The Hand of God Within

The Hand of God Within

20th Anniversary Issue   At age 35, I came down with a mysterious and debilitating illness and was bed-ridden for many weeks. Doctor’s had been unable to correctly diagnosis or cure my condition. In fact the antibiotics that had been prescribed were making matters worse. I kept getting side effects and sent to specialists for treatment of other symptoms, like sinus and vaginal infections. This was in the 70s, long before the public knew about the consequences of indiscriminate use of antibiotics. It had become increasingly clear that the medical professionals at my HMO were making matters worse. As a self-supporting professional in the arts and early education and the single mother of two young daughters, I was soon plagued with anxiety and confusion. I have to get well and get back to work, I thought.I have my kids to take care of. I can’t rely indefinitely on my mother and on friends for help.Desperate for some answers and for emotional support, I turned to a close friend and confidante. She recommended her therapist, Bond Wright. Ironically, she turned out to be the right choice. Bond educated me about the indiscriminate use of pharmaceutical drugs. She gave me a copy of the Physician’s Desk Reference where I learned about the side effects of the drugs I had been given. Bond also helped me emotionally through body-based somatic techniques for releasing my anger and frustration about the inadequate and misguided medical treatment I had been receiving. She also referred me to a woman physician who believed in preventive medicine and who really listened to her patients. Bond also introduced me...
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