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The Goddess Series: Anahita and Awehai - Reflection & Reparation
by Karen J. Wagner



This month I wasn’t sure where to begin. So many goddesses, so little time! I thought I’d begin with two goddesses whose names begin with the letter A since both of them persist in getting my attention recently. Studying goddess is a complete paradigm shift for most people. The concept of Unified Multiplicity (what I call UM) reminds us of the vast diversity of people yet the oneness that we all share. Worshipping (God-dess) in all forms: male, female, animal, plant, mineral, spirit can bring you to the place of gratitude and appreciation that I find encourages calmness and serenity, both qualities many are searching for today. This month’s goddesses come from opposite sides of the globe and bring us guidance and direction as to how to live a harmonious and peaceful life despite the dominant paradigm of fear, lack and scarcity. I hope you enjoy these two goddesses and that they bring you “the peace that passeth understanding”. Blessed Be!


Reflection: Mother Protector, Persia

Anahita is an ancient Persian (present day Iran) goddess who brings us information about doing the right thing. Your actions are a reflection of who you truly are and will be an example to everyone you encounter. Life is a response and Anahita reminds us of that. We become a reflection of our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

In light of what is happening in Iran this goddess is oh so needed by all conscious beings. I was married to a Persian man for six years and learned much about both Iran (Persia) and the religion of Islam. I am amazed at the amount of disinformation that abounds about both Iran and Islam. So I turn to Anahita who keeps coming up for me. She represents Mother Protector.

Present day Iran is by anyone’s reckoning repressive. Information, including the internet and satellites are regulated and what is deemed inappropriate is not allowed. As has been their history,  the people of Iran are enduring another repressive regime but now they are considered the enemy of the US. I call on Anahita to guide and protect the mothers and fathers and most importantly the children of Iran and I pray that people of conscience prevent the US government from invading, bombing or God(dess) forbid using nuclear or chemical warfare against innocent people. This is the plan that is in place.

Anahita asks that every night you take inventory, keep a journal and observe how The Beauty Path unfolds before you as you shine your light and banish all negativity including the negativity and fear that your TV is feeding you. Try tuning into Anahita for your information. She will protect you.


Reparation: Giver of Life, Iroquois People

The Native Americans worshipped many goddesses and Awehai is an important one. She teaches about defeats and challenges and the healing stages that result. Frustration, anger, bitterness, remorse and depression abound among the people of this planet. Native Americans suffered the ultimate defeat when their paradise was overtaken by the original illegal immigrants. It is how we respond to these “negative” experiences that truly defines us. Many get stuck in the negative emotions that normally follow disappointment and use many techniques to check out or numb themselves, notice the high percentage of natives who abuse alcohol. Instead, those negative feelings can be steps and stages to wholeness (holiness) as we begin the process of reparation or repairing. Awehai’s name contains the root of AWE. The feeling of awe can be elicited through many avenues: something happens and we decide to define it as awful or perhaps awesome: two very different perspectives.  Awehai reminds us to look for the possibilities in life and to never let defeats render us immobile or impotent. She encourages us to live an Awe-Full life; one that abounds with gratitude and appreciation for everything that comes our way, including and especially the challenges and defeats. Begin building or rebuilding or repairing and call on Awehai to assist you.

Blessed Be!

© Copyright 2010 Karen J. Wagner.  All rights reserved. 

Daina Puodziunas
Karen J. Wagner has been working in and designing alternative educational and therapeutic settings for over twenty-five years. She founded and directed one of the country’s premier charter schools and has developed parenting curricula for use in public and private settings. A graduate of Harvard University, Ms. Wagner holds a Masters Degree in Education and has been a student of theosophy since the early sixties. Her specialties are child development, parenting skills, school and program design, experiential and transformational education, and experiential (kinesthetic) learning. She is the Executive Director of The National Parents’ Rights Association
www.npra.info  and consults as a child advocate and parenting expert for children whose parents are divorced or divorcing. Her consulting business www.wagnerconsultingservices.com provides support and education for people and families in transition. She can be reached at HappyChildren@comcast.net 


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