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Give a Gift with Soul

by Ben Stewart

All of the resistance we encounter while venturing towards self discovery is a rebellion of the ego. This rebellion is quite ingenious actually. While we begin to practice meditation, mindful observation, or any discipline in a manner of self discovery, we are faced with an opposing force. Everything we have ever applied value to begins to rebel against the awakening of consciousness.

When we read the story of David and Goliath, we are in fact reading of a battle between our unconditioned consciousness based in reality and our conditioned consciousness based in illusion. There is a fundamental rule of nature that when we apply a value to anything in our perceivable environment, we simultaneously create its opposite.

If we choose to desire or become attached to a specific person, situation, or sensation, then we immediately create a fear of the lack or loss of those things. It is precisely the fear we create and repress within our subconscious framework that projects itself into the world. There is only one true reality, and that is our experience. If we are experiencing fear, depression, anxiety, worthlessness, or hopelessness, it is because we have chosen to believe that we need and deserve the opposite.

We believe we need pride, therefore we create depression. We believe we need acceptance from others, there for we create worthlessness. We believe we need hope, therefore we inevitably create hopelessness. So when we begin to dissolve these false beliefs by experiencing true, unconditioned reality, our egos begin to feel threatened. Our egos were created by a perverted form of intelligence, but it is intelligence just the same. When our egos feel threatened, they begin to rebel. In order to rebel, they employ every trick and temptation that led us to create those ego in the first place.

You will notice that everything imaginable begins to cause pain and suffering. Unfortunately, even though it is the ego that is suffering, we have the false belief that we are the ego. Therefore, we experience the suffering because we have intimately linked our consciousness with falsity and lies. To dissolve the ego is a form of soul surgery.

This suffering is necessary. There is no other way to liberate yourself from suffering but to destroy the mechanisms that enslave the consciousness. Yet even though we inherently know this truth, the ego will seem to externalize itself as people, circumstances, and events in our lives tempting us to return to our old habits and vices. We will begin to conjure up justifications and alternative theories.

Our ego will act like our best friend. It will promise us all of the pleasures in the world. It will tell us how horrible, tragic, lonely and pointless a life of freedom truly is. Just as a child will beg and plead for something he or she wants, then put on a fake smile to persuade you, then lash out to threaten you, then curse you in the hopes of evoking guilt within you in order to attain his or her desire, our ego is that very same child.

Lucifer. The most heralded of all the angels. Entrusted with the most controversial duty. The duty of tempting the individual with rewards of ego. A truly liberated and free individual understands the futility of the ego. A sovereign mind comprehends the idiocy of worshipping illusion. Lucifer stands at the threshold between freedom and slavery. We are standing in limbo between both, every time we encounter a Luciferic force.

Many people have the instinct to act only upon behaviors that provide comfort and pleasure. Stepping out of the comfort zone for anyone proves to be painful or stressful. Because people's desire to be comfortable supersedes their desire for self knowledge and well being, they avoid any form of discomfort. This is the impulse that drives us to repress undesired emotions, thoughts, and past trauma.

I will state the unfortunate truth one more time. The suffering that results from facing the darker portions of ourselves is necessary. To overcome the fear of riding a bike, a child must face and conquer the mechanism that causes the fear. The only method for this is to embrace and accept the fear as our own. You cannot avoid the discomfort because it is precisely the discomfort that you are meant to embrace.

R. D. Laing stated:

"There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain."

This is exactly what we are seeing as the taproot of all suffering on the planet. Our childish instinct to avoid all pain and only experience pleasure is what causes pain. As much as this might make sense intellectually, it is truly difficult to accept with the heart. To bring yourself to a complete comprehension that we must do the exact opposite of everything we've been conditioned to do requires a revolution of the consciousness.

I hope it is fully understood now that the structure of polity, economy, and society cannot be transformed for the better without every individual revolutionizing themselves on a conscious level. If there are existing rebellions, movements, causes, and organizations who consider themselves to be revolutionaries without placing the vast majority of the focus on personal development, then the only action they're performing is putting a pretty new mask over the same ugly face.

There is no better example of this than in politics. The political system is set up as an exact replica of how our ego works within us. The large majority of the public cares very little for politics because they are comfortable with others handling political decisions. This represents our sleeping consciousness.

A smaller portion of the public actually cares about politics, therefore they become involved and expend large amounts of psychic energy on a game that cannot be won. They will follow the rules, get informed, vote, petition, rally and rebel, but all within the framework that the political system allows them to. This is a reflection of how we attempt to manipulate our life by manipulating the ego. The ego cannot be manipulated. It simply manipulates us. It is a brilliant mechanism. We must comprehend that the ego understands us far more than we understand it. The only way to conquer the ego is to learn how we feed it, then starve it to death. The same goes for political corruption.

An even smaller portion of the public believes that politics is fixed and rigged and cannot be won. This is true, however, this portion of the public attempts to incite fear and anger among the public in order to revolutionize the face of politics, leaving the core untouched. The intent is to call for action in the direction of any type of change. It is rarely noticed, however, that the change only comes in the form of increased confusion about what the original struggle was. Such is the curse of the false revolutionaries. This represents our desire to take control of our lives by taking any alternative action. Within our psyche, when we begin to realize the futility of playing the game of the ego, we rebel. However, without consciousness, we end up rebelling in yet another futile game of the ego.

Without the consciousness involved in our struggle, we lose sight of the fact that we are the chess player, and not the chess pieces. The chess pieces represent all of the portions of our identity. The white pieces are the portions of our identity we accept and like to flaunt around to the public, so we typically play the white side. However, the black pieces are the darker portions of our heart and mind. The corners of our subconscious that no light reaches. All of it is us, yet only the white pieces feed the ego, so we are in an eternal battle with the opposing side. Anything that threatens the integrity of our ego is our enemy.

Due to this reality, we have manufactured enemies in every facet of our lives. This isn't out of boredom, but a deep fear of the possibility that one day, we might have to face the reflection of our true face. This seems like a grim diagnosis, but if we remain conscious of the fact that we are not being forced to hold onto these pieces of the game. We have a choice to keep gripping tightly the numerous aspect of our false identity, or to let the pieces of your gloriously faulty empire crumble. The most beautiful pain you will ever experience is the agony of a lifetime of beliefs, dogmas, values, and rituals being burnt to the ground in a while you do nothing more than allow fire to do what it does best. Destroy, renew, and regenerate.

All we must do is let go. This is painful, but we must let go. The intellectuals may call it irrational and unproductive, but we must let go. The highly emotional may find it too uncomfortable to part with desire, but we must let go. The conspiracy theorist might call this disinformation in order to let the elite enslave us, but even they must let go. Everyone has something within them that they refuse to let go of, and that is usually the one thing they must learn to let go of. The reason why the sages and philosophers of antiquity say the greatest lessons are hidden mysteries guarded by the most gruesome warrior is because we have placed that warrior there to protect the tender pieces of our soul that are broken. We've chosen to protect these broken pieces so violently that we've never even given them the chance to heal. We must let go.

Enemies attack enemies. Ego rivals Ego. Fear battles fear. These are all symptoms attacking symptoms. No true change can ever come from them. The only true rebellion comes from a surrender to the most frighteningly obvious choice we've ever had. As Erich Fromm beautifully stated:

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence."

I hope we have the ears to hear this.

© Copyright Ben Stewart 2010, All rights reserved.

By Ben Stewart:

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Chrissie Blaze
Ben Stewart is a filmmaker and researcher of all esoteric and exoteric topics ranging from quantum physics, occultism, alternative history, depth psychology, mythology, numerology and geomatria. Ben is the film maker for internationally acclaimed film, Kymatic. For more information on Ben and Talismanic Idols. His other noteworthy film is: Esoteric Agenda. Please visit his websites: www.TalismanicIdols.org and



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