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Jan. 3, 2012 |
Daily Soul Retreat at SoulfulLiving.com |
Vol. 2, Issue 91 |
by Jane Alexander
Smudging is wonderful. Truly. Try it and you’ll become a convert, I’m almost willing to bet. I love it because it’s the simplest yet most incredibly effective form of space clearing available. It takes just five minutes to learn the basics and you’re off. Obviously the more you do it, the more sophisticated you become, but it really is entry-level metaphysics, esoteric practice condensed into a few fool-proof actions. Most importantly it really works.
My most powerful experience of smudging came when I visited shaman Leo Rutherford in London. I had moved out of the city quite a while before and had totally lost the "street savvy" sense you have when you live in a big city. Consequently I was feeling pretty nervous about stepping out into an unknown (and slightly rough) neighborhood on my own at night. Leo must have guessed my apprehension, because he said, "Hold on, Jane. Just need to give you a quick smudge before you go." I stood, in my coat and with bag in hand, in his hallway while he wafted smoke around me with a huge eagle’s feather. It felt like having an energy shower – tingles ran all over my body in waves. I breathed deeply and it was as if someone had fired up every one of my chakras. I gave Leo a hug and walked out, totally forgetting my fears. I walked through the dark streets feeling totally invincible. It was as if I had a cloak of power surrounding me.
If you’re not familiar with it, smudging is the common name given to the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing, a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition. Smudging calls on the spirits of sacred plants to drive away negative energies and put you back into a state of balance. It is the psychic equivalent of washing your hands before eating - and used as an essential preliminary to almost all Native American ceremonies...
>>> Click to Continue Reading "Smudging" ©
Copyright Jane Alexander. This article was originally
published at our website, SoulfulLiving.com, as part of Soulful Living's "Getting Clear" Issue.
"Cleansing a space
or our bodies with techniques such as smudging clears away
all the emotional and psychic "garbage"
that may have
gathered over years
or even hundreds
of years.
It’s like
--Jane Alexander |
Recommended Resource: |
Free MP3 Magnetizing Meditations from Psychic Tori Hartman
These meditations pack a powerful punch at just 3-5 minutes in length, making them easy to listen to while you’re on the go. You’ll enter a brief trance state, which when practiced regularly, offers all the insight you need to manifest the life of your dreams in just minutes a day.
Find out more at www.ToriHartman.com
Click here to subscribe and download. |
Books by Jane Alexander: |
Daily Soul DealTM at SoulfulLiving.com: |

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