When the Past is Over And the Future Hasn’t Shown Up Yet

When the Past is Over And the Future Hasn’t Shown Up Yet

20th Anniversary Issue   The Waiting Space – When the Past is Over And the Future Hasn’t Shown Up Yet The waiting space. That space between an end and a beginning. That space and time when we are no longer where we were, yet we are not yet in a new place. When the past is over and the future hasn’t shown up yet. A space that can feel empty, and where we can feel lost and confused. Yet when we are fully present to this waiting time—when we are willing to accept this seeming emptiness without conditions and let it talk to us—what has been hidden can slip quietly into the open. What has been a mystery begins to be understood. The “waiting space” becomes a discovery space. We realize that it’s not a “wait and see” space after all. It’s a “liminal space” that is doing its work. What is a liminal space? The word “liminal” comes from the Latin root, limen, which means “threshold.” A liminal space is a “crossing over” space – a space in which we have left something behind, yet we are not yet fully with something new. It’s a transition space that can take many forms. One kind of liminal space is that time in the early morning when you are floating in and out of sleep. Deep in the night, it seems that there are no boundaries between realities, time, space, and thoughts. What has been hidden during the daylight hours now comes to life, albeit perhaps in a veiled or confusing way. Things swirl together. Then as you enter that...
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