April 17 may present you with some alternatives and it’s good to be open now to other people’s ideas. You are a generous, magnanimous soul when living up to your high ideals and not allowing your basic self to rule. Stoke up your spiritual fires and realize that life is not all about you; you have the power and ability to really make a profound difference to your friends, family and to the world, if you choose to.

Virgo Horoscope

Watch out or your ruler, Mercury, could trip you up. Being an efficient, practical Sign, you like to feel you’re in control and sometimes underestimate the power of ideas and inspiration to change things. Then you feel as if your world is spinning out of control. It may feel a little like this and some misunderstandings or miscalculations can cause some problems with close relationships or financial deals. The best approach is to be like the empty cup, prepared to listen and learn, realizing that even know you may know a lot and be very experienced, there are others who know more. It is always the case. Humility is a big lesson for Virgos. On the one hand you often underestimate your true worth; on the other hand you overestimate your abilities. It’s time to really understand yourself and look with an objective eye at your real abilities; you may be surprised that they are different from what you thought. This is partly why no matter how much effort you put into your goals, they seem just out of reach. Relax, breathe deeply, stretch and nurture your inner life. Right now it’s not just what you can achieve, but who you are that counts. You breathe a sigh of relief when Mercury turns direct on April 23 but you’re not quite there yet. Try and get by with less and be grateful for what you have.

Libra Horoscope

This is a high energy kind of month that can bring conflict but it can also propel you into the public eye. Aggressive Mars in Aries is on April 2 affecting your relationships. You might find your focus more on the Other than on yourself and your own needs this month. As a Libra you strive for harmony and peace, sometimes through conflict, but right now you might find that the more you try to give in to others, the more conflicts come your way. Mars is followed into Aries by the New Moon on April 3 with some difficult aspects to Pluto and Saturn, and Jupiter joining in bringing energy to fan the fire. Probably the best way to deal with potential conflicts right now is to be completely honest, above board and don’t try any political games or maneuvering. Head-on, Aries-style is probably your best bet right now. Actually, this is good practice for you to find out what it is you really want at a deeper level (rather than to be popular) because when the Full Moon enters your sign on April 17 this is your time to attend and express your own needs. However, you won’t necessarily have to go it alone because on April 20 the Sun enters Taurus bringing the possibility of solid allies. Relationships may again turn a little stormy towards month end and some trust issues could arise. A good thing is that you are learning to say no to others when necessary instead of always trying to make peace. Use this powerful energy to promote yourself publicly; to step up negotiations; to make a powerful impact on the world. You are quite capable of turning a potentially difficult situation into a very important one for you in which you can lay foundations for future success.

Scorpio Horoscope

There are several planets congregating in fellow Mars-ruled sign of Aries this month, including the New Moon in Aries on April 3. Like Aries, you are action-packed and so you feel like taking care of things in April. Quite a bit of your attention will be focused on your daily routines, your workplace, and your everyday life rather than on your long-term goals. It’s good to keep a positive attitude right now rather than feeling disappointed when frustrations or minor irritations come your way (don’t forget, Mercury is still retrograde until April 23). The planets are urging you to act now but also to slow down a little. You can achieve a lot without stress if you take life a day at a time and strive to live in the present rather than the future or the past. Stoke up the spiritual fires and spend time understanding and mastering your basic self through meditation and spiritual practices. This is a  lifelong lesson for this sign of Self-Mastery, Scorpio. It’s up to you to decide whether you wish to remain the scorpion or become the Eagle! The metamorphis requires hard work and discipline but is worth the sacrifice on your part to reveal your potential for greatness. You are a deep feeling; highly emotional person who likes to keep your feelings under wraps most of the time. However, you may express these around April 11 and later April 27 when Mars and Venus clash with Pluto causing tempers to flare. Your relationships generally may be a little volatile right now and the course of love will probably not run smoothly. However, it is a good time to look at less than satisfying relationships and see whether it really is worth the effort maintaining them.

Sagittarius Horoscope

It’s a fiery, intense and passionate beginning to the month with Mars and the new Moon in fellow Fire Sign, Aries, on April 2 and 3 respectively, highlighting romance and creativity. This would be a great time to initiate a creative project and it’s good to be bold now in relationship matters. However, it’s not all play and no work. Saturn is adding a note of discipline and setting limits in these areas urging you to be mature and wise in your decisions, even if they are - and perhaps especially if they are -decisions and matters of the heart. You are a person who can be bold and outspoken, an avid truth-seeker who desires a universal spirituality. However, when Neptune enters your area of home and inner self from April 4 for four months, you may feel more inclined towards peace and meditation and a strong desire to nurture your Spiritual self; to get more in touch with that deeper, more mystical part of your nature. You could feel a little ruffled from the place of peace that you desire around April 18-21 when Mars opposing Saturn could bring a dispute with a loved one, friend or colleague. You are usually outspoken and honest but right now it’s good to put on your diplomat’s hat and find a solution to avoid damaging an important relationship. You are also feeling more reflective than usual with Mercury still retrograde until April 23 urging you to rethink plans and attitudes, and revise your goals.

Capricorn Horoscope

You could experience some things happening on the home front this month and you may find yourself being pulled between career and home, which could be stressful with decisions to be made. With Mars and the New Moon in Aries on April 2 and 3, you are called to action at home. You may find it difficult to communicate with family members and you’re being called to balance your responsibilities in the public with responsibilities at home. Rather than attempt to explain yourself to people who may not be listening, it’s probably best to lie low and wait until April 23 when Mercury turns direct and the channels of communication become clearer. A good approach is to use all this ‘martial’ energy to schedule work around the home; channel the energy in a positive way by undertaking decorating, cleaning or house-sprucing projects. Also, the home in astrology is connected to your inner self; that home we carry around inside us. It is therefore a great time to focus on energizing your inner self through meditation, prayer and spiritual practices. A more peaceful time begins around April 20 when the Sun enters your fellow Earth sign, Taurus. You may need to set some boundaries with close relationships when Venus opposes Saturn on April 30.

Aquarius Horoscope

You may be inclined to take risks this month with Mars in impatient Aries on April 2 followed by the New Moon there the following day. However, try and slow down and think before you act or speak because with Mercury retrograde until April 23 you could impulsively say or do something you later regret. As an Aquarian you like to be unpredictable and sometimes enjoy shaking up staid situations or people. You could find yourself provoking someone in authority as the month begins but watch out that it doesn’t backfire; the New Moon’s opposition from Saturn and square to Pluto prefers to keep things conservative, giving power to the status quo. Don’t worry your time will come. Be patient and systematic if you want to get your radical ideas or opinions accepted. You might not feel like being nice to others to get what you want but at least stay cool and keep your own counsel right now. On April 21, Venus enters Aries also and is quickly joined by Uranus. You can now benefit from unusual people taking up your cause and now it’s time to be outspoken about your more unconventional ideas.

Pisces Horoscope

Financial issues might be at the forefront of your life this month when no less than six planets gather in your area of finances and resources. Remember, planets represent energy, so this is potentially a good sign but there is a tendency with Mars in Aries on April 2 and the New Moon here the following day, for you to act impulsively regarding finances or income. Slow down! Do use this energy to review your finances and investments but also use it to invest in yourself. You are your best resource so take the time to upgrade your skills or expand your personal quiver of arrows. Your ruler, Neptune, enters your sign on April 4 for four months bringing strength to your imagination, intuition, psychic powers and artistic or musical ability. You may be feeling a little confused right now but on April 6, the Sun joins with your co-ruler, Jupiter, bringing you renewed feelings of confidence and optimism. The way forward is clearer for you and take opportunities that come your way. You may feel a little out of balance around mid-month; be patient and have faith that things are working out. The best course of action to take now is be persistent and take one step at a time. Also, consider the ramifications of your actions and make sure what you are involve with is of the best motive and intent. Selfless service is the key to your happiness and fulfillment, not selfishness. The more you push for what you want, the more confused you will feel. Be generous kind and compassionate now and the way will magically open up for you.

© Copyright Chrissie Blaze 2011, All rights reserved.

Audio Download by Chrissie Blaze:

 Understanding Astrology: 2010-2012 The Cardinal Renaissance


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Books by Chrissie Blaze:

Workout for the Soul by Chrissie Blaze      Mercury Retrograde by Chrissie Blaze
Please click on the book covers to purchase at Amazon.com
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Chrissie Blaze
Chrissie Blaze is an international speaker, metaphysician, author and regular media guest and has been a keynote speaker at conferences and expos in the U.S. and U.K. Blaze is a professional astrologer who qualified at the Faculty of Astrological Studies, London. She has seven traditionally-published books and the publication date of her eighth book, “Deeper into Love” is summer, 2010.

She has a popular astrology website at http://www.chrissieblaze.com which receives over 500,000 hits per month.  For further information, consultations or advice, please visit http://www.chrissieblaze.com




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