The Journey to Wild Divine is a unique program for mind & body that links biofeedback hardware with your computer to create an enlightening experience of wellness.
Learn new breathing and meditation techniques using biofeedback to create a renewed sense of balance. The perfect addition to your wellness program for a happy mind and a healthy body.
Buy The Journey to Wild Divine Wearing three Finger Sensors that track your body's heart rate variability and skin conductance, you'll learn to use the power of your thoughts, feelings, breath and awareness to:
* Increase relaxation
* Reduce stress and anxiety
* Restore balance and vitality
* Improve physical & mental wellbeing
Wise Mentors will teach you the skills you need,
empowering you with yoga, breathing and meditation skills that will help you reduce stress and increase your physical and mental health.
Build stairways with your breath, open doors with meditation, juggle balls with your laughter, and so much more. The Journey to Wild Divine makes biofeedback, a popular method of alternative healthcare, easily accessible and empowers you to take mind-body wellness, literally, into
your own hands.

"The Wild Divine is helping to transform our mass consciousness to one of peace and harmony through a very practical program that allows people to get in intimate touch with the innermost core of their being. To know that they have more power than they have ever realized, to know that they can influence what is happening in their body, in their mind, in their emotions, as well as in the world that they create everyday."
--Deepak Chopra, M.D.
"The Journey to Wild Divine is more than a game, it’s a tool for the Mind-Body work we value. It certainly has proven so with me – and it’s a hit with my patients. It’s an outstanding product and since it’s amazingly inexpensive, I encourage my patients to use it as home practice. It’s complex and challenging enough that no one has gotten tired of using it."
--Thomas M. Brod, MD, Sr. Fellow, BCIA,
American Board, Psychiatry & Neurology
“The Journey to Wild Divine trains people to think and feel in new ways. To be more creative, more imaginative, and to inspire to a much larger awareness, one that is superbly equipped to deal with the complex changes of modern life.”
--Jean Houston, Ph.D. "The Journey to Wild Divine, a new adventure game series that teaches self-awareness through biofeedback and visualizations, turns the quest for calm into entertainment.
--Yoga Journal
The Passage
Begin Your Journey with The Passage
The First in "The Journey of Wild Divine" Series

Step out of time and into a realm of endless possibility, where you'll practice breathing and meditation techniques, like the heart breath, an ancient yogic breathing technique that will help you achieve control over your mind & body to help reduce stress and improve physical and mental wellness.
The Passage is the first in a series of three "inner-active" biofeedback programs that teach breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques to improve mind and body wellness.
Sit back and enjoy this enchanting and entertaining journey! The Passage includes: biofeedback hardware, CD-Rom software (for both PC and Mac), Companion Guide, User's Manual, and bonus music CD.
Buy The Passage Today and Receive Free Shipping!
System Requirements: - 1.5 GB of Disk Space
- 256 MB free available system RAM
- 800 X 600, 24-bit color display
- CD-Rom drive
- QuickTime 6.3 or higher
For PC
- Intel Pentium III, 800 Mghz processor
or higher
- Windows 98 SE, Windows ME,
Windows 2000, or Windows XP
- 16 MB video card
For Macintosh
- G3 or G4 or G5, running at 500 Mghz or more
- Mac OSX v10.2 or later